Chapter 8

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Bella's POV:

I was stuck in a daze just replaying the last 10 minutes, I think my body heat had risen to 110 degrees, I was all hot and sweaty just thinking about him, and if that really happened.

"Here put this on now!" harry said furiously, throwing his t-Shirt at me, turning on his heels and walking away from me.

What the fuck is his problem? I thought to myself is it because I screamed at him before?

 "Um... okay! what's wrong now?" I sneer shaking my head at him.

"nothing!" he spat back.

"um clearly something wrong your being a dick! so tell me!", he ignored me.

"was it because I screamed at you?" I question tilting my head. He had his back towards me, but I could see his fists were both clenched.

"okay fine you wanna know why, because you have changed, the Bella I once new would not have been sitting there in a skimpy bikini, with her breast pushed out, and allowing some random guy to touch her like that! like some skank" he said through gritted teeth.

"Way to go harry, claps for you!" I said clapping sarcastically.

"I haven't seen you in what 2 years, and this is what you say to me, are you for fucking real he wasn't doing anything but his job!" I screeched I could feel a lump building up in the back of my throat, anger swept over my body, and tears building up in the back of my eyes.

"oh really did you see the way he was looking at you, not to mention touching you!"

" So what guys aren't allowed to look at me? what am I not attractive enough for that? and harry yes I may have changed, but boy so have you and not for the better, I think the stardom has gone to your fucking head, you my friend are not the harry styles I once new, the harry I new would have never spoken to me like that, and how dare you call me a fucking skank, harry if anyone here is a fucking skank its you! so go fuck yourself, enjoy your life, I'm leaving!" I threw the t-shirt back at him, I was now holding in the tears, he cant see me cry, I wont let him.

He stood there like a stunned mullet, starring at me. The rest of the boys just stood there wide eyed, not knowing what to say, niall was scratching the back of his head, zayn was running his finger through his hair, Louis just remained still his eyes flicking between the both of us and Liam was staring into the sky. I pulled myself of the chair with the little strength I had and stormed off, picking up my bag, and power walking back to the dock.

Harrys POV:

She through my t-shirt back at me, I could see the anger in her eyes and her breathing became hard and heavy, I could see the rise and fall from her lungs, making her rib cage stand out even more then it already does. I felt like a I had been punched in the stomach. I didn't want her to leave. but I found myself frozen in place, unable to move my body, or make a sound. mentally screaming,

"no Bella don't go! don't go! I didn't mean it I'm sorry!" but the words would come out. I watched her as she lifted her tiny body from the chair, picking up her bag and practically running of the boat.

"That was so uncalled for you have turned into a real prick you know that!" niall shoved past me running after Bella.

Bella's POV:

Once I got to the dock, the tears started poring form my eyes, I couldn't hold them back anymore. did I really think everything was going to go back to normal, we had not seen each other in 2 years, we are not the same people we were back then. Harry was never like this, we would never fight, he would never criticize me or put me down. The sweet boy from Holmes chapel I once new was no more. And it breaks my heart, because he was all I had left, he was the only person left I could tell anything to and I could truly trust with my life. I hardly see my dad anymore, I am now truly alone. The tears soon turned into a weep. I didn't have the strength to walk and cry I just dropped to my knees, burying my head in my hands. I have nothing left to live for, harry was the only thing that kept me holding on.

 "Bella!" I soft voice whispered from behind me.

Shit, I tried to wipe away the evidence of my tears, but it was no use, my eyes were probably raw red.

"what do you want?" I said back trying to keep my voice from shaking. "

I was just coming to make sure you were okay!" he was walking slowly towards me.

"I'm fine!" I said softly.

"really this is you fine? I wonder what your like when your not fine!" he laughed trying to lighten up the situation.

The blonde haired, blue eyes, Irish boy knelt down in front of me.

"harry! didn't mean what he said!" he said softly.

"of course he meant it! then why else would he say it!"

"he was just angry, he thought his best friend was going to die, then I don't know you know harry as well as I do, he says things he doesn't mean when he's angry!"

"The harry I new would never talk to me like that, other people maybe but not me! he's not the same! it was a mistake me coming here, I'm just gonna go!" I pushed myself of the floor, losing my balance and falling into nialls arms.

 "your not going anywhere, at least not until we get you something to eat!" he said as he lifted me bridal style into his arms.

"I'm fine I can walk!" I said trying to squirm out of his clasp but yet again it was no use.

"I'm sure you can, but for now I'm going to carry you, we will catch a cab back to the hotel, and we will get you something to eat! then you can do whatever you like"

"fine!" I sighed not bothering to argue.

Harry's POV:

I turned around to look at the other boys, they wouldn't look at me in the eye, they were all ignoring me, avoiding my gaze. Now my friends are ignoring me too. I need to fix this with Bella, I need to now before she leaves. I go to run of the side of the boat. I can see Bella and niall in the distance, just I can make it she hasn't left. I watch from a distance, niall has his hand around Bella waist holding her close to him, there bodies touching and there faces not to far apart. that should be me, that should be me comforting her, not niall. I continue to watch as he lifts her into his arms, bridal style, her hands wrapped around his neck as he carries her to the road. that brings back memories, from when we were younger Bella would sleep everywhere, and I would always have to carry her home and tuck her into bed. One time in her sleep she told me she loved me, and shed miss me even if we hadn't met. Bella was never good talking about her feelings even on a friendship level. I tear slid down my cheek knowing that I may never get those memories back again. Niall knows how I used to feel about her, why is he doing this. do I still love her? or is it my jealousy getting the best of me.



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