Unwanted interference

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When morning came, Dick woke up sore, his whole body seemed to be affected by whatever Deathstroke had given him the night before. He groaned, lifting the blanket to see his side. There was a bit of bleeding seeping through the bandage but nowhere near as much as yesterday. He gulped, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position, his side screaming at him the more he pushed.

"As always, you are too restless."

Dick looked over at the door, seeing Deathstroke folding his arms, leaning against the door frame. Dick smirked, raising his chin up.

"I will not apologize for being myself. I am a wild bird! I mustn't be confined to something!" He exaggerates, jokingly.

Deathstroke lightly chuckled, walking over, he sat on the side of the bed. "How are you feeling, Grayson?"

Dick gulped, looking over at his side. "Sore. Its mainly my side but I will survive. Where are Uncle Sporty   and Jason?" He asks.

Deathstroke turned to face him. "They went back to see what else they could find in regards to what events unfolded last night. I know you are restless, so if you are feeling up to it, shall we go meet them?"

Dick beamed for a hot minutes, but then remembered the events and his smile slowly faded. He looked down at his hands, slouching his shoulders. "Im sorry." He says lowly.

Deathstroke lifted a brow. "For?"

"Failing my first leader mission. You had me lead this mission and I failed it. I feel like.. I failed you." He says, his voice growing lower.

Deathstroke hesitantly lifted a hand, bringing it over to Dicks shoulder. "It was one mission, Grayson. You didn't fail me nor did you fail the mission. Shit happens during these things. You will experience failure and Victory." He let a small smile touch his lips. "You did exceptional with the observations though."

Dicks smile slowly creeped back onto his face. "I did?"

Deathstroke nodded. "You did. Now are we going to meet them or do you want to stay and re-"

Dick cut him off. "Go!" He snaps. "Uhm... let's get going."

Deathstroke nodded, getting to his feet, he helped Dick to his. Once he was standing Dick felt a whole lot better despite the constant throbbing in his side and leg. He knew he was probably going to regret this, but it was better than staying here.

"Get dressed in your civillian clothes. Its light outside." He explained.

Dick nodded, throwing on a blue tactical tee with some tactical light blue skinny jeans. He strapped his gun to his thigh and made sure to keep his knives and smoke bombs close. Once he was dressed to go, he made his way downstairs with a baseball cap on.

"Im ready." He announces, seeing Deathstroke in his usual "casual" outfit. Only difference with this is he wore a black leather jacket and his weapons were lessened.

"Shall we get going then?" Dick nodded. He made his way to the elevator with Deathstroke at his side. As the elevator came down and opened in basement level, Dick saw two separate cars. One looked shitty while the other looked brand new. "Whats with the cars?"

Deathstroke points at the shitty one while grabbing keys. "This is the one we hot wired to get you here. This is for you." He tossed the keys at Dick who caught them.

"For me?" He asks.

"Your injured. Both leg and side. Being on a motorcycle right now, isn't the best option. At least for a few days. Once you heal up a bit more, I will allow you to ride it again. Until then, car." Deathstroke explained, walking over to the passenger side door.

Dick chuckled, walking over he got into the car as well. Once they were in and seatbelted, Dick started the car and made his way out of the garage. The ride there was quiet since Dick was focused on driving and not trying to remember his injuries. The one on his leg was getting irritated by the pants rubbing against it. He should have known to put some bandage wraps around it.

  Dick pulled up, spotting a few bullet holes in some cars but to his surprise, the blood was gone from the streets. Every drop.

  "Pull in over there. They are standing by the coffee shop." Dick did as instructed, and pulled in, putting the car in park and slowly got out of the vehicle. He tried to not make a face to show how much his side really hurt, but it slipped anyways. Thankfully no one was looking.

  "The rumors of you not staying in bed are true." Jason shot.

  Dick rolled his eyes. "I hate being in bed rest. I'm allergic to it."

  "I see that." Jason retorted.

  Deathstroke shook his head, walking over to them. "Any news?"

  "Yes. The men that attacked us last night were in fact part of the gang war. Falcones men. They were apparently supposed to just observe but when they saw Jason with us, Falcone must have snapped." He handed them a device. An electric watch. "Everything up until the point they fled is recorded on that device. Seems like a good thing for tracking them down."

  Dick snatched the watch from Deathstroke, using his hacking skills, he managed to get the GPS on. He handed the watch back to Deathstroke with a proud smirk. "They are hiding in Downtown gotham." He says happily.

  "So what, are we going to bust in and ask why they attacked us or wait until night time?" Asked Jason.

  "Night time would be better." Says Dick.

  "Agreed, Grayson. We need to Recon the place, before attacking so we have a clear understanding of what we are up against. In the meantime, we should be heading back." Says Deathstroke.

  Dick nodded, looking over to the other side of the street. He paled. Not only was he seeing familiar civillian clothed people, but one stood out. Thankfully it looks as if they havent been spotted yet.

  Dick turns around quickly, pulling the baseball cap down further. "We have the league on our tail. We should go quickly." Dick whispers.

  Deathstroke and Sportsmaster didnt budge but Jason stretched his neck to look which caused unwanted attention.

  Dick cursed. "Really Jason?" He snaps.

  Dick turned to see if they were spotted and sure enough they were. Bruce was staring at them from across the way in his sunglasses and hidden outfit. Dick groaned. "We need to go now."

  Dick turned and walked to his car, as he reached for the handle, someones hand reached it first, blocking him from getting in. He followed the arm up to see it was Wally.

  "Fancy meeting you here."

  "Shit." Was all Dick could manage.

  A/N: Hey guys sorry for the dumb glitch. Here's the full chapter!!! ^-^

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