Chapter 5

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 Bella’s POV:

Once the boys were done eating, we made our way back to Sydney harbour where Paul was waiting for us with the yacht.

“Oh my god. You said boat, you didn't say we were going to be on a fifty foot boat" my mouth gaped open yet again, this life of extreme luxury I was not used to. Harry and I used to be happy with just a soccer ball and a single bed.

"Come on, Get in" Harry said, before I could object he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me into the boat.

"I could have done that on my own, but thank you" I huffed rolling my eyes again. He's treating me like I'm a fragile child, he was never like this. He would treat me like I was one of the boys.

"Couldn't risk you falling in, I didn't feel like playing life saver just yet!" he smiled. The rest of the boys hopped in one by one. Niall was carrying a massive eski.

"Niall, what do you have in there?" Harry looked at the blonde Irish leprechaun.

“Just a couple of snacks for the trip," he said putting the eski on the ground. I wasn't going to make a comment about the food, as it might remind Harry that I still haven't eaten.

"We just ate" Zayn butted in. Zayn doesn't say much, he's more of a one liner kind of guy.

"You'll thank me if we get stranded on a deserted island" Niall laughed. All I've seen him do is laugh and eat.

"Bella Wella are you ready?" Louis said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Harry.

"Ready for what?" I laughed.

"I thought you'd never ask" Louis had a remote in his hand. He swung his arm around pretending it was a sword, pressing the on button.

"To party and bullshit" he said. The music started blasting through the speaker phones that surrounded the boat. Sorry, yacht I mean. He started dancing on the spot, on his own To Rita Ora. I turn around and realize Harry is already in the water.

So I make my way over to Niall who was currently eating a Caremelo Koala. "You want one of these?" he asked with a mouth full of food as I sat next to him.

"No, I'm fine thanks"

"Are you sure? Man we don't have these back home, these are amazing! How could you resist?!" he said shoving the second one in his mouth.

"Bella! Come in the water, it’s amazing out here" Harry screamed from the water. Saved by the bell again. I got up of the seat and made my way over to the side of the boat.

"You know there are sharks in there" I said smiling.

"So what? Come in Or are you scared?” Harry said teasing me.

"No I'm not, I'm just going to put my feet in for now. I’ll come in a bit later." I said.

"Okay fine," he grunts now floating on his back. I slip off my shoes, and pull my dress over my head, leaving me in just my bikini. I sit on the back of the boat on the edge dipping my feet into the water. Harry swims towards me.

"Hey can you help me up?" he asks extending his hand to me.

"The stairs are just there" I said pointing to my right.

"No, that's too far. Pweaze?" he shook his hand in front of me again.

"Fine." I sighed.

As soon as I grabbed his hand, he yanks me into the water causing me to flip forward, straight into the salty dark blue water. The salt water stung my eyes. I'm left gasping for air after I find myself choking on the salt water. I finally brought myself to the surface and regained my breath.

"Harry!!!" I shrieked. I turned to face the boy that just dunked me in Sydney harbour. He was smiling ear to ear, acting all smug.


"I'm going to kill you!"

"Well you’re gonna have to catch me first" he smiling taking of at full speed in the other direction. I took off after him. One thing I must say, I was always better at swimming, unlike Harry. I took off at full speed, but then found myself gasping for air, struggling to keep my head above the water. I had no energy to swim, I was feeling really faint, my vision became blurry, and I began to black out.

"Bella, don't play like that I know what you’re doing!" Harry screamed.

"Harry! Shit, I don't think she's playing! Bella are you okay? I'm coming Bella!” I heard the distant echo of an Irish accent and a splash. Before I blacked out.



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