Suprise Attacks: 9 hours

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The mission was starting and Dick was incredibly bored sitting in the basement alone. He wasn't in pain thanks to the medication Deathstroke gave him, his butt on the other hand was sore from sitting for a solid hour watching the Elites finally break into the house.

Dick could hear them stomping around upstairs but he didnt care. He was busy watching the Justice League start their mission. He spotted Shazam and his group drop down and run into the house, taking down their own few.

Dick smiled. Maybe they did have it all together.

"Ah, so this is where they hid you."

Dick shot up from the computer, knocking the chair back, facing a man in a black and blue Ying yang mask. His suit was black and blue with a silver vest and a white tie. He had on black gloves that end halfway down the palm. His voice and hair Dick recognized right away as Kevin.

"Good thing I waited." He chuckled.

Dick glared. Stepping away from the computer. Kevin chuckled, walking around the computer desk.

Dick didn't wait. He ran for the weapons table, grabbing for his Escrima's and putting them together, twirling them in his hand before looking up at him. Kevin smirked.

"You want to fight back? By all means. Let's dance." With that being said, Kevin threw a knife that Dick easily dodged, dropping to the floor he rolled to the other side, bringing his Escrima up and hitting Kevin in the knees. Using the same trick Deathstroke does to him.

Kevin folded, landing on his back as Dick got up and ran for the elevator. He was grabbed and thrown against a table, knocking it over. Dick quickly got to his feet and kicked Kevin to a desk, watching him hit his back and fall.

Dick turned again, hopping over the mess and making his way to the elevator once again. Kevin growled, reaching for his gun he brought it up and shot. It grazed Dick's ear, causing him to jump and throw himself against the wall. Running to the elevator wasn't an option. Running to the tunnel was, but he needed a plan.

Cursing he reached for his ear piece only to find it wasn't there. His jaw locked. It must have fallen out when he was shot. He turned, realizing he was by the stairs. His smile returned.

Opening the door, he started for up stairs, but his hoodie that he was wearing was yanked, causing him to stumble down a few steps until he was back by the door. A punch was sent to his stomach. Dick looked up, watching Kevin pull back for another punch. Dick ducked grabbing for Kevin's waist and lifting him up, throwing him to the ground.

Kevin grabbed for one of his knives and buried it deep into Dick's thigh. Dick let out a grunt, but powered through it. He grabbed his Escrima and used the spike.

"This is payback!" He snapped, bringing it down, Dick threw himself off of Kevin so that he didn't get electrocuted. He pressed the button, watching Kevin convulse for a few seconds before unhooking it.

Kevin went still.

Dick let out a heavy breath, feeling his stomach start to ooze blood from his wounds.

Dick groaned, grabbing for his stomach as he pulled himself up, quickly making his way up the stairs. He needed to get to them. Especially Deathstroke. Being alone wasn't good for this situation and Dick couldn't wait to tell them that he was right. He shouldn't be alone.

Dick made it to the floor of the livingroom, reaching for the door, he paused, a burning sensation in his thigh and arm stopped him from moving. Dick let out a scream, dropping to his knees as the burning spread up his arm.

"That was almost unexpected. But you forget that I own you. And I'm here to collect you." Kevin says, coming up the final steps.

Dick gritted his teeth, looking back at him. "You cheated."

Kevin shrugged. "If you have the tools to cheat, might as well go for it."

Dick knew he was close to salvation and he needed to power through this. He spotted a syringe in Kevin's hands and Dick panicked. Despite the searing pain, he reached for the door just as a pinch was in his neck. Dick elbowed him, reaching for the knob he turned it and crawled out of the room. He could see them just beyond the wall of glass, talking to eachother.

Deathstroke was talking to Batman while sportsmaster communicated with Shazam. The young Justice were starting cleanup. Dick just needed to get their attention, but whatever he was injected with was kicking In.

Dick reached for his thigh, grabbing at the knife, he ripped it out, not caring if he bled as he threw the knife, hitting the wall. It caught Sportsmasters attention who was looking around for the source.

"Take a good look at them. This isn't even about the gang War anymore. This is personal. I'll show you hell." Dick felt his limbs go numb as his head gave out. He needed to catch their attention but how?

A tracker!

He could use a tracker. But he doesn't have the strength to get one now. Does he have his blade on him? Dick glanced down and relief flooded him. There it was sitting in his pocket.

Dick was turned over and then grabbed by the ankles, being dragged back into the stairs. Dick grabbed for the door, making a loud thud but with his hands slick with blood from his thigh, Kevin easily dragged him into the stairs, reaching for the door he closed it, locking it as well. Kevin looked down at Dick who was fighting the drug to stay awake. Kevin knew he should've done more of a dosage.

He pressed his comms. "I have him secured in the stairs. Come fetch him. Let's be on our way." Kevin says.

Dick's breathing was labored as he reached for the door yet again. He was so close the his family. He needed them. He didnt want to be with this guy alone. Being tortured scared him.

A foot stepped on his hand, preventing him from going any further. Dick let out a small yelp, a few tears escaping. Just as he did, someone appeared from the top of the stairs. The stairs that lead to the roof access. He was buff with beefy muscles. He walked down, grabbing Dick and throwing him over his shoulder.

The only thing Dick could think of was why he didn't try harder to get to Deathstroke. If only he had been smarter, he wouldn't be in this position.

With that thought, he finally gave into the drug.

A/N: hehe I'm so evil for leaving you guys on this cliffhanger 👹

But I hope you enjoyed it! Next one will be soon!

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