✓Chapter 27

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Run Before He Gets You

Sophie's pov

My body screams in pain as I open my eyes looking around the light from the sunset burns my eyes as I try to adjust. Morgan is wielding a broken glass in her palm cutting through the seatbelt. The sharp edges dig into her flesh making the glass slide a lot due to her blood but she doesn't seem to mind as she manages to cut the seatbelt free from her body.

Gravity forces her fall from the seat but she holds herself before she runs into me and I take a deep breath reaching for a broken glass myself making tinier pieces fall from my exposed skin,I move my hand carefully cutting through Billie's belt and she lands with a gentle thud on the moss growing tarmac.

The city is quiet as if holding it's breath waiting for something else to happen,our ambushers don't make a sound if they're closing in on us or not we can't tell.

Light comes the through sunroof as Morgan pries it open with her fingers,she drags herself out gritting her teeth as more blood seeps from her wounds "pass Billie over, quick" she heaves and I grit my teeth too ignoring the pain reaching for our girl,I pass her over to Morgan who drags her out of the car before helping me out.

Burning pain from my new cuts and bruises burn until they're just a throbbing pain as I stretch out on my back the tarmac trying to see if I've broken something but I'm glad to find myself ok,I'm not sure though adrenaline tends to work as a good painkiller only for a while till it goes down and realize you actually don't got it. "It's clear I can see them gearing up to come check the car out but we we can make a run for it before they get here" Morgan whispers looking around.

"You good?" She asks concern filling those forest green eyes making them seem a shade darker,the cut under her eyes isn't swollen anymore but I can see her struggle to use the eye maybe from pain. I nod. "Give me both your bags and blades take a gun,you carry Billie and follow me closely" I don't argue and do as she says before taking the dark haired girl into my arms.

Billie moans in pain her features pinching up slightly the small cut on her forehead drips a little blood and I soothe her gently before pulling her body into mine getting up, Morgan takes a deep breath getting up too as she dashes to the building across as as swiftly as she can with her wounds.

"The dumpster will hide you,come on!" She informs me and I cradle our girl close running behind her. Morgan leads us through a few alleys and corners before stopping in clean slightly filled with paper but still clean alley "we should be far enough for now" she say leaning against a wall biting her lip more blood drips seeps through her and she staggers slightly to one side.

Billie moves and I put her down gently shaking her,she doesn't wake up after a few shakes just when I'm giving up her eyes fly open staring into mine looking scared. She scrambles up looking around seeing Morgan and her breathing relaxes and she cradles her head.

"We need to patch you up before we move further" Billie says holding her head slightly. She takes her left foot pulling it up to her thigh where she uses a small rock to push apart a small cutting from the side of her sole to reveal a small compartment,she pulls out a few pills giving one to me popping one herself another in her palm she presses the compartment closed and I blink... This girl is soo smart. "That'll help fight the pain for sometime" she mumbles feeling the cut on her forehead.

She gets up walking to Morgan who takes the pill into her mouth as she takes the load off her and I follow. "I know a place we can go to" Morgan says slumping into my being and I bear her weight with ease.

Days In The Deadland//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now