Lesson 3: Use Your Surroundings

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Dick couldnt seem to stop rubbing his new clothes, enjoying they way they felt. His shirt especially. It was breathable yet felt like it could deflect a bullet. His pants were almost like his black skinny Jean's back home, just much more breathable and flexible. He did squats, watching as they formed to his body no matter what he did.

"These are so nice!" Dick exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like them. Sorry it took longer than expected. The metal for these pants were harder to mend than Deathstrokes." Says Arthur.

Dick shook his head. "Its fine. A three day wait isnt bad for quality." Dick says, turning towards Deathstroke and Arthur.

"I made you four pair of pants. Two blue and two black. I also made you 6 shirts. Two red, two Navy blue and Two black. Deathstroke can teach you how to care for them." He explained, handing Dick the bags of clothes.

Dick smiled, taking them. "Thanks." He says with an overwhelmingly excited voice. Deathstroke smirked, looking over at Arthur.

"How long for the Tactical?" He asked.

Arthur sighed. "These clothes held me back more than I was expecting. Give me a few weeks, maybe less and I will have it ready."

Deathstroke nods, putting his hands in his jean pockets. "Have you decided what you wanted for your design?"

Dick gasped, shaking his head vigorously. "Can you make it a red and yellow bird on the chest fading into orange for the sleeves?" He says.

Arthur nods. "Of course. You have a wonderful day. I have a suit to attend to." He explained, bowing as he left the dressing room. Dick grabbed for his jacket, throwing it on, he spotted Deathstrokes look.

Lifting a brow, Dick spoke. "I sense judgement. What is it?" He asked.

"Red and Yellow? I pegged you as someone to go for a nice Blue or plain red." He explained, folding his arms.

Dick shrugged. "Theres always room for change. This is my first Tactical suit. My next one may be different."

Deathstroke nodded for the door. "Let's get back. Lesson 3 is on the agenda today."

Dick jumped happily, excited for the new Lesson. Following Deathstroke out of the changing room, they made their way to the door, stopped when a man in Green walked in. Dick knew exactly who it was, quickly averting his gaze. Deathstroke knew exactly who it was as well and quickly they made their way to the motorcycle.

He never expected to see Green Arrow shop at the same place Deathstroke does. It only made him more aware of how he always had such great gadget and armor. Dick quickly put the bags into the bag in the back, throwing the helmet on. He looked ahead, seeing Arrhur talking to Green Arrow before Deathstroke sped off down the road, also not down to get caught as well. When they made it to the hideout, Dick immediately out his clothes away before turning his full attention to Deathstroke who was grabbing a few things.

"Lesson 3: Use Your Surroundings." He threw off his jacket, tossing a grapple hook at him. Dick caught it, also taking off his jacket. "This one is crucial. Using your surrounding to your advantage is one you must get used to." He pointed at the building. "Scenario time: You are surrounded by men with guns and you only have the grapple hook. Demonstrate what you would do?" He asked.

Dick gulped, looking around. He spotted the file cabinet next to him, that also lead to the top of a ledge. Seeing that would get him close the opened window, he smiled, knowing he found his exit. Doing a handspring forward, he got up enough momentum to jump on top of the filing cabinet, twirling his jumped onto the ledge, using his still weak muscles to pull himself up and shot the grapple hook just above the window. It launched him forward, releasing the grapple hook he landed on the ledge of the window looking back at Deathstroke.

"This one is easy. I used to use my surroundings all the time in the company of the Young Justice and Batman." Dick chuckled.

Deathstroke nodded. "Seems this is one you already have down. Very well, get down here and do your daily exercises. They have all been increased by 10." He said.

Dick groaned, dropping down from the windowsill before starting his daily exercises.


It has been a month and a half without any word or evidence of Robin. They didnt give up, but knew they needed to get back to regular things. So Batman had them on mission, while also trying to distract himself. When he was free, though, he tried everything to hack into Robin's tracker on his suit, hoping to revive the disabled GPS. But he wasnt having much luck to his disdain.

Green Arrow and Canary walked into the room, both of them taking a seat. "You should get some sleep, Bruce." Canary says in her best Mother when voice.

Batman sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I cant. Thinking Robin is out there, either dead or alive is ripping on my conscious." Says Batman.

"Have you thought about thinking hes been kidnapped by an enemy?" Asks Oliver.

"If he was captured. They would have made a show about it." Says Canary. "That is unlikely."

Batman stood up, throwing his cowl on. "This is searching. Let me know if it gets a ping."

"Where are you going?" Asked Canary.

"Out." Was all he replied.

He made it through the zeta tube, going to the coordinates of his batmobile. He sighed, scolding at his own failure. Stepping out of the zeta tube, he was stopped in his tracks, spotting a young boy about 10 holding a Tire wrench. Quickly the boy hid it, trying but failing to look innocent.

Batman, even though he was still in a depressed state, couldnt help but see something familiar in the boy. Thinking about what to do, he wasnt expecting what this would catapult.

A/N: yes as you can tell this is going to be a different kind of story. I'm bringing in Jason Todd but just starting out as Robin I have ideas for why this ^-^ I hope you enjoy! Also I'm glad you like this story so far and like how I have made Deathstroke. I'm very sick with pneumonia right now(been fighting it for a minute) but thankfully I have prewritten parts to publish so I can rest ^-^

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