Lesson 2: Observe

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For the first time in weeks, Dick was able to be outside, the sun beating down on his face as he took in the happy forest around him. He was currently in a black t shirt a bit big on him and the same pants hes been living in for a minute. He had on the same shoes from his Robin suit. Deathstroke watched as Dick took in the outside, after nearly a month inside. Dick did his daily exercises, before feeling energized.

  "So what Lesson are you teaching me today?" Asked Dick.

  Deathstroke sighed, pointing. "Lesson 2: Observe." He said. He turned around looking at the building. "What do you see around you, Grayson?" He asked, taking a few steps back.

  Dick placed his hands on his hips, taking in the place. The building had yellow tape around it with signs all around it cautioning people to keep away. Some of the windows were decayed against rusting metal as well as some of the wood against the broken opening were rotting away. He also took notice of the active wiring and blinking lights on the roof. If you were looking for activity around here, that was a dead give away.  Turning away from the building he noticed a few of the others that were spaced out also held soem of the same features, though more than half of them had their ceilings collapsed.

  He turned to the woods where he had appeared out if, noticing the mud was still slightly damp, meaning it rained recently. He turned to Deathstroke. "I see condemned buildings, some of them falling apart. The antennas and working wires would be a dead give away to anyone looking for you. They would know exactly what building to look for if they were smart. The woods are still next to us, and by the state of the dirt, it recently rained." Dick finished, looking over at Deathstroke who nodded.

  "That was impressive, but you were so focused on the area in front of you, you seemed to miss something." Deathstroke spoke.

  Before Dick could ask, he heard something release. Dick noticed it came from the ground right next to him, shooting a wire around him, causing him to stumble to the floor. Dick groaned, looking down to see it was a grable hook buried in a deep part of the grass. The only indicator of it being there was a very soft blinking yellow light.

  "When you observe an area, especially on an Intel mission, you must look at any obstacle that could potentially be there. Silent Alarms, grapple hooks, Electricity poles and any other devices categorized under traps." Deathstroke explained. "Todays Lesson is just getting started. Free yourself, Grayson and then meet me on the roof." He said, walking away.

  Dick groaned, looking down at his feet. He spent a good 15 minutes trying to get free and once he was he shot up, making his way to the roof. Once there he started towards Deathstroke, but seeing him in the middle of the roof, looking at him, he slowed down, taking in the area. That's when he noticed it; another grapple hook. Dick bent down into a swuat position and stuck his foot out, tripping a wire, doing a back flip when the wire released. He straightened up, seeing the Grapple hook wire limp on the floor.

  "Good job. You observed the area before making your way towards the opponent." Deathstroke said. "Before any mission you should always case the entire outside of the building before jumping into the fight. Observation is just as important as completing the mission. This could be a potential reason why you and that team if yours failed those missions." Deathstroke took a few steps forward, pointing at three pipes on the roof. To Dick they looked like regular engineering pipes. But knowing this lesson they were something else.

  "These pipes are both my Motion detectors and Silent Alarms. When these are tripped, I know someone is on the building." He walked over to one and pointed at the bottom. "When you are on a mission and see random objects you dont understand, look at the base. If there is a light green or red ring surrounding it, dont go near it. That is the sign of what I just told you. When you spot them, step around. All three are connected, you step into the connectors you set off the alarms." He explained, straightening up to walk around them, making his way to Dick.

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