✓Chapter 4

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Just scream...

She moved to an edge on the wall and we followed slowly "choose a car" she said gesturing the street and Fin laughed.

"Those don't work anymore" he said she gave him a bored look still not removing the thing covering her face,she shook her head looking back down.

"We take the brown van" she said pointing at it,waaaay across the street "are you serious?!" I ask eyes wide to get to it was a full sea of the dead growling hungrily.

"Scared?" I could feel the cockiness dripping from her question "yes! Incase you haven't noticed I've already lost one hand" her eyebrows furrow slightly at my confession... Bet she wasn't expecting it.

"Don't worry it'll be fast" she takes the bag on her shoulders zipping it open she brought out some perfumes,a flare light and a smoke can.

She punctured the perfumes throwing them out to the horde just a little bit further from the crowd,she then lit the flare throwing it out and the dead watched the bright red light leaving smoke behind and started following it.

She took a rope tying it around a stone on the edge throwing it over the building,she opened the smoke can throwing it down it didn't clank it just bounced slightly,she put the bag back on.

She took off the sword thing from her hand left hand,her right hand stretched out to me and I took it,she pulled me into her chest taking the rope and jumped from the building,I hid my face into her neck trying so hard not scream.

I soon felt the ground under my feet and I took in a deep breath almost puking due to the horrible smell of the rotten flesh and the smoke,she put the blade back on as Fin got down.

She took a zippo lighting the rope on fire and we moved to the car,the girl swinging her hand slightly each time bringing down a zombie chopped on half,

We made it to the car and I got between both Fin and the girl,she bend down and took two brown wires hooking them together then reached for a red wire then swiped it onto both wires and the engine roared to life attracting attention of the dead.

She revved the car stepping on the gas,while she ran over a few of the dead ahead and we were out of the place in seconds the dead slowing down in the distance.

"So where are you both going?" I was going to answer but Fin beat me to it "none of your business" he spat and the girl chuckled clearly unmoved by his attempt to sound rude.

"Actually we have a cabin somewhere in the woods but someone decided to play a lady's man and save this bitch who brought people and probably stole all of our supplies!" I growl narrowing my eyes at Fin,who turned away embarrassed.

"Aaaah... I see you've run into the Vincentian's" she said nodding "Vincentian's?" I ask eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah they're the... merciful ones? Whatever they're better than their rivals the Luusha's,they're battling you know wanting to rule over California now since the government is out and trying to get control... Power"

"We've never heard of them" Fin mumbles

"Well that's weird,how long have you been in that cabin?"

"We we're in for two months or so,we only got out for medicines batteries and yeah she wanted Takis" Fin points at me accusingly,the girl chuckles again.

"Well if you found any be happy cause there won't be alot more to go around anymore"

"Why do you say that?"

"People are looking for food and stuff plus I'm trying to get a whole stash of them too,the little girl you didn't save loves them"

"Wait you saw that?!"Fin asked perplexed and she shrugged.

"I see a alot of things Finneas O'Connell"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know alot of things,I see alot of things"

"Why did you save me today though?" I ask and she kept her eyes on the road for a minute quiet... She took a deep breath shaking her head while stopping the car in the outskirts of the city

"I'll give you both a little advice,don't go back to your cabin and stay there the Vincentian's will probably make it one of their safe houses now that they gave you a 'merciful death' if they get their hands on you again you'll have to say how you escaped and trust me,I don't need you both talking about me,I prefer to stay anonymous"

"Wait, your the Panther!" I exclaim and she furrows her eyebrows clearly lost "panther?" She asks frowning.

"You don't know what they call you? They call you the panther and the stories they talk about you bro... You don't want to know" she laughs openly for a minute before shaking her head.

"Exactly I don't want you saying that I was actually close to you both"

"Can we at least get your name?" She shook her head "see your face?" She shook her head again. "Ok what do we do if we want to meet you again?" Her eyes lit up amused.

"Just scream... Really loud but don't depend on me showing up honestly" ok that hurt,I haven't been able to stop thinking about her for days and she says she might be a no show.

"Can I ask for a favour?" She nods "if we meet next time will you please have a bag of Takis for me?" She shakes her head unbelievably before sighing shrugging "sure,I have to go now,Ronin must be scared"

"Is that the little girls name?" She nods before getting out of the car she opened the back door taking a slightly bigger bag swinging it onto her shoulder.

"Hope you can find your way from here and one more thing no matter how much stories they'll tell you about the other being a shitty group it's all lies I hope you both know better" she turned around walking back to the city.

I got out standing watching her "wait!" I yelled running to her,she turned around eyebrows furrowed slightly "thank you" I mumbled slamming myself into her taking in her intoxicating scent one more time.

She pat my back again for sometime "uh yeah cool" I pulled away to look into those eyes for a second again, Panther...

I watched as she left running towards a tree,she jumped up holding onto a branch swinging,she climbed to the top fast before jumping again holding an iron bar swinging again landing on the stairs climbing them until she was on top of the building.

She removed the cloth covering her face but I couldn't see her face clearly, she then ran out view leaving me stunned.

I walked back to the van to Fin who was watching her too, "think we'll see her again?" I ask as he starts the van and he shrugs.

"Where do we go from here?" I ask and he sighs openly "it's been a while since we were home... What do you think?" I shrug "home sounds okay" I mumble getting lost in my thoughts... Panther... I'll definitely be looking for her again,I know,stupid Billie!

To be honest life in the apocalypse is pretty boring and when you find something that's really infactuating it becomes the center of attention,no wonder everyone wants to know her.

She is one of a kind of a girl...


Time to start what I'm best at... *cracks knuckles and twists neck* making people have heart attacks :)


Days In The Deadland//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now