Chapter 30

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 "Dad what are you doing here?", I said to my dad who I hadn't seen or really spoken to in months. His salt and pepper hair grown out longer then usual. He had a few extra wrinkles. He had bags under his eyes and it looked like he had not shaved in days. He kind of looked like Niall a mess. He was a handsome man, from what my mum used to tell me, he was a stud, every guy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to be with him. She used to tell me how he new he could get anyone, so when they met at first she couldn't stand him. He was so obnoxious. He asked her out 24 times before she finally agreed. And we'll they were inseparable until the moment she died. He was her bad boy who was only good for her. And she was his good girl only bad for him. Which at the time I didn't understand, but awkwardly enough now I do. 

"Harry called me, I tried to catch the first flight over, but there was a hurricane in Auckland and nobody was flying out!", he ran his fingers through his hair messy hair. His eyes met mine, his face emotionless he just stared at me like it was the first time he had ever seen me before. The room was silent.

"Harry called you?"

"yes..." He was straight and blunt, like usual.

"Hey do you guys mind if you give my daughter and I a moment alone?"

I looked up at Niall who was still holding my hand, he looked at me as if to stay are you sure, I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

"Goo ill be fine" , I gave him a small smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. What I really wanted to say was please don't go stay with me.

"Okay ill be right outside the door" He let go of my hand placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

 "Ahh it was nice to meet you Mr. Ryan" Niall said before he quickly hurried out of the room along with the rest of them. Once the door was closed, I new I was going to hear it. He did not step a foot closer to me he just stood there.

"Isabella what have you done to yourself?" He sighed. Touching his face either because he was frustrated or anxious, I couldn't quiet tell. What did he expect me to answer to that, was this a rhetorical question, because I don't even know the answer to that I don't even no how I got myself to this point. He looked at me hoping for a explanation but knowing he wasn't going to get one. He took a few steps forward so he was at the foot of my bed. I expected him to scream and let it all out. But he didn't. He sighed again cautiously taking a seat on my bed.

"If your mum was here she would have known what to do!" I saw a tear fall from his eye and roll down his cheek, his beard catching his tear.

This is the first time I've seen my father cry since my mothers funeral all those years ago. I felt my heart break for him.

"Bella! I can't loose you too!"

"Your not going to loose me"

"Good So I've decided your going to be sent back to the clinic back in Sydney, once you've been released from here I'm taking you home"

 "No dad you can't take me anywhere, I'm not going back to Sydney!"

"Yes you are! It's all been arranged"

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