Chapter 36.5

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Liams POV:
"Niall you have got to go get up!" I shouted at the blonde boy who was sprawled on his bed in front of the telly, sitting in his own filth. the shades were drawn and he was wearing a white stained t-shirt with some sort of sauce on it he had eaten previously during the day, and a pair of grey trackies. his socks were miss matching and his hair was oily and sticking to his forehead. he looked like he hadn’t showered in days, and I’m pretty sure he had not. Seeing him like that really broke my heart. niall is always the happy go lucky, one. always smiling and always laughing. I haven’t seen him crack a smile in a week.
"I'm not going!" he mumbled, as he shoved a fist full of cheetos into his mouth.
"yes you are, it’s our final fitting for the awards."
"I don’t care, I already had my fitting!"
"Niall we don’t have a choice get up."
"We can do this the easy way by you getting up having a showering and putting some clean clothes on because you stink, or we can do it the hard way where I will drag you off that bed and throwing you into the shower myself. and if you get a few cut and bruises in the process so be it."
"okay well then you made your decision" I clasped my hands around niall ankle pulling him bum first of the bed, smacking his squidgy ass and head in the process.
"OUCH!" he screeched rubbing the back of his head.
"so I will give you one more chance do you want to do it the easy way or the hard way"
"I told you I’m not going"
"Okay then from now on I am not liable for any damages" I bent down to grab his ankles but he began kicking at me. after coping a few kicked to the leg and face. I managed to clasped my hands around niall’s ankles. Dragging him along the carpet towards the bathroom.
"No stop let me go!" he fort trying to kick his legs but I had my hands clasped strongly around his legs.
"You chose this"
I managed to pull him into the bathroom. dragging him into the shower. i dropped his legs, and proceeded to reach for the showering hose.
"I didn’t choose this, I didn’t choose for any of this to happen to me! I finally found someone who I love and adore, and she broke me. she broke me in half" I could see he was broken, I could see it in his eyes. Seeing one of my best mates and one of the greatest person I have ever met like that kills me inside.
"but niall you have to understand you stuffed up too, you did cheat on her."
"I know I did, but regardless she was bound to leave me for him"
"niall you don’t know that"
"I do, she never once looked at me the way she looked at him. she never once hugged me the way she hugged him, and she never once loved me the way she loved him. it was only a matter of time. I knew if she was to find out he loved her like she loved him, I would be history, she would have left me. over time I hopped I could make her fall in love with me, if I showed her how much I loved and cared about her but as time progressed I knew, it was only a matter of time. there wasn’t any competition he had already won. this was the first girl I had opened up to in a long time, I knew it was a risk I knew she loved him when we first got together, but it thought she is worth the risk." he wasn’t crying, but I could tell he was crying on the side. trying to be strong trying to hold himself together. I know what he is going through, when Danny and I broke up the first time, it killed me, I didn’t want to go anywhere I didn’t want to see anybody. and with the help of my friends most of all niall I got through the hard time.
"niall she isn’t the first girl and she isn’t the last. you will find someone that loves you as much as you love her, and I want you to never let her go. You will know from the start, and when you have found the one hold onto her with both hands. there will ups and downs, hard times but in the end its worth it. your young your hot, your rich, enjoy being single, enjoy your life, because your still only 19 make the most of it."
"I really do hope you are right. did I tell you I blame myself for Bella ending up in the hospital. if I didn’t try so hard to please her, by agreeing to keep her illness a secret when I found out. she may not have ended up in the hospital and on the end of death. I felt like by holding it in, it was like I had killed her. I should have come clean from the start." I didn’t realize he felt that ways, now I understand why he took it even harder then the rest of us. Don’t get me wrong we were all heart broken and worried. But niall had taken it to a whole other level.
"but niall it isn’t your fault, you were only doing what you thought was right, you didn’t know the severity of her situation. you can't blame yourself."
We sat in silence for a bit.
"were already late can you please help me out here and get yourself ready."
"Liam I’m not ready to face her yet"
"I’m sorry mate I know this it’s hard, but you have to. your going to have to face her at some point"
"I’m also sorry for what I’m about to do?"
"huh?" niall looked up at me confused.
I switched the showering on, and sprayed him down. he was wet from head to toe fully clothed. dripping, he kind of looked like a wet dog.
"sorry mate. I wasn’t going to let you out smelling the way you do! it wouldn’t have been fair to anybody" I continued to spray him down.
"OKAY STOP STOP! I’ll do it myself!" he coughed as he choked on some water.
"promise?" I held the showering hose over him.
"I promise" I turned the water off before giving him the hose knowing exactly well he would have wet me right back.
"okay you have 3minutes" I said as I exited the bathroom.
"I hate you!" he shouted.
"I love you too!"
within 5 minutes he was dressed and ready. I could tell he was nervous, if it wasn’t of important we b there I would have left him in his own filth. but we didn’t have a choice.
So this was kind of a random upload, I don’t usually like to do POV's of the other characters because for me it gets super confusing. I don’t know how guys think, so I apologies if the guys in my stories seem really girly. jUST THOUGHT YOU GUYS WANTED TO KNOW WHAT LIAM HAD TO DO TO GET NIALL THERE :) PLEASE DONT FORGET TO cOMMENT AND VOTE :) XOXO

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