Spreading The Word

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Dick felt better, the bullet hole no longer an issue for him, though it did hurt when he bumped into things. Other than that it felt fine. Dick stretched in his armor, looking over at Deathstroke who was observing the bank. Dick got on his tippy toes, looking over at the bank to see the last worker leave.

  Dearhstroke straightened up, handing Dick a gun. Dick grabbed it and placed it in his holster, hoisting himself up with his grapple hook to the other roof. Once on the roof, he silently made his way to the edge of the building and brought up his watch, typing in and connecting to the system.

  "I'm in. The alarms are off and so is the motion censors. The cameras will be off for only 30 minutes, so we better be quick." He explained, getting up off the roof. Deathstroke made his way over to the bank, keeping close to the shadows before coming close to the side. There he shot his grapple hook up, catching the building and getting on the roof. Dick unlocked the door, watching as Deathstroke walked in. Dick followed, walking over to the edge he hoisted himself up and made his way into the building.

  When he was in he followed Deathstroke over to the main room, taking in the classical feel of this bank. Hes only ever been here once when a robbery took place and the dynamic duo had to stop it. How the tables have turned.

  "Hold this." Deathstroke handed off the power tool for Dick to hold as they walked into the main bank vault. Deathstroke paused, taking in the area before continuing, dropping down to one knee. Dick handed him the power tool, pulling up his watch. As Deathstroke starts to do his work, Dick was keeping an eye on the count down for what the camera had left. 12 minutes.

  Deathstroke popped the door opened, shoving some bags at Dick. "As much as you can from this pile." He said. Dick nodded and started to put as much as he could in the bags. He pulled up his watch, seeing it was cutting it close. He started shoveling them into the bags until he had 3 bags full.

  When they were done, they immediately went back up the exit just as the alarms went off. They made their way to the bikes, leaving just as the police came. They drove away, towards Crime Alley, stopping to throw the cash down before taking off back to their hideout.

  Once at the hideout, Dick immediately went to the computer, checking up on the place. It was then he noticed Robin and Batman on the edge, trying to figure out what happened. Dick smirked, closed the camera and sat back.

  "That mission was a success. They found Moroni's money that we left so now the GCPD knows." He explained, walking over to take a seat next to Dick.

  "Batman knows too." He said, pulling up the feed.

  Deathstroke chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "For once, they came too late."

  Dick nodded. "Which is rare for Batman."

  Deathstroke sucked in a breath, looking over at Dick who was eyeing the frozen still shot if Batman. He could tell Dick missed him despite the news of his replacement. Clearing his throat he stood up.

  "Grab your Escrima's, Grayson." He said.

  Dick knitted his eyebrows, peeling his eyes away from the screen. "What?"

  Deathstroke grabbed his own Escrima's putting them together. "I said, grab your Escrima's." He smirked.

  Dick understood what he meant, sliding out of his chair, he stood, reaching for his Escrima's. He got into his fighting stance much like Deathstroke. He put his Escrimas togrther to create his staff.

  He waited patiently for Deathstroke to strike first. Both of them seemed to be playing the waiting game, but Deathstroke won. Dick shot forward, smacking his staff against Deathstrokes, using that as his distraction as he aimed lower  with his leg. Deathstroke caught kn and jumped over Dicks leg, making Dick scoff.

  "Rude." He jokes, getting back up. Deathstroke twirled his staff.

  "I observe, Grayson." He said, going for the strike, Dick blocked it, getting giddy about the training. Soon they both were locked in fighting. Dick kept sending blows but they would be blocked by Deathstroke easily. The same would happen back to Deathstroke. Dick dropped to his knees, using his leg as a distraction, he tripped Deathstroke with his staff, causing him to lose balance. He regained it when he stabbed the ground with his staff.

  Deathstroke smirked. "Nice counter distraction, Grayson." He praised.

  Dick chuckled, straightening up. "I come up with good moves every now and again."

  Deathstroke nodded, taking in his ward. He was breathing heavily, sweaty but most importantly happy. Deathstroke twirled the staff in hand. He walked over to Dick, ruffling his hair, causing Dick to be severely confused.

  "Look at that. You seem happy." He says.

  Dick blushed at the affectionate touch, not ready to be treated like a kid again. He shooed Deathstroke's hand away, who chuckled in response. "Get some rest, Grayson. Tomorrow is a busy day." He said.

  "Thank you." Dick whispered, but he knew Deathstroke heard it.

  Dick glanced back, watching as Deathstroke disappears upstairs into the house. Dick looked down at his staff, smiling at it. He knew what Deathstroke was doing when he told Dick to grab the Escrimas. He was trying to distract him from the leagues. Staring at that picture of Batman was sending his down a road he didnt want to go down and Deathstroke saw this.

  Dick smiled, placing his weapons on the table, before making his way up to the mansion. When up there, he made his way to his room, grabbed some pajamas before surrendering to the shower.

  Once he was cleaned and dressed, he plopped down on the bed, staring up at the crystal chandelier in his room. The one thing about being in Deathstrokes above house was just like being in the Wayne manor and honestly he enjoyed it.

  With that thought, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

  A/N: just a little sweet chapter for y'all ^-^

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