Family Meeting

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Sportsmaster and Jason finally got in, both of them dropping all the motorcycles off into the garage. They could smell something with chicken and carrots cooking upstairs and Jason's stomach growled. He was so hungry and the smell of food was everything.

They made their way up to the mansion, when they stepped into the livingroom, they spotted Dick eating soup with a blanket over his shoulders and Deathstroke sitting on the other couch, folding his legs.

"you guys are back." Deathstroke said, pointing to the kitchen. "Theres some homemade chicken stew on the stove if you are hungry." He told them. Jason wasted no time. He rushed to the kitchen and immediately poured him a hefty bowl. Grabbing a spoon he made his way to the couch and plopped next to Dick who winced at the movement.

"How are you feeling?" Sportsmaster asked, taking a seat next to Deathstroke.

Dick shrugged. "Its throbbing, but the pain and bleeding have been reduced to a minimum." He explained.

"Thats good." He said.

There was silence as the two young ones ate. But Dick had something pestering his mind that he needed to talk about. Taking one more bite, he pulled back slightly, looking over at them. "Before I was injured I heard something troubling." He explained.

The others looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He did so. "The reason I got injured was because I heard them talking about a trap they set up for us. They didn't go into detail because they weren't in a mission room. But I heard it and got shocked enough to throw myself back into the corner of a desk. We need to observe our surroundings with anywhere we go." He said.

Deathstroke leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees while his chin rested in his hands. "A trap? They surely know who their enemy is." Deathstroke said.

Dick nodded. "They plan to trap us soon. I dont know why or how but they said it was to get us. He never said anything about Uncle Sporty though, so he may be under their noses as far as enemies go." Dick explained. Taking the last bite of his soup.

Sportsmaster smirked. "Guess you could say I'm the wild card."

Dick nodded. "Indeed. Sounds like that suits you very well." He chuckled.

Deathstroke straightened up. "There is also another matter we need to attend to." He said.

Everyone looked up at him. He folded his arms. "We were being tailed on that mission. Batmans little eaves droppers were listening and observing everything we were doing in a camouflaged ship. No doubt to see how we are without their presence." Deathstroke says.

Dick glared down at his empty bowl. Was this how far Bruce was willing to go to get him back? Man was he starting to lose faith in Bruce. He felt like he was being easily manipulated and watched like a dog. It took this long to finally realize Batmans end goal was to in fact separate Deathstroke and him, but Dick wasn't going to do it. He chose Deathstroke. Bruce had his chance and lost it.

"They didn't interfere when Dick was injured?" Jason asked. "I thought they would be the first to."

"I think they may have wanted to, but Batman most likely gave strict orders to just observe." He explained.

"I would rather it be you guys who save me than them." Dick croaked out, throwing a beaming smile their way. "After all we are family."

Deathstroke let a small smile touch his lips at the sentence. He looked over at Jason who was finishing the last of his meal. He stood up.

"For now, we are staying in until some of your side heals. In the meantime, we are going to come up with plans and signals." He explained.

"Signals?" Jason asked.

Deathstroke nodded to confirm it. "So we don't have to talk much on our missions. A type of sign language." He explained.

Dick smirked. "I am so down!" He said.

Deathstroke nodded. "Down in the basement in 30." He said, walking out of the room with Sportsmaster behind him.

*Mount Justice*

The young justice arrive, Batman waiting for them impatiently. Filing out, they lined up in front of Batman, a sheepish look on their faces.

"Report." Was all he said.

Kaldur stepped forward. "We followed them as you requested. They made a stop at their hideout to grab something, then made their way to the mission. Robin went in alone and for a minute it was quiet. Then he came out, bleeding in his already injured side. Thats when a man shoved him down and slammed their boot to his chest. It looked as if the man was going to hurt Robin but Deathstroke saved him at the nick of time. After that, Deathstroke took Dick back to the hideout." Kaldur explained, leaving out the more shocking details that the dialogue gave.

Batman knew they were keeping some stuff a secret. He turned to Artemis. "Anything else?"

Artemis nodded. "When Dick was injured Deathstroke saved him. He didnt kill the guy, but when he grabbed a hold of Dick, some words were exchanged. Deathstroke called him his son." She explained, Batmans face turning stone cold. "And he said it once more to Sportsmaster who didn't look at all surprised."

The room was quiet, minus the beeping of machines. Batman didnt know what to do with this information. He felt betrayed hearing those words for some reason.

"They are also taking a break. About a week if I remember correctly." Wally says, breaking the thick tension.

Batman nodded stiffly, turning around, he walked out of the room. The others could only let the breath they didnt know they were holding out. M'gan looked at Artemis.

"Why would you tell him about that?" She asked.

Artemis shot a glare at her. "He deserves to know. They can't be serious. They are playing with us. We need to get Dick back without them to really know what's going on." She snapped.

Kaldur stepped in. "Has it occurred to you that maybe this is all genuine and we need to stop before someone gets hurt?"

"I dont buy it. Deathstroke is a menace and so is my father. Dick is being manipulated and I'm going to prove it." She snapped.

"How?" Asked M'gan her voice angry.

"I dont know, but I will." She snapped. "But I want your help." She said.

Kaldur shook his head. "I will not heed in this mission you have planned." Kaldur says, walking away from them.

M'gan pointed to Kaldur. "Im following." She said, grabbing Connors hand and the disappeared.

Rocket and Blue beetle with Wally all stayed. "I dont really know what is happening, but you have my support." Rocket says.

Artemis smiled. "Ill think up a plan." She says, disappearing into another room.

Wally wasn't fully on board, but he went along with Artemis since she's his girlfriend. He just hopes he isn't making the wrong choice.

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