Close Call

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  Wally rushed in, shivering at the coldness. He was so downright angry that he had to be bait. Artemis chuckled. "Its March. Not that cold outside."

  Wally glared. "It is when you have an ice grenade thrown at you! How did those slimy assholes know?!" He asked.

  "Anyone with half a brain would know in order to slow something fast you throw cold at it." Snaps Artemis.

  "Shes got a point." Says Robin, walking in with Batman at his side.

  "Well look who it is. The cute wittle child." Wally teased.

  Robin glared, sending a batarang at Wally who nearly missed it. "Woah! Hey no throwing Knives at your teammates!" Shouted Wally.

  Robin smirked. "Oops. My hand slipped." He said, holding up his hands.

  Wally huffed but before they could argue more, Batman brought up the computer and typed in something. Suddenly a red dot on the outskirts of Central though deep in a forest appeared on screen. Wally lifted a brow. "What's that?" Asked Artemis.

  "A tracker." Says Kaldur.

  "Correct. While Wally distracted them, Robin was able to shoot a tracker on the red bike. This is where Deathstroke and his accomplice are staying." He explained. "We go as a team. Since the league is busy, it will just be me and your team, Aqualad." Batman said.

  Kauldur nodded. "Understood."

  "Suit up. We leave in 10." Batman said, heading towards the batmobile with Robin following.


  As Dick was trying to work on his uniform, he heard a beep, as if something came online. Squinting his eyes, he dropped his gloves that he was working on and walked over to his bike. Bending down, he spotted what he dreaded. The blinking green tracker that just went live.

  "Deathstroke!" He shouted, grabbing the tracker.

  Deathstroke appeared into the garage. "Yes Grayson?"

  Dick held up the tracker. "I found out why the speedster was out on the field. They planted a tracker. It just went live so we have about an hour." He said.

  Deathstroke cursed. "Bring around the Van. I'll start packing." He demanded. Dick did just that, bringing the Van's around, he helped Deathstroke get all the most important thing into the Van before getting dressed into his suit, hoping his new Gadget in his gloves worked. When they finished clearing out the building, they placed Deathstrokes bike in the Van, Dick was going to be riding his alongside the Van.

  Dick ran into the building looking for anything that would be left behind. Until he spotted it. His old suit. If he left that there, it would definitely bring up some questions. Running he grabbed it and shoved it into his backpack before putting on his mask, making his way to the garage.

  He was stopped when soemone dropped down in front of him. Dick jumped back, before collecting his feet. He saw that it was Batman. Dick got into his fighting stance but quickly he found he was outnumbered.

  Artemis appeared next to Batman and soon his old team was in front of the garage. Dick cursed. "You are coming with us. We have some questions we'd like to ask." Says Kaldur.

  Dick glanced up, making sure to not let it look obvious. Finding his escape he smirked. "Not today." He says, reaching into his pocket, he threw four smoke bombs as well as one flash bomb. Touching his earpiece he spoke as he shot his grapple hook at the opening in the roof. "Close the garage door and start my motorcycle!" Shouted Dick, grabbing a hold of the roof, hoisting himself up before running towards the pipes. Making his way down, he dropped, running. He threw his foot over the bike, not even fully on it he pressed the gas, zipping out of the garage.

  Deathstroke following behind. "Where to?!" He asked.

  "Back to Gotham. Theres a safe place in the forests of Gotham we can retreat to. Its my second hideout." He explaiend.

  "They'll expect Gotham!" Dick shouted.

  "Not with the way we are taking. The underground tunnel I had some people build for situations like this. Now head for Gotham!" He shouted.

  Dick quickly got onto the freeway and they started towards Gotham, looking back to spot every once in a while them gaining on them. When they got closer to Gotham, Deathstroke instructed the get off just before Gotham.

  "Theres an access Tunnel about to open. When you see it, dont slow." He said.

  "Understood." He said, turning into a street. He spotted something start to crack on the street ahead of him. Smirking he continued, making tmit to the door as it opened wide. When he made it through, he skid to a stop, spotting Deathstroke enter in. Quickly the hatch closed. Dick cheered.

  "Damn! Villains and your hideouts." Said Dick with a smile.

  Deathstroke sighed. "The hideout is just up this tunnel. When we get there, we need to seriously talk." Deathstroke said.

  Dick nodded, turning his motorcycle around and heading for the tunnel. When they got there, it was a platform that hoisted them into a dark garage. Deathstroke got out of the Van and walked over, turning on a light switch. When it turned on, Dick was amazed.

  The place reminded him of how Green Arrows space looked, just a bit more black. He jumped off the bike, walking over to Deathstroke, hearing his boots clack on the surface. "What is this place?" He asked.

  "My personal home. No one but Sportsmaster knows where it is located. We should be safe here." Deathstroke explained. "I will give you a tour soon. For now, help me unpack."

  Dick did so, helping his unpack the computers and weapons dropping them off. "That was a close call." Dick finally said, unloading the last of it.

  Deathstroke nodded. "It was. For now let the Leagues cool. We are taking a break. Not a long one. Just until things cool down. Then we go on the big job Skull has for us." He explained.

  Dick nodded. "I'm okay with that." He said.

  Deathstroke smirked. "It still doesnt excuse you from training."

  Dick groaned. "Dammit."

  Dearhstroke chuckled. "Come. Let me give you a tour." He said.

  Dick nodded, following Deathstroke to an elevator.

  This really was too close of a call. A break will do them good, he just Hope's it's not a long one.

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