✓Chapter 30

627 45 91

New Arrivals

Morgan's pov

I watch in horror as the elite stalked towards Terra who had now drawn her gun out but shooting the thing was futile, it's simply too fast for a bullet probably because it heard the sound and moved quick enough to avoid the firing range target.

With all our guns drawn at the Zed it stops dead not moving a single rotten muscle as it gazes ready for an attack.

From the corner of my eye I watch Sophie bend slightly attracting the elite's attention immediately she picks a large rock from the ground passing her gun to Billie who took it with slightly shaking hands, my eyes turn to RV where Ronin is watching us from the bedroom window and I sigh knowing the child is safe.

As she takes a step back I can't help but grit my teeth wondering what she has planned. The elite stares long at the hazel eyed girl who continues stepping back with measured,silent and sure steps.

Billie then moves walking to the side and i sigh not loosing sights of the elite as it turned to Billie now. It's head tilts to the side like an animal's as if confused by the two.

A low rumble rips from it's throat when it's brain doesn't understand what is happening. Slow and surely my two girls move apart until they come to an abrupt stop and this makes the elite crouch even lower as if preparing to pounce if any attack is launched. Terra continues helping the remaining girls into the big bus after realizing the elite is no longer interested in her at the moment before closing the door silently.

I watch Billie raise the gun in her hand taking a shot into the air making the Zed moves as soon as she pulled the trigger but a large rock hitting it square in the face as soon as it stops making it rear back from the force gets it off guard.

My eyes move to the side where the rock came from to find Sophie grinning wildly,mirth sparkling in her eyes as she hit her target spot on.

She reaches down quickly grabbing three more rocks as the elite turned to her a side of its face looking blown off as rotten flesh that was once it's cheek down on the ground exposing rotting brown teeth. An eye from it's socket also blown and hanging loosely.

Claudia doesn't hesitate to let her guard down as she turns around straight into a bush and proceeded to hurl her guts out with abandon.

The elite let's out an angry roar and proceeds to stalk towards Sophie who doesn't move wind blows slightly and the elite raises it's nose sniffing around before looking at Sophie with that same curious look from before it then sniffs the air again before turning to lock eyes with me looking even more confused as it's head ticked again and again making the hanging eye rip from it's socket to the ground in a splat.

This makes Claudia turn back to her bush hurling again until I was sure it was becoming painful for her.

The elite switches to looking between me and Sophie before deciding to deal with us later as it set it's eyes on Aerith. This makes a low growl escape my lips getting it's attention. If I wasn't wrong I could have sworn it smirked or attempted to smirk at me when I grew possessive of my sister.

It sensed my need to protect her and it was finally having the time of its life finally eliciting a reaction it so wanted and absolutely bathed in.

Without another thought I pulled the trigger of my gun several times at the zombie as I moved to cover Aerith with my body, it escapes a few but I nip it over and over in a few places enough to make it loose balance and for one of its hands to fall from the socket when one of my bullets ripped clean through its rotting flesh and bone severing the limb completely.

Days In The Deadland//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now