✓Chapter 12

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No Place Is Safe

Billie's pov

"Great! We have a cat and a dog! I'm Billie but they call me Minnie,I'm the mouse" I tell Sophie making everyone laugh as she chuckled giving me the finger.

Morgan took off her blades putting them away and called for Ronin, the little girl went running into her arms and they engulfed each other in a big hug.

"My princess sleep good?" She asked the little girl softly and she nodded "cool c'mon" Morgan stood up and carried the child away "so she's not mute,well... she's got everyone fooled" Sophie drawled.

"I'm also going to guess,you told a false story" she said making Aerith chuckle "no it's the truth just not in the right format,could say it's a puzzle piece type of story" she slumped back pulling Magness close to her front.

"What about you?" Bitchy Jinx is back people! "What?" Sophie asked staring at her "what's your story" if I'm not wrong she's like this with every new person she meets,maybe that's why she was the only one that survived in that school,her stay away from people instincts kicked in.

To be honest my introverted ass gets like that sometimes, everyone raises redflags,one way or another.

"Well,I dunno where the hell my family is right now but I know they're in another safe haven,met this group tried using me as bait,survived met again this time only sixteen remained turns out karma is a bitch" she chuckled.

"Joined up again followed them here hoping to see my family but I got nun,was looking for a way out and the Sergeant has been getting on my fuckin' nerves,dumbass bitch!" she said taking both blades from her back with the sheath dropping them next to Morgan's.

"You use blades too" I state as she flops down next to me on the couch "I use a lil bit of of everything,cept for explosives,them shits are loud asf!"

"Well I beg to differ but the louder they are the better they work" did anyone else hear that innuendo? Morgan said as she came back into the room both their hairs looking slightly wet,Ronin with a bag of Takis,my jaw dropped at the sight.

"Ronin" I called lowly making the little girls eyes turn to me as she licked her little fingers "you wanna share with me?" I shamelessly asked,those are Takis... Fucking Takis! I will ask the little girl to share,fuck y'all!

"You've gotta be kidding me Billie" Morgan said as she glared at me "but-- but-- IT'S TAKIS!" I exclaimed pouting to put an emphasis,she sighed raising a brow at me and I pouted more even let out a little whimper.

"Give the Takis to Billie,baby" Ronin looked at the bag then at me then the bag again and shrugged getting up to pass them over. I quickly took it mumbling a thanks mentally dancing and threw a few into my mouth moaning loudly at the familiar taste.

A bag being ripped caught my attention and I opened my eyes finding Morgan and Ronin snacking on another bag of Takis!

"This is not fair!" I grumbled standing up making the guys snicker and Morgan winked "I want a second one too" my petty side has issues when it comes to Takis! "Billie" Morgan called in that low warning tone and I quickly sat back down and found myself on Sophie's lap.

You think I got off? Hell no! I made me comfortable on a human body,I tucked myself into her arms as I munched on the treats glaring back at Morgan.

"Bro! You're so small!" She gushed squeezing me up! "Bitch your like an inch taller!" I grumble emphasizing my point with a taki and she quickly took it into her mouth.

This girl did not just eat my taki! "Give me back my taki or I'll start another apocalypse on you" I growl and feel something chucked at my face,I turn ready to go off on whoever it was only to be met by a bag of Takis.

Days In The Deadland//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now