Chapter 18

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Bella's POV:

It has been a week since the fight with harry, since Niall and I were officially a couple. Today was the day before the MSG and the day Taylor Swift arrives. I have been dreading This day all week. Don't get me wrong my feelings are genuine for Niall but there is always that little voice in my head that keeps saying what if. But not taking to harry is taking it toll on me, mentally and physically. I haven't been eating much and I started purging again. I wish I could make it stop but I can't. When I loose control over the rest of my life this is my vice.

Niall has been busy this week along with the other boys so be hasn't been able to monitor my eating which makes it easier on me too. When I'm around him I eat the bear minimum so he doesn't suspect Anything, and since we all eat super late I just use the excuse that I'm going to bed and he doesn't question it. He's nearly sprung me a few times. Anyways it's freezing cold here in NYC, and it's it first full day off in a week. The boys families all arrived yesterday to,all the boys mums including Anne and nialls mum, we are actually having breakfast with his mum this morning this will officially be the first time we meet. So I'm super nervos.

Eleanor and Perrie arrived yesterday too and Danielle! Apparently Liam and Dani have been meeting up with each other in secret and brace yourselves payzer is officially back together .  So happy for Liam I haven't seen him this happy in months, and if you look at the it's as if time has never passed and they are still as in love as they ever were , of not more. I guess is true what try say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

There was a knocking at my door.

"Bella! Are you ready?" Niall sang from the other side of the door.

I was wearing black skinny jeans, knees high flat boots, white longs sleeve top with black stripes, a black coat, with a  black beanie and matching scarf. It's freezing in NYC so I've layered up also because it hides the weight i lost During the week I had a vision with me with short hair so I cut my dark locks into a short choppy bob.

"Relax I'm coming"I huffed.  

The boys have been busting into my room lately without any knocking they all decided they need a knee, so I've been dead bolting it, hence why Niall is still waiting on the other side of the door. I swung my bag over my shoulder and I trotted over to the door Swinging it open to find Niall standing with his feet apart and arms folded across his chest.

"What's up yor bum" I said wrapping my arms around niall’s neck  hovering my face over his.

"I've been in the ball for 10minuted knocking since you dead bolted it ; what if there was an emergency and I needed too get in Isabella and we are late for my mum" Niall said trying to keep a serious face, and refusing to kiss me.

"Oh come on baby I'm sorry" I said In a baby voice giving him a Eskimo kiss.

"No Bella!"

"come on I'm sorry just one kiss"

"no" he shook his head rolling his lips in.

"Pweaz I'm sowee" I poked my button lip out attempting puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" Niall said as he closed his eyes leaning in for a kiss. As he leaned in I leaned back. Letting go of his neck.

"God Niall not the time were already late, your poor mums waiting!" I said through a smile.

He narrowed his eyes at me. I turned back to close the door behind me. When Niall grabbed my hand and pulling me into him before pressing his lips against mine. Not asking for permission and just sliding his tongue into my mouth. When we kiss it’s like Our hearts beat as one. Our tongue fought  for dominance, he won. The kiss was getting intense, ten kiss depend and It because more urgent. My body was tingling all over my knees were weak. Until...... He broke away leaving me hanging. My body was pulsating wanting more. He let go of me.

"Two can play at that game baby!" He winked as he walked towards the left leaving me hanging panting wanting more. 

The traffic in NYC is ridiculous so we decided to walk the 3 blocks to the little cafe we were meeting his mum. The paps were surrounding the entrance of the hotel hundreds of people. Screaming taking photos desperate for a glimpse of Niall. We had a secret guard each, clearing the path. Niall took my hand in his holding it tight.

"Don't let go" He smiled at me and we proceeded down the street with everyone following us.

There was double the amount of paps as usually because they are all waiting for the first photos of harry and Taylor swift together. And also the first shots of Liam and Danielle back together. It's pure madness. Eleanor and Louis, zayn and Perrie and Niall and I are old news so nobody really cares to much. 

We finally made it to the cafe. As we entered the little cafe. My body thawed out. It was a cute little place, cosy. All it's tables and chairs were different not one piece of furniture was the same it probably fits a Max of 20 people at one time. Nialls mum Maura was waiting for us at the back. I was still holding onto niall’s hand tightly.

"Niall I'm really nervous what of she doesn't like me?" I whispered into his ear as we came close to the table.

"She will love you! Like I do" He gave me A little smile and giving my hand a squeeze.

"My baby" Nialls mum said practically jumping out of her seat lifting her hands in the air like she was thanking god.

"Hi mum" Niall said obviously embarrassed.  

She wrapped her arms around her boy pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheeks. He did not let to of my hand.

"Okay mum that's enough" He steak we to get out.

"Oh sorry am I embarrassing you in front of your girlfriend she said with a cheeky smile! I haven't seen my baby in so long I can't help it" She finally let go of Niall leaving lipstick all over his cheeks.

"And you must be Isabella! Niall has told me so much about you! Every time he calls he manages to talk about you 98% of the time and the other 2% is about what he's eaten that day"

"MUM! Stop! Your embarrassing me"

"what isn't that what mums are Supposed to do?" he rolled his eyes at her.

"Come here darling, I want to give my daughter in law a hug"


"shhhh" shed shushing her boy and coming over to me and Embarrassing me In a warm motherly hug.

"You take care of my boy okay?" She said breaking away from the hug but still holding me close.

"She does" Niall smile.

"Actually your son looks after me, you have raised a gentlemen" I said with a smile.

"We'll I'm glad to hear. If not ill have to come to London abit more and smack him around! She joked I think.  

After a couple of hours of nialls mum embarrassing her boy and then arguing with Niall over who was going. To pay for breakfast and when I offered to pay I nearly got attacked by both of them. Nialls mum whispered something into nialls ear which caused him to surrender. 



I felt like updating ive been writing a lot

this is a filler chapter :) but i promise the next chapter is going to get a whole lot more intresting ;)

Please dont forget to VOTE :)

its would be amaizng.


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