Chapter 11

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Sorry for the delay guys havent been well this week :)



Bella's POV:

The boys, security and Paul were all waiting in the hallway. Paul looked stressed, he was developing sweat patches and he was wiping away the sweat from his forehead.

"okay good your here! lets go!" he huffed, trotting down the hall.

Louis thought it would be funny to tie his shoelaces together and see if he could walk. he took 2 steps and he was down. face first onto the floor.

"ouch!!!" he shrieked.

Niall was in fits of laughter, his face was going red. Liam rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face, lifting Louis of the ground. Zayn was on the phone, and harry had sped off down the hall with both our bags in tow. Why was he running from me.

"hey harry wait! I can carry my own bag!" I shouted running after him.

He didn't turn around just ignored me and kept walking. I finally caught up to him, coming to his side.

"I can take my own bag!" I said leaning to retrieve my bag from Harrys hand. he quickly pulled the bag away.

"no I've got it!" he said, as he walk into the elevator that Paul had open and waiting for us.

"okay!" I shrugged squeezing in.

"LOUIS and niall ! hurry up!" Paul shouted down the hall.

Once we were all packed in, we made our way down to the car park, where the black Mercedes vans were waiting for us. we loaded all our luggage into the back. Paul was up front driving, harry was riding shot gun. So I was sitting right at the back with Liam, Louis was in the middle with one of the security guards, and niall and zayn were up front.

"how are you doing Liam?" I asked giving him a little smile, and a nudge.

"yeah I'm okay I guess!" he shrugged.

"if you don't mind me asking, how come you and Danielle broke up?" I said softly, resting my head on his shoulder. he took a deep breath in.

"if you don't want to talk about it I understand!" I said.

"oh no its okay, it was just getting to hard we hardly ever got to see each other, between both our work commitments, and now for the world tour starting soon, it was emotionally hard on both of us, it was for the best! I still love her more then anything, but its just not fair on either of us!" he said his voice shaky.

I lift my head to see a little tear fall down his cheek, his eyes were red and watering, and I could tell he was trying his hardest to hold back the tears. I lift my hand to his face and wipe away the tear that escaped his eye with my thumb.

"it will be okay!" I gave him a weak smile "and if you need anyone to talk to! I'm here!".

I placed my head on his shoulder and the remainder of the ride to the airport was silent. Harry still hadn't spoken to me. Zayn was asleep as usual. And Niall and Louis were having a completion on who could go without talking the longest, Louis obviously caved, and Niall was deemed the winner. Which means Louis has to take his shirt of at the airport and toss it into the crowd of screaming girls that I'm sure are awaiting there arrival.

When we got to the airport no surprise we were greeted by a 1000 hysterical fans. Louis held up his side of the bet and through his shirt into the crowd and screamed I am superman, then pounded on his chest, that wasn't apart of the plan but he said he just felt like it, I didn't bother asking any questions. But Paul nearly shot Louis for doing it and now he is grounded until Paul says otherwise, because a cat fight broke out over the shirt. The rest of the boys signed a few autographs and took a few pictures until security took them away. I was with Liam, a couple of girls asked for a photo with me aswell it was kind of surreal. In the last week they have all come to learn who I am. Apparently I have 50,000 twitter followers now but I haven't been on since a week ago when I was with Niall. Harry was still avoiding me, he wouldn't speak to me and wouldn't even look at me. something was up and he was making me anxious, the sick feeling was coming back again. I have been good all week, I have avoided eating when I can but I have resisted the urge to purge when I do. But whenever anything emotionally triggers my anxiety, I lose the willpower and strength to stop myself.

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