Weapon Lesson 2: Staff/ Escrima

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He couldnt believe it. After 6 months he was finally able to use his Escrima sticks he got for his birthday 3 months ago. He couldnt be more excited and everytime he held them in his hand it still felt unreal. Deathstroke held his staff he was known for, twirling it in his hand. Using his button he split his staff into the same exact Escrima sticks as Dick.

  "The Escrima sticks seemed to intrigue you the most out of all the weapons I had. Now let's see if they were worth the wait." He said.

  Dick chuckled, getting into his own stance. For some reason, they felt like they belonged in his hand, almost like he should have had them all his life. He couldnt explain the feeling, all he knew was he has found his weapon if choice. Deathstroke strikes first, twirling the Escrimas in his hands he brought it down but Dick blocked it, both of them locking into combat immediately. Any blow Deathstroke sent Dicks way, he blocked, doing handsprings backwards and flipping them in his hands.

  "You seem to have a handle on them already." He praised. "Put them together, let's see if the staff is one you will like."

  Dick nodded, looking down at his Escrimas, he spotted the place they would be attached to. He pressed them together, twisting he heard it click and to his amazement, it expanded. He yelp in surprise, jumping back. "Woah! This is so cool!" He shouted.

  Deathstroke did the same to his and placed it on the ground. "Your Escrima's, weather in staff form or not, have a high level shock charge near the bottom. Adding new abilities to it is up to you."

  Dick looked down at the bottom, though he wasnt stupid enough to test it. "Sweet. What does yours have?" He asked.

  Deathstroke smirked, twirling his staff. "Mine shoots high velocity metal pellets that act like sniper bullets. Though I rarely use it since I carry firearms with me." He explained.

  Dick found it fascinating, taking in the staff. He twirled his, surprised at how light it was in his hands. "I may make a few tweaks myself." Says Dick smirking.

  "Let's see how your staff skills are, shall we?" Deathstroke asked.

  Dick took a stance, striking first he was able to catch Deathstroke on the arm, twirling back he flipped the staff to his other hand, much like the knife trick and slapped Deathstroke on the shin. Deathstroke smirked, finally knowing he has a challenge. He stepped forward and soon they were locked in an intense battle.

  Though it didnt last when Deathstrokes watch went off. Breaking free he used his staff and tripped Dick who landed flat on his back before checking his watch. Reading it, he smiled.

  "Well, Grayson. Are you ready for your first mission?" He asked, looking down at Dick who looked happy yet annoyed.

  "First mission?!" He snapped, jumping up to his feet immediately. "Dude of course I am! I've been cooped up in this small area for 6 months!"

  Deathstroke chuckled. "Then let's get back to the hideout and I will go over the details." He said, staring towards the place. Dick waited a bit for Deathstroke to get a good few steps away before fist pumping the air and jumping around excitedly. Finally he was going on his first mission with Deathstroke, finally able to put all that he has learned so far to the test.

  Jogging close to Deathstroke, they made it back to the building and entered. Dick followed him to the computer, putting his Escrima down on the desk. Deathstroke sat down, typing things until some files come up. Dick leaned in, trying to read what they were saying, but he didnt have to.

  "You chose to be my apprentice." He said, turning to face Dick. "This isnt like the missions you are used to." He explained, turning back to the computer. "There will be a Gala tonight in Gotham. There will be a man by the name Howard Lorn. He owes a wealthy man money. Our job is to get in, and find him." He explained.

  "And then?" Dick asked.

  "We lure him away from the Gala with conversation. After that, we kidnap him."

"Kidnap?!" Snapped Dick a little surprised.

  "Its for a client. We dont ask questions, we offer results. This is what you signed up for when you took the apprenticeship." He explained. "Now listen. Once we kidnap him, we must take him to this building here. There we will ask politely for the money."

  "Politely? You mean threaten?" Dick asked.

  Deathstroke smirked. "Now you are catching on. We aren't meant to kill him. Hes a client and it's against your terms. But that doesnt mean we will leave him uninjured." He explained.

  Dick nodded, gulping guiltily at this plan. He was the one who signed up for this, he needed to go through with what it offered. But there was something else that nagged at him. "If this event is in Gotham... theres a fat chance Bruce will be there."

  Deathstroke smirked. "No he wont. The joker is causing problems on the other side of town. Batman will be busy with him, tonight. For now, pack your things. We leave to get you a suit and then to the Gala."

  "People will recognize me." Dick scoffed.

  Deathstroke smirked. "That's the point. You are our ticket in. But dont worry. We wont be there long enough for your presence to linger in their minds. The rich rarely care about children showing up without their name and face of a parent." He explained.

  Dick gulped, nodding his head, he made his way to the dresser, grabbing out his Tactical suit and placing it into a bag. He grabbed his Escrimas, unhooking them and placing it into a bag as well as one short Katana and his DG blade. Once he felt like he had everything he needed, he made his way to the garage where Deathstroke was packing a fancy car. Dick lifted a brow.

  "Fancy, where is she from?" He asked, throwing his bag into the trunk.

  "Upstate. Just borrowing it for the night. Get in. We only have a short window. Mustn't waste it." He explained.

  Dick nodded getting in on the passenger seat. He was excited about this mission but also terrified. The first thing he was terrified of was failure, the next was running into someone he knew would tell Bruce he was alive and both thoughts scared him more than kidnapping some poor soul.

  Keeping his head cool, they made their way a tux place, Dicks mind going crazy the whole way. What a night this was going to be.

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