Chapter 44

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Harry POV:

I sat by her bed side, It feel like this is such a de ja vu moment. The clinically white steroidal walls. The smell of antiseptic. Watching Bella's chest rise and fall as the oxygen mask pumps air into her lungs. Her body isn't as fragile as it was a mere week ago. But it was in a broken state. She had broken her leg in 3 places. She broke 2 ribs which pierced through her lunge where they ended up having to perform emergency surgery. she fractured her right wrist and suffered from multiple cuts and wounds, whiplash from the seatbelt and she split her forehead open. She suffered from serve blood loss. But she will be okay. Well that's what I keep telling myself anyways. She has been dosed up on morphine and now she's just resting. She's woken up a few times, but can't keep her eyes open for long. Even in this state we was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"Harry?" She Whispered, it pains her to talk due to the surgery and the fact that they can't do much for the broken ribs they put them back on place but they will have to heal over time.

"Yeah Bella I'm here" I squeezed her hand reassuring her.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"Everything!" Her answers were short and soft.

"Bella it's not your fault".

"It is. This is exactly why I needed to leave, I'm a mess."

"But have you not noticed when you aren't around me, or when we aren't speaking, you end up this way" Which was true.

"Not necessarily I'm a accident waiting to happen, my mum happened before I met you" She made a o shape with her mouth as she realized what she had just said.

"Exactly, the universe is telling us that we need to be together or we die!" And smirk played on my lips.

"No but"

"Think about it, those 5 years we were together nothing ever once happened! Well nothing severe"

"No wait what about the first day me collapsing in the ocean" She smiled, you could see she was in pain but she couldn't help it.

"We'll technically it was the aftermath of not being with me and well I was swimming away from you, so the forces were telling me otherwise" I was so proud of myself for making very valid points.

She attempted to roll her one good eye.

"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes they are going to fall out of your head."

"No they won't I'm with you that sort of stuff doesn't happen when your around" She said sarcastically.

There was a little tap on the door.

"Err come in" I called out.

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