Grief & War

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*The Mountain- 3 yrs. Since Richard Grayson went missing*

  Wally sighed, sinking deeper into the chair as he shoveled dry, stale popcorn into his face, unaware of the bad news he was just about to receive. When he heard the Zeta Tubes call off all the names hes been trying to avoid, he let out an audible screech of annoyance.

  He looked over at the team, immediately, he wanted to take it back. He shot up, putting the popcorn on the ground. "What's wrong?" He asked.

  Zatanna, who was wiping a tear away, sniffled. Artemis placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, also wiping a tear away. "We just heard from Canary... Robin was uhm... kidnapped by the Joker." She said.

  "He was?! Where is he now?" Wally asked.

  Artemis looked him in the eye, showing the amount of pain in them. "He was beat by the Joker, Walls... Hes... hes dead." She finished, her voice getting caught in her throat.

  "No..." Wally says breathlessly, falling onto the couch. "Not another one... first Dick... now Jason." He buried his face into his hands. Artemis dropped down next to him, throwing her arms around Wally. Wally followed.

  "I didnt know Dick. And I only knew Jason for a short amount of time. I cant imagine how all of you must be feeling." Says Rocket, who was comforting Zatanna.

  "Dick was funny but also serious. He would do some questionable stuff but it always helped the team. He was a good kid." Says Kaldur, who stood away from the team, folding his arms.

  "Has anyone talked to Bats?" Asked M'gaan.

  Canary sighed. "Leave him be. Hes dealing with a lot right now. Missions are on hold. Grieve for now." She said, joining the group.

  That's what they did. They grieved for both their fallen Robin's, new teammates and old together.

*Richard Grayson*

  "Do you have any other setting but bitch mode?" Asked Dick, smirking at the very pissed off man who they were currently interrogating.

"Torture and Intimidate me all you want. I still wont talk." He snapped.

  Dick chuckled, jumping off of the table, making his way to Deathstroke. "Tell us who is behind the Death of Falcone's right hand man and you'll be free to go. No torture needed." Says Dick, folding his arms.

  The man laughed. "Its dangerous waters you are swimming in, fellas. The bosses find out you are on the field interfering with their plans, you will have targets on your heads." He spat.

  Deathstroke cleared his throat, grabbing his Katana. "Let me make this clear." He walked over, pointing the Katana at the mans kneecap, making him tense up. "If you dont tell us who shot him, your kneecaps will be the first thing to go. You tell us, you get to walk free."

  The man shivered where he sat, knowing the kneecaps were going to be painful. "I tell you, I'm a dead man." He snapped.

  "You dont tell us, your a dead man." Says Dick, folding his arms. "Its up to you to decide if you want to tell us and get a chance to walk away, or dont tell us, get tortured, tell us anyways and then die by the boss."

  That seemed to conflict with the man as he thought back on it. He gulped, finally surrendering. "The guy you are looking for is Kelvin Sig. Hes one of the men from Moroni's special task force he created for this war." He said.

  Dick smirked, grabbing his gun. "Thank you for the information. You are pardoned." He said, shooting the man in the shoulder. The man screamed, falling back in the chair, breaking the back of it.

  "Ah! What the fuck was that for?!" He snapped.

  Deathstroke smirked, dropping into a squatting position, cutting his hands free. "Go tell your boss that we have just joined the war. You can tell him you saw us talking with Ms. Falcone and believe we are a threat. Use this wound as your cover up." He said, standing up. He turned to Dick, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  "You sure you are ready for war, Nightwing?" He asked.

  Dick gulped. To say he was ready to jump into war with Falcone and Moronis grandchildren was an understatement, but knew it was needed. "No, but we need to." He said.

  Deathstroke nodded. "Get to your bike. We have a lot to discuss." He said.

  Dick nodded, turning away from the injured man, putting his gun back he made his way to his blue and black motorcycle, jumping on, he started it. Making his way out of the building they drove to Gotham, Dicks mind wandering to how much things have changed. Hes been so busy doing mission after mission he hasn't really thought about how much hes changed. He was 16, nearing 17 in a few months. To think when he joined Deathstroke he was 13 and still trying to be a hero with the team. After everything that's happened, what would the team think if they ever see him again?

  He still had humor, but hes not the same. The Dick back then would never intentionally free criminals or even injure someone intentionally. Hes never killed someone, at least that was the same but everything else didnt seem like him. How was the team? Were they different?

  "Grayson, on your right there is a car tailing you." Says Deathstroke into his comm, snapping Dick out of his stupor. He shot his head back, seeing a black car getting closer. When they got almost next to him, it was then he spotted it. A gun.

  "Shit!" Dick ducked down, pressing his gas, he heard a shot go off just as he passed a car, he grabbed his gun, turning it back he shot the man in the shoulder, watching his gun fall onto the road. He put his gun back, making his way to Deathstroke, trying to shake the car. "I have trouble." Says Dick into his watch.

  "The next exit!" Shouted Deathstroke.

  Dick looked back, watching as another man came out of the sunroof holding a pistol. Dick looked forward, taking the abrupt exit, watching the car tailing him Zip past. Dick let out a sigh, running the red light he turned onto the street, avoiding cars until he spotted Deathstroke pulling into an empty, condemned lot. Dick pulled in, parking near the building.

  "Man that was close." Dick said, letting out a chuckle.

  Deathstroke straightened. "Too close for comfort. We need a plan." He said. "Shoot me one."

  Dick, behind his mask, let out the biggest smile. It's been a while since Deathstroke let him come up with a plan. "With Tony going back to tell Mr. Moroni about us, Ms. Falcone will be believed to have some powerful people on her side. We should make it true. We started off on her side, might as well stay." He says.

  "And what is our next move?" He asked, clearly testing Dick.

  "We started a war. We better see it to the end." Dick smirked. "Our next move is to make our presence known. Offer our services to Ms. Falcone and then offer a power move. Taking out Moroni's task force he has in his pocket. Might as well get some exercise in while we play this."

  Deathstroke nods, approvingly. "Let's get going then, shall we?" He says.

  Dick smiles. Finally, the fun begins.

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