A Trap

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When they were done with breakfast and dressed, they made their way to the docks. Jason brought his bike so basically as Dick said, they were the bad guy motorcycle gang. When they approached the docks, Deathstroke was leaning against the van, folding his arms, waiting for them.

They came to a stop, getting off of their motorcycles. Jason stayed back, watching the interaction.

"Took you long enough." Sportsmaster said.

"Awe, whats the matter Uncle Sporty? Getting antsy?" Dick joked, making Sportsmaster shake his head.

"This nickname will be my undoing." He said, grabbing Dick and putting him in a headlock. Dick protested but Sportsmaster ignored him. "I see what you mean my amateur job. Should be easy to find those guns."

Deathstroke folded his arms. "Then we shall get to work." He says.

Dick managed to wiggle free, pushing Sportsmaster. "Rude." Was all he said.

Sportsmaster smirked, folding his arms. "If we play this right, they should be in the warehouse we got the last ones at. If its amateurs, they will do it at the same spot." He says.

"Then let's go. Grayson, you lead the way this time." Deathstroke says, looking over at Sportsmaster who nodded in approval.

Dick's face lit up like a Christmas tree, smiling so wide Jason was surprised. "Really?! I get to lead this mission?!" He exclaimed.

Deathstroke nodded. "I believe you are ready." He said, patting Dick on the shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before walking with Sportsmaster to the bikes. Dick stood there with a bright smile.

Jason walked up to his side. "I've never been in charge of a mission. At least not one where even my mentor is following my lead! This is so amazing!" Dick squealed, recollected himself, put his helmet on and walked towards his bike. Jason felt like he just watched a teen drama with the way Dick just reacted. Seeing how they acted towards Dick though, was nothing like what he saw back at the mountain, let alone has heard. Dick seemed like he belonged here and now he understood why Dick denied Bats. This was his calling. Boy when he reports back to Bats about this, he may just think about leaving that life behind and go with Dick.

"You coming?" Asked Dick.

"Yeah." He says.

"I didnt even notice you. I'm Sportsmaster. You?" He asked.

"Redhood." Jason responded, getting on his bike.

Sportsmaster narrowed his eyes, skeptical at the new person, but didnt bother to say anything. Dick started his motorcycle, hearing the others do the same. Dick felt giddy, but tried not to let it interfere with the mission. He cleared his throat, starting off onto the main road. Once on the road, he pumped more gas, leaning forward. He brought his watch up.

"The meet place is about 10 miles from here. Once a few blocks away we will park the bikes before going to the roofs. The rest I will tell you when we get there." He said.

He heard confirmations, causing him to smile. Hes always been a follower even though he wanted to be the leader. But Kaldur took that from him. Now Deathstroke was letting him take lead on this mission! He just hopes he doesn't fail it. The last thing he wants to do is disappoint Deathstroke.

Dick shook his head, focusing on the mission. He started observing the area, noticing the roads were clear and the area wasn't as lit up as it normally was. He slowed his speed to a stop, hearing them do as well.

"Whats wrong?" Asked Jason.

Dick squinted his eyes, slowly lifting his wrist. "Its too quiet. The area is deserted. More tha-" white hot pain hit his side, causing him to scream as he fell off his bike, feeling the metal of the bike burn his shin. He kicked out from under the bike, looking down at his side, noticing it was an arrow that seemed to pierce the one spot he didnt have much armor.

He heard firearms go off, as he looked around, noticing that it was the task force. The new one that Moroni had. Dick cursed. Was this mission all a set up to get them down here? Did the mission from Skull not come from him?

Dick stirred out of his funk, grabbing his side, careful not to jostle the arrow. He gripped his gun and started shooting at them. He crouched behind a car, hissing at the pain.

"Nightwing! Are you okay?!" Shouted Jason over the comms.

Dick groaned, peaking through the car window to see Jason on the other side in the alley. Deathstroke and Sportsmaster were behind the truck, shooting at anyone who peaked their head.

Dick looked down at the floor, seeing the blood flow down and drip on the floor. Not to mention his shin burned. Dick spotted something shine in his peripheral, causing him to duck, hearing an arrow hiss pass him. He brought the gun up and shot the man in the chest, in too much pain to see if he killed the guy or not. He would deal with that later.

"How many do you count?" Dick asked, his breathing laborious.

"Five on the roof. Two on the ground. They seem to be retreating." Says Sportsmaster.

He was correct. Dick watched as the ones on the roof jump down and hop into a van that sped away. Once the car turned, the streets went back to being silent. Dick felt the adrenaline leave him, causing him to slid down the car, sitting in the small puddle of blood that pooled under him. He took in a deep breath, looking over at the one he shot in the chest. Did he kill him?

Deathstroke appeared at Dicks side, quickly kneeling beside him. "Let me see the injury, Dick." He snapped.

Dick was a bit surprised, hearing Deathstroke say his first name was new to his ears. Dick moved his bloody hand, showing them the arrow. It wasnt deep, but it was in there. Deathstroke cursed. "Lets get you back to the hideout." He said, already grabbing Dick bridal style in his arms.

"What about the mission?" Asked Sportsmaster who already knew the answer.

"It can wait." He snapped.

Being in Deathstroke's arms, Dick felt safe and warm, causing his eyelids to start closing. "I will hotwire a car for you. Sportsmaster and I will get the bikes back. You get him help." Says Jason, jumping into the nearest car and hot wiring it for them. Once it was Deathstroke put Dick in the back before getting into the front seat.

"See you in a minute." He says.

Sportsmaster nodded, watching them zip off. He never expected Deathstroke to grow a soft spot and abandon a mission, but just like Dick, people change.

It was quite amusing and he got front row seats to this show. How nice.

A/N: sorry for the late update! But I'm back! Work has started slowing down so I have more time to update! ^-^ I hope you enjoy!

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