✓Chapter 32

438 26 40

Crazy Millie

Morgan's Pov

"We can't go back to the RV,can't afford to show those elites our hiding spot" I tell Sophie turning around just as the elites run to the door below banging on it. The low hum of the drone gets close before going over our heads and it drops down below to the elites.

Low growling gets my attention and I quickly turn around looking for the source only thing get nothing but the scent of rotten flesh reaches my nose and I gag,even a zombie doesn't smell this bad.

"Uh, Morgan" I turn to Sophie who's eyes are wide as she stares ahead but I can't see what has her spooked until the growling sounds again and I hear it clearly.

Huffed, constrained and raw growling.

"It's a dog" Sophie says but refuses to make a single move,another growl sounds and I sigh seeing another one pull up from the corner of my eye.

They're dirty, fur coated with dried blood and some patches missing showing bony trails,eyelids are dark filled with ticks,teeth brown with stripes of meat stuck in their gaps,all their claws are extended out with some old wounds scarred and some rotting up. "make that two" I say and she squeaks "make that four" and I bite my lip.

"Think they're zombies?" She asks lowly as the animals move to surround us until the only way we have to go is down to the elites or to the dogs. "No,the virus doesn't work on animals but months of feeding on the dead and having to form packs have horned their skills at this,they knew when to attack meaning they've been watching" I say and she sighs heavily.

"We should be careful,their bites might do more harm than just the usual rabbies they had, who knows what plagues they're carrying now" she adds while making no move to raise her gun or get her blades and I sigh out a breath holding the gun tighter in my palms as I notice the crane hanging from the other building the chain moving very lightly in the wind.

"How long does it take for metal to rust and break?" I ask Sophie who chuckles "chemistry and i,we loathed each other" she supplies and I roll my eyes, Ronin would have at least given me a number.

"You trust me right?" I ask and she stares at me from the corner of her eye "right now baby,no,not really" she exclaims lowly and I smile. The brutal honesty that comes with her stubborn ass is exotic "I wouldn't trust me too" I say before taking a step back making one dog growl warningly. Sure,I'll stand right here and wait until you decide you're ready to eat.

I raise my leg and climb over the ledge and the dog growls even louder as it gets on its tummy daring me to move further and I smile as I stretch a hand grabbing tall large chain from the crane. My hand fits through one large loop and I gulp tightening a fist around it and cold metal cools my burning palm as slight rust gives away the fact that weather conditions have been doing a number on it,I get back down making the chain clank slightly and the rest of the dogs takes steps closer crouching like their leader as if getting ready to pounce.

I quickly reach out and grab Sophie by the waist just as the first dog made the leap and I quickly get back on the ledge before jumping off dragging the other girl with me just as a shot went off and immediately the whole area went quiet just as a dog that had leaped of the edge closer to us falls to the ground in a splat.

I move my eyes to see where exactly we're swinging to and I gasp before turning us around and my back collides heavily with the glass and we're inside the building just as the metal railing holding the glass stops the chain from getting any further inwards into the building and it snaps roughly from my palms and we fall to the ground hard as the honey haired girl landed heavily on my front and I breath out a painful sigh as her elbow finds my tit hard.

Days In The Deadland//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now