A New Plan: 19 hours

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Deathstroke tapped his foot impatiently on top of the small hill they were standing on, waiting impatiently for the young Justice to show up. When Jason pitched the idea, Deathstroke hated it, but remembered they were on a time crunch and they can't be seen near the base that Dick is being held. Deathstroke used his senses and counted the amount of minutes it took to get from the base to the building they were dropped off at. It was exactly in the heart of downtown Gotham.

The sound of a craft landing brought Deathstrokes attention as the young justice filed out of an alien craft. Once stopped in front of them, the air felt tense. He could see Artemis glaring at her father and Wally glaring at him.

"We are here. What did you need?" Kalfur asked, his voice low and reasonably calm.

Deathstroke folded his arms. "A little over 5 hours ago, Jason and I were released from being held captive for a deal. Kill Ms. Falcone and her men-"

"We won't help you kill anyone." Snapped Kaldur.

Deathstroke continued. "You won't be and neither are we planning to." There was a pause before he continued. "Dick is being held captive by the same man that gave us the proposition. We have 19 hours left to save him or he will be put through hell. We cant get close to the building. But you can."

"Ooooh so you want us to free Dick while it looks like you guys are fulfilling the task given to you!" M'gan says, putting the pieces together.

Deathstroke nodded. "Sportsmaster knows where to go. He will be in charge of this mission. He will debrief you all on the mission. We don't have a lot of time to get this done."

The Young Justice nodded to the man. All of them went over the quick plan, before dispersing and going their separate ways. Deathstroke and Jason went to their hideout while Sportsmaster and the Young Justice, despite how weird it was, went into the bio ship.

After an awkward whistle from Wally. Sportsmaster got professional. He turned to them. "Our mission like Death said is to free Grayson. In order to do that we need to canvas the area. We need to know what cell he is in and what the guard situation looks like on the inside. Do you think you can handle working like a team unlike the last time?" He shot, making Artemis flinch knowing he was talking about the mission that drove Dick away in the first place.

There was silence shared between them until Sportsmaster spoke again. "Good. Now let's go. We need to canvas the area."

With that everyone got in their seats and they made their way to the building that was mentioned, all the while not realizing someone was tailing them.

*Hideout: 18 Hours*

Deathstroke gathered everything they needed for the mission to make it look like they are going through with it. But everytime he does soemthing he can't grt Dicks scream out of his head. It was the first time he's heard such genuine pain come from the poor boy. He hated it. All he wants to do is save him but now he has to rely on someone else to do it and he hated that feeling.

If it came down to it, Deathstroke will happily slaughter all of them in order to get Dick back. He just needs to rely on being in the dark for a bit. And he hated it.

*Unknown Location: 18 hours*

Dick woke to the sound of the door opening and closing, causing him to stir. This time he was much more clear headed and alert, though his body felt like throwing up.

"Awake now? Good. Seems they are doing their job since our last checkup." Kevin says.

Dick glared. "Moroni sure knows how to pick the pricks." Dick mumbled under his breath.

"Hmm. Think you are funny do you?" He asks, stalking closer to Dick.

"Personally I think I'm hilarious, not just funny." Dick says, turning to face him.

In a matter of an instance, Dick saw the hand coming and felt the fist connect with his jaw as he toppled to the left, the collar snagging his neck as he did. He'd just been punched, feeling some blood pooling from a cut on the inside of his cheek. Dick spit the blood out, glaring at Kevin.

"I wouldn't provoke me if I were you. I never told them I wouldn't hurt you before the timer is up. Don't temp me." He turned to walk out if the room, but paused when Dick let out a snort.

"Oh so scary. Threatening the second hand man of the great Deathstroke. That'll have consequences." He taunted, folding one leg over the other.

Kevin let out a chuckle. "The "great" Deathstroke got captured rather easily. Doing my bidding and losing his reputation. Hes gone weak. He would've killed anyone on a command. Now?" Kevin paused, a small laugh escaping his lips. "I wonder if he resents saving you since you have brought down his reputation. The people who feared him veiw him as a weak link. That must hurt someone who has maintained that reputation for so long, only to be brought down by you."

Dick's glare softened in slight pain. He never really gave much thought to how Dick changed Deathstrokes life. He did do anything on command and that's why he was feared by many. Now? He doesn't even kill and barely stayed in contact with people he used to hold in high standards. Did... did Deathstroke have some resentment towards him?

"Not so chatty now, are we?" He teased.

Dick shook his head. "Deathstroke is a father to me. He doesn't hate me. I know this for a fact." But does he? Now he was starting to have doubts about him. He hated this feeling of not knowing.

"Do you? Well let's put it to the test shall we? Once they come back from their mission I will give him a choice." He leaned down with a smile so wide Dick's stomach twisted. "Your life or his. Sound fair?"

Dick paled when those words left his mouth. Kevin laughed, pulling in the collar roughly, causing his neck and wrists to get scratched against the metal. "I love the look of despair on your face. I'll check in on you soon, my Little Pawn Piece."

Kevin let go of Dick's collar, laughing all the way out of the room and down the hall. All Dick could do was think about what was to come. He needed to get out of here and fast.

A/N: *Gasp* Things sure are heating up! What will happen?

Enjoy the new chapter!

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