Heartfelt Chat: 14 hours

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Dick waited impatiently as they landed at the coordinates Sportsmaster gave them. Dick with the help of Sportsmaster got up from the seat, waiting for the door to open. When it did, he spotted Deathstroke standing there and Jason waiting by the entrance of the house.

Dick hobbled down the door not waiting until it landed on the floor. His smile widened as he rushed, nearly falling if it weren't for Sportsmaster holding him. Dick hugged Deathstroke when he finally united with him, feeling the same rough hug back.

"Let me see you, Grayson." He says, pulling away from the hug to examine the injuries. Dick waited patiently as Deathstroke glared at the injuries that appeared on his body. The two he especially paid attention too were the ones on his face and neck.

Jason clicked his tongue, pointing at his cheek. "That looks painful." He stated.

Dick nodded. "I provoked him to do it though. You know me, I can't keep my mouth shut." Dick joked.

Deathstroke smiled, but his smile disappeared when he spotted who came out of the ship. Batman made his way over to them, but he didnt give off the same kind of vibe he did last time.

"How did this happen?" He asked.

"A plan gone wrong." Was all Deathstroke said, turning to the others. "You may come in. Jason and Sportsmaster will give you a tour. But don't expect to stay long. I'm going to attend to Graysons wounds." He said, throwing his hand around Dick's shoulders and guiding him inside the house.

Dick bit at his lip, knowing they were going to be alone, he knew he was about to ask. As Deathstroke guided Dick upstairs, he sucked in a breath.

"Sit on your bed and take off your shirt. I'll go get the first aid kit." Deathstroke ordered.

Dick did as told, shedding out of his jacket and shirt he looked down at his pale chest and torso, seeing a few scratches and one deeper cut near his belly button that was still oozing some blood. There was also a piece of glass stuffed near his hip bone. It was relatively small but now that he was relaxed the glass made itself known.

Dick reached down and pulled the small piece out, placing it on his nightstand. Deathstroke entered the room, placing the kit on the bed. Dick glanced over at the door, seeing Jason walk by with Wally in tow.

"Can you close the door?" Dick asked.

Deathstroke looked over at the door, a beat pause before he reached over and closed the door. He turned back to Dick, bringing over a chair, he sat down, opening the kit and preparing the alcohol wipes.

Deathstroke started to wipe down the cuts with gauze and alcohol. Dick zoned out for a moment, debating if right now was the right moment to bring up what Kevin was talking about. He debated if he even should. He didn't want this night to take a turn but he felt like he can't do anything without knowing.

Sucking in a breath, Dick watched as Deathstroke started to prepare a needle for sewing. "Do you..." Dick's sentence faltered once the words left.

Deathstroke looked up at Dick, pausing the needle preparation. "Do I what?"

Dick sighed. "Do you... well... do you regret helping me all those years ago? Like... have some... sort of resentment towards me for ruining your reputation as the greatest assassin?" He asked, flinching when he finished.

The silence was defeaning to Dick and felt longer than it was. His heartbeat picking up as he watched Deathstrokes face switch from different emotions. It decided to settle on confusion. "What has you bringing this up? Why would you think I resent you?" His voice was low in a fatherly type way.

Dick wasn't prepared for this kind of soft voice and he couldn't seem to hold in the lump that formed in his throat. "I... Kevin brought it up that maybe... maybe you resent me even just a little bit for basically "turning you vanilla" and it had me wondering... ive... have I brought you any- any- any resentment?" Dick started to sob. It was so out of character for him, but the stress of being kidnapped, slightly tortured and the psychological abuse, everything came crashing down.

Deathstroke put the needle down, wrapping his arms around Dick and bringing him in close. "I've never resented helping you. Helping you has made me the better version of who I am. Kevin wanted to break you down. You have never been a burden to me and I have never been resentful towards you. I chose to take this path because I saw potential in you. But things changed and we became family. Yes it was definitely a change for me to stop killing so Abruptly, but I adjusted." He explained, grabbing hold of Dick's cheeks and wiping the tears away.

Dick let a smile appear on his face, though he flinched when the cut in his mouth reopened. "That... makes me feel better." Dick grabbed his discarded shirt and wiped his face free of tears as Deathstroke got the needle ready.

They remained quiet as Deathstroke cleaned and bandaged the small cuts on his stomach, wrist and neck. Dick felt weird having medical bandaged on his neck, but it helped keep bacteria out so he didn't mind.

He changed into a pair of pants and shirt, making his way downstairs. Entering the kitchen was like walking into the awkward scene of a post it card.

Everyone was seated at the table, besides Deathstroke and Sportsmaster who were standing and talking in the kitchen. Dick smiled. "I wanted to say thank you all for coming to rescue me. I know we haven't been on the best of terms but thank you." Dick looked over at Batman, his smile slightly dropping.

He walked over to the caped crusader, putting his hand on Batmans shoulder. "I... I am still going to remain here but if... you will allow me, I wouldn't mind having dinner with you and Alfred. As long as Deathstroke can be there."

Batman shook his head. "You don't need to ask. It's been opened for you the entire time. We have been at eachothers throat fighting for you when we should be protecting you. You would protect us. Your grown. I need to accept that, but it will take time." He explained.

Dick smiled. "Of course. Take all the time you need."

Dick started for the kitchen, a loud ear piercing screech invaded his head. He screamed, slamming his hands to his ears as he dropped to his knees, hunching over. He heard voices around him and a hand on his back, but his splitting headache and sound was too much. Dick slammed his head against the counter unvolintarily, trying to get rid of the sound.

"-ayson!" He faintly heard.

Slowly the noise started to die down and his body slumped against the person holding him, his hands dropped to his lap, revealing some blood on his palms. The ringing in his ears still driving him crazy as his breathing picked up.

"Dick can you hear me?" Deathstroke asked.

Dick slowly nodded his head. The throbbing channeling down to his neck.

Dick's eyes went wide. His neck?! That's where he was injected with the syrnge! Could he have also injected something else? No that needle was too small. Maybe when he was sleeping from being electrocuted. He was out for a long time.

Dick lifted his head to look at Deathstroke. "He still has me captive." Dick whispered. "Its not over yet." Once those words left his mouth, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and became dead weight in Deathstroke's arms.

A/N: last chapter updated for a week. I'm heading out of town for new years so I will be with family!!! The next update will be January 2nd! Enjoy! Happy holidays and see you in the new year of 2022!

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