Chapter 24

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I arrived at the MSG with 7minutes to spare. Throwing the money at the taxi driver be jumping out of the car. Running as fast as I could, with little fuel in my tank, but the survival of my friends motivating me to keep going. I ran past security flashing my card. I had a read of the note on the way here. I new where the next clue was it was just a matter of finding the right one. I run through the long halls of the garden. I finally arrive at the stage. "for under the stars and bellow the stairs" - the stars are the boys and below the stairs basically speaks for itself. Some of the event concert staff are there preparing everything ignoring them I run under the stage there are only two sets on either side. I check the first one thoroughly no enveleope to be seen. I run up the stairs and down the other. It has the be there, bending down on my knees. There it was a little white envelope with the number '2' written on it. Checking my watch I had 1 minute to spare. I take a moment to catch my breath before reading the next clue.

"Congratulations on finding clue number 2. Be sure to read between the lines. For a clue that is yet to be defined. One has been saved. Varsity M holds the key - find this and you will find me. you have 11minutes -X  ' what the hell does that mean? I have 11 minutes fuck.

My stomach begins to turn. I begin to feel nauseous. I can't hold it in. I bend forward and I spew the little contents of my stomach onto the floor. My eyes are watering and my throat burns from the acid. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve.

"are you okay darl?" One of the event staff asked.

"Yes sorry I'm fine!".

She was wearing a t-shirt with a photo of the boys. That's when it hit me. Varsity M! The next clue is in zayn's jacket.

"Thank you sorry! I've got to go!!"

I ran off towards the dressing room. Down the long white hallway I had 3 minutes left. With the little strength I had I pushed not stopping until I reached the room. I burst in, Marie-Anne was in there steaming the costumes for tonight.

"Where's zayn's Varsity jacket” I screamed running over to the rack of things.

"I couldn't find it earlier today but it reappeared again last time I checked should still be there!".

I was flicking through the rack of clothes. Finally coming across the jacket. And there it was pined to the inside of the jacket the next clue. With a big 3 written on the front. I zipped the envelope of fumbling with the piece of paper, luckily with seconds to spare.

"You found the 3rd clue well done to you, one more life has been saved that now makes 2. listen to me. When the clock strikes half past 8, you won't want to be late. 4 will rise one will fall. But you will not get to see them all. For one may be shot behind a closed door. Little do they know this is the end, but you don’t need to pretend. Follow my lead and lives could be saved 9-69-2 holds two answers you oh so desperately crave. You have 9 minutes to find the next clue. Good luck -X". 9minutes means it has to be in the building 9? 69?2?. Come on Bella think.  

I tried adding the number together, multiplying and subtracting. I came up short. at this point I had exited the dressing room and I was back in the arena. searching for clues. When the number 9 caught my eye, SECTION 9! there was 33 section in the garden it must be it. I ran as fast as I could to the block of stairs. standing in from of the seats. 69 either stands for the row number or the seat number. I guess ill find out. running to row 2 seat 69 jumping onto the ground searching the seat, under and over back to front. Nothing. Checking the time I have 45 seconds. My panic turned into adrenaline, giving me the strength to run up 67 rows. I pull myself from the ground out of the row and sprinting up the stairs. I could feel my muscles pulsating. Diving onto the ground scraping my hands and knees I dive under the chair ad there it is taped underneath clue number 4. - ripping it off the chair and ripping the envelope open. To read the next clue.

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