Chapter 48

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  Bella's POV:  

I'm sitting in my business class seat, my seatbelt buckled, preparing for take off.

My heart is racing a million miles an hour. And breaking all at the same time.   

"As we are preparing for take of, please ensure all electronic devices are switched of." An overhead announcement from one of the cabin crew rang through my ears, snapping me back into reality.   Whoops, I forgot to turn my phone off.  

I lean down and pull my bag out from under the seat in front of me.   

I click it on, no messages no missed calls. A pang slightly struck my heart. I guess Niall kept his promise just like he said he would. Even though apart of me hoped he didn't. Apart of me hoped I had a message or a missed call. Telling me to get of the plane and not to leave. But that only happens in the movies who am I kidding. I proceeded to switch off my phone. Placing in back in my bag, and sliding the bag back under the chair in front of me.   

I Lean back and close my eyes. This is going to be a long flight home.   


I had just touched down in Sydney. And since I was in business class we were the first ones off the plane. I proceed to collect my luggage and head out the airport doors. It was hot  in Sydney, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. The smell of summer lingered in the air. Sydney was such a beautiful place to live but it just didn't feel like home anymore. It felt foreign. I had family and friends but it just wasn't the same without my mum, now my dad and most of all without the boys. Paul organized to send my dads body over here before I left and before he new I was leaving , so my family could give my father a proper funeral, a proper goodbye. But I had no intention of attending.

He wasn't always the bitter Old man he left this world like, he was once sweet and kind. Lively and adventurous. But since the death I my mother, he aged upon years and resented me. To loss him now is devastating, but the truth is I lost my father a long time ago, around the same time I lost my mother. At least now I know they are in a safe place happy together somewhere.  

I continue towards the taxi stand I take my place at the end of the taxi cue where there is about 25 other people in front of me. to my left I see about 10 suited up chauffeurs holdings signs. I scanned each of the names, Nadine smith, Ian miller, Sam Holley, Lisa rum, Isabella Ryan, Zelda locker. Wait hold on, does that say Isabella Ryan? I rub my eyes just incase I'm hallucinating, or imagining things. In big black letters it read Isabella Ryan. I don't remember booking a driver, maybe Niall booked it to make sure I got home safe.   

I slowly crept over to the, short bald guy, in a black suit. He had thick salt and pepper eyebrows, and a thick slat and pepper mo. I think he may be European, maybe Greek or Italian.   

"Um hi, my name is Isabella Ryan, I didn't hire you but I think my friend did!"  

"Oh yes, miss Ryan, how do you do? Mr. Niall called me yesterday and ordered your pick up. Let me take your bags, and we can be on our way."   

I passed him my rolly bag but held onto my hand bag. We walked a few meters down to a black Chrysler town car, the windows were tinted so dark you can not see In.   

The driver put my bags into the boot. And I slide into the back of the car.   

"Did Niall give you my address?" I asked the driver once he hoped back into the car.   

"Yes mam."


The traffic my heavy, it was Wednesday afternoon 5pm, and currently stuck in Sydney peak time traffic.

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