Chapter 27

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The song finished and all the girls ran off the stage whilst the lights were dark. Taylor had stormed of the stage pushing past the crew and running back into the dressing rooms. I felt like I was on such a high. The Adrenaline  was pumping through my body, from being out on stage with the boys and the fans it was so liberating. Us girls were all laughing and carrying on like idiots. When it hit me. My phone buzzed loudly in my pocket.  It was Him. I stopped dead in my tracks. My stomach dropped and my heart began I pound hard against my chest. Sickness swept over me again, I was feeling nauseous but this time I had absolutely  nothing in my stomach to bring up. I hesitantly pulled my phone from my pocket. My hands were trembling, I didn’t want to read it. Sliding open the message. 

The gardens now quiet not a peep or a squeak.

The boys fondest memories will be remembered this week.

The tears will be flowing like a tall waterfall.

That will sweep the planet like the Beatles before.

Hearts will be breaking across the nations they rule.

And you'll be the only one who will be left looking like a fool.

Lives may be taken the sadness is near.

Poor little harry will never reappear.

Now that you have my one last clue.

Its time to farewell all you love as its may be the last time you do.

Niall the sweet and kind hearted one will love you forever, as two become one

Zayn is in pain as he will loose his dear friend but he will be left fighting till the very end

Liam now lost he hurts from inside, the tears will be fall right from his eyes

Louis left bitter, aged upon his years, the once young at heart will live in constant fear.

For harry is cold, he was the chosen one. Your bestfriend for years who replaced you with a blonde

His lips will be purple, his blood would have spilled.

His heart has stopped beating, with a shot that could kill.

Pills will be popping. life’s will be wasted

As the rest of the boys find it hard to deal with who is taken.

millions of dollars will never fill the void of the boy from Holmes chapel

Who’s soul was destroyed.

girls will be crying for years to come and one day you will turn to your daughter

And tell her about this story when you were young.

Now its time for me to go.

My plan is in motion

like a run away train

in 5minutes time there will be nothing but emotion

I will give you a final chance to save your dear friend.

As the time ticks on we are nearing the end.

Where the stage meets the sea

they will all count to three

the boys will appear and the sniper will strike

Before our eyes the boy will be taken off site

If there is a will there’s a way

the future is on you.

Find my minions and nothing will happen to you

3-2-1 the count down is on.

She is in the crowd waiting to be found

For she is a fan that was black mailed to take you down

A bomb is strapped to her chest and her rear

Crack the code and you will be saved this year

in regards to me, my identity will remain unclear

a mystery that will never be cracked

Mr. x will remain a 'myth'

For if you crack the code you will never hear from me again

now good luck on your quest

for a better life, one thing I do recommend is stay away from the knife

for the bomb will go off and all will be dead, so crack the code

and you may live to the end.

The count down is on, no time to be wasting.

Farewell Isabella, your mum will be waiting 

For he daughter is about to save her dear friends

3-2-1 there it is again.

good luck may we never speak again - X



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Im in the Watty Award :) - please comment and vote on all my chapters. 

that would be so amazing.

THanks for reading :) love you all xoxoxo 

40,000 reads this is so amazing :O


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