Training And A Mission

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Dick was practically skipping at this point, excited about training. Hes been down for the count since hes been injured but now he was able to train. Not to mention he knew the team was watching him since All the camera he spotted pointed at them.

Dick was almost giddy, knowing they will be able to see just how far hes come. When they picked a spot, Deathstroke walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You had confidence back there, Grayson, but it slipped once you saw your old team. When I saw them enter the room I got you out as soon as I could." He playfully ruffled Dicks hair causing Dick to chuckle. "Besides when was the last time we did some real training?"

Dick fixed his hair. "A while. I'm ready. What are we starting with?" He asks.

Deathstroke smirked, walking backwards a few paces. "Surprise me, Grayson."

Dick smiled, unhooking his helmet, he placed it in the sand. He looked over at Deathstroke and got into his close quarter position. Deathstroke smiled. "Close quarters? Have it your way."

Dick waited for his opportunity, once he found it when Deathstroke stepped forward, he immediately went into combat, Dick bent, punching Deathstroke, before going back to a ball of protection. Deathstroke smirked.

"You have gotten a lot better at the observation." He says, grabbing for his escrimas. Dick did the same, they both got into stance and Deathstroke brought it forward. Dick used his to match Deathstrokes, now sparing as they continued to clink their Escrimas together.

Deathstroke, while Dick tried to bring a fast one on Deathstrokes face, bent down and used the Escrima to trip Dick to the floor. Dick gasped, kicking up sand as he landed on his butt. Instead of fixing his position, he lied flat, starfishing out on the beach.

"I always fall for that damn trick." Dick mumbled, causing Deathstroke to laugh.

"Its one of your flaws." He said, putting his Escrimas into one hand, holding his other out to Dick. Dick smiled wide, taking his hand he was brought back to his feet, dusting himself off.

Dick looked out at the ocean, seeing the sun was starting to set. "I used to come out here a lot when i was with the team. It was the one place I felt like I could think aloud. Plus it felt awesome being able to stand on the beach every night." Dick said, sighing sadly as the waves licked the beach.

Deathstroke could tell Dick was starting to go down the path of self doubt again. He brought a hand up, wrapping it around Dick's shoulders, bringing him in close for an awkward side hug. Dick, though mildly confused, accepted the gesture.

"Whatever happened here, is in the past, Grayson. You can always visit it, but you should never think of ways to change it." He turned his head to Dick who did the same. "The past is what made you who you are today. A badass."

Dick couldnt help but laugh at Deathstrokes attempt to sound Dicks age. "I dont regret my choices. I was only stating I remembered what it was like to stand on this beach. Not have a long philosophical lecture from you once again." Dick jokes.

Deathstroke rolled his eye, squeezing Dick, he rubbed his knuckles against his hair, watching Dick struggle against him. "Stop, ya old fart!" He shouted.

When he got free, that's when the door opened, revealing Sportsmaster and Jason walking over to them. Sportmaster saw Dicks hair a ratted mess and shook his head.

"You gotta do something about that hair, Grayson." He said, coming to a stop next to them.

Dick scoffed. "Blame Deathdad! He ruined my hair!" Snapped Dick, in a pouting manor.

"I swear, sometimes you don't act like you are years older than me." Says Jason, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I assume if you are out here, you have buisiness?" Says Deathstroke, now turning serious.

Dick followed suit, combing his hair down as he looked at the others. Sportsmaster nodded. "We have a way of infiltration and we narrowed it down to 4 buildings." He turned the tablet around so that Deathstroke could see what they had written. When he read one particular detail. He narrowed his eyes.

"You want Dick to go in alone?" He asks.

Dick snapped his head to Deathstroke, standing on his tippy toes to see at what Deathstroke was reading. He looked over at them again.

"Dick is the stealthiest one out of all of us here. Plus he has high knowledge in computer hacking. When he gets in and sneaks around to the main room, he can easily shut down silent alarms and sentries around the perimeter. The only challenge is if the special forces team gets on the field. But we won't be too far behind him." Explains Jason, putting his hands on his hips.

Dick could see how uncomfortable Deathstroke was with this plan, but Dick was all for it. He wanted to help more and show Deathstroke he is worthy to be trusted with tasks like this. He knows Deathstroke already has a great deal of respect for him, but this will only make is greater.

Dick put his Escrimas away, smiling. "I'll do it."

"No you won't." Deathstroke snapped, shooting his words down.

"I can do it. I've done it before when we did missions in the past. Why is this different?" Dick asks, genuinely curious as to why Deathstroke was so hesitant. He watched as Deathstroke's eyes traveled to Dicks injured side. Thats when it became clear. Dick placed a hand on Deathstrokes shoulder. "I'll be fine. I will have you all behind me. With that amount of family support how can I not succeed?"

Deathstroke sighed, knowing he needed to allow Dick to do this. The mission needed to happen. "Fine, Grayson. On one condition." He says, handing the tablet back to Sportsmaster.


"Don't get cocky." He says.

Dick knitted his eyebrows. He knew what Deathstroke meant. Don't let this mission get to his head because it could cloud his whereabouts and end up compromising the mission or his life.

He nodded. "Understood."

A/N: sorry for taking so long! It took me a hot minute to finish the last few paragraphs. I dont know why it did but it did haha. I hope you enjoy.

Also for those who know my blind bird series, I reached 200k reads on it! Thats insaaaane!!!! Thanks for the amount of support guys!!! It means a lot to me!

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