A Conversation

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Dick walked out from behind Deathstroke and towards Batman who guided him to a secluded part of the room, far from the others but close to their vision. Once they were, Both of them didnt seem to want to say anything. At least not yet.

Dick kept shooting glances at Deathstroke who was eyeing them like a hawk to its prey. Or a momma bird to its children. That would be a more accurate description.

"Why?" Was all Batman asked, though his tone wasn't as harsh as it was.

Dick gulped. "You know why. I've explained this. Yes you were a father figure to me. I never held a grudge against you. It was the others. But I can't come back to be a hero. I'm not a villain either. I'm Nightwing with Deathstroke as my Mentor. All we are doing is missions. We don't kill. I learned that bit from you." He looked away afraid that if he kept looking at Bruce, he would start to cry. He knew that no killing rule was a lie. He is pretty sure he's killed someone and that will forever remain on his conscience. He shivered thinking about it. "Im running from you guys because Deathstroke is still a villain to all of you. But hes my mentor. A father figure to me and if he gets caught it would be like losing a part of myself. This is why I will always go back to Deathstroke. He taught me how to not only fight, but to be a man. He was with me through my important years. Thats why."

Once Dick finished, they remained silent, the whole room seemed to drop a few degrees to the others. Batman understood where Dick was coming from. He felt this way about Alfred. He was there during his important times and he taught Bruce how to fight and train. He was there through all of it. Bruce knew exactly what Dick was saying, he didn't like that it wasn't him who helped Dick to understand this.

"I understand." Bruce said, reaching over, he placed a hand on Dicks shoulder, confusing him. "I want you back in my life, not as a rival, but as a part of the team. You dont have to join the young justice. I want you to be a part of this every now and then."

Dick shot back. "You mean... be a part of this team?" He asks.

"Be a part of this team and Deathstrokes. If you dont kill, you aren't enemies, but once it is revealed you do, that's when we will have to come after you both. If you dont, I would like for you to slowly get back to being a part of this team again. Take your time." He explained.

Dick gulped. Batman was a very intelligent man. Dick knew this. It was only a matter of time before he finds out Dick killed someone. "Thats... asking a lot. Being a double agent for both you and Deathstroke. I'd be the same as Jason. A vigilante."

"Exactly." Bruce says.

Dick didnt so much mind this, but at the same time it confused him. A vigilante and he could use this to their advantage. All the tech could come in handy in the war they are in. If he agreed they could use it. And after it was done, though he knew it is a fucked up thing to do, Dick could always ditch them. He mainly only wanted to do it for Bruce, but once Bruce finds out he killed someone, they are back to the cat and mouse chase.

"I will take it. If you make sure to keep the Young Justice away from us and we can use your equipment." Dick asked.

Bruce nodded.

Dick smirked, holding out his hand for Bruce to shake. He did. "Sweet. We will be back later. Make sure to explain to them." He snapped, breaking free, he made his way back to Deathstroke, nodding for the door they came in through.

Deathstroke placed a hand on Dicks shoulder, looking up at the others who all seemed struck with confusion. "What?!" Screamed Wally as they made their way out of the room. Screaming could be heard once the door closed, but Dick didnt pay much attention to it.

"What did Bats want?" Asked Jason.

"He asked me to be a Vigilante like you. Working for both sides." He turned towards them, walking backwards. "I figured I'd take it. All this at our disposal for the gang war we are in? I thought it could benefit. Once its done with I could just ditch them again." He explained.

Deathstroke smirked. "Well played."

Dick turned around, smiling like an idiot as they exited the mountain. They made their descend down to where Sportmaster was. He remained against the bike, lifting a brow.

"In n' out huh? That was an hour mission, Grayson." Sportmaster joked.

"We ran into trouble. Uncle Sporty. Miss us already?" Dick teased.

Sportsmaster rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Deathstroke. "What now?" He asks.

"We go back to the hideout, change and then see if this little deal works out. We need to figure out where they are keeping the main task force. Those will be the big ones. Moroni will be easy to take down. Its the task force we need to focus on." He explained.

Sportsmaster lifted a brow. "Little deal?"

Dick nodded. "Batman talked to me about joining them and staying with Deathstroke. I agreed mainly because we can use their technology for ourselves." He explained.

Jason folded his arms. "Lets get to it then."

Sportsmaster nodded. "There's only one bike. I will take Grayson on mine. You guys can hotwire a car." He smirks.

Deathstroke nodded. "Ill meet you back at the hideout." He explained.

Dick nodded, waiting for Sportsmaster to hop on before he did. Once they were on the road, Dick got a bad feeling in his stomach about this deal. He didnt want to say anything to Deathstroke about what Bats had said, but he was regretting it.

Let's hope he can use this new found deal quickly so he can cut them off again just as fast. He doesn't want Bruce to look at him any differently than he does now. He still misses and respects Bruce, but what will Bruce think of him when he finds out his first perfect protégé killed someone?

Dick shook his head, resting his forehead in between Sportsmasters sjoulder blades. He was overthinking this and he knew it.

He just needed to act like himself around them and everything would be fine. He hopes.

A/N: thanks for all the nice messages and comments guys! I'm so happy to be in this Fandom! ^-^

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