Chapter 25

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"Belly welly!" Niall called from the couch, tapping the seat next to him. The  other boys were in hair and make up and harry was late. I hesitate before sitting.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked concern written all over his face.

"Nothing!" I shook my head.

"No it's something? Is it the whole Mr. x thing?" He pulled me closer into him.

"What? What Mr. x thing?" Omg he knows.

"Um?? The message we all got from him yesterday? Saying he knows your secret?".

"Ohhh!! That Mr. x?"

"what other Mr. x do you know?"

"Was having a mind blank! Yes it's got me all shaken up! What if his threats are real? What if one of you do die! Actually to think of it I think we should cancel the show!" I was talking really fast.

"Relax Bella! Calm down take a deep breath in! We can't cancel the show Paul has got it sorted we will be fine! I promise!"

I could see how much he wishes what he was saying was true, but if he only new what I do. HE gave me a weak smile that didn’t quiet reach his eyes. 

"Bella! What the hell are you wearing? Why aren't you dressed!" El  said as her and Daniele storm into the room.

"Err sorry I was in a rush last minute things came up!".

"We'll you can't walk around looking like that!" Dani folded her arms she had a cheeky smile across my face.

"I forgot to bring my concert outfit! This will be fine ill be behind the scene Anyway!".

"You didn't tell her?" El rolled her eyes at Niall.

"Tell me what?"

"Don't worry I brought her outfit! And well I new she would find an excuse not a go on stage so I was going to spring it on her last minute! Your dress is on the rack!".

"Wait go on stage where?" I looked between the three of them.

"Management thought it would be a good idea if we joined them on stage for a song!" Perrie popped her head through the door.

"Hey where's Phineas and ferb?" Niall laughed from the couch.

"Oh grow up Niall!" She laughed as she stood next to el.

"And to think I was coming to give you this chocolate bar!" She was swinging a double king size kit-Kat in the air. His mouth dropped open I'm pretty sure he started to dribble.

"No omg please I'm sorry I take it back! I don't think you at a platypus who fights crime!" His eyes were watching the Chocolate bar from side to side.

"We'll you should have thought of that before!"

"how was I Supposed to know you were brining me a chocolate bar! And plus this is us bonding!" He attempted puppy dog eyes.

"Hey can I borrow that for a second I want to see something?" I asked Perrie, and she handed the chocolate bar to me.

"You want this Chocolate bar?" I said in a baby voice.

"Yes please!" He nodded like he was 6.

"We'll here have it!" I swung the chocolate and waking him over the head.

"Ouch!!!!!!!" He shrieked tubing his head.

"What was that for!".

"That was for not telling me I am meant to be going on stage tonight and everyone else's girlfriends new! And this!" I said whacking him over the head again.

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