Chapter 36

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7pm came. Paul came past and got me, we signed the release papers. And then I was back to work.

I was taken back to the hotel where all the clothes for the award show were. The awards are in LA but because of my little stint we had to delay out trip to LA. The award show was in two days, we were leaving tomorrow afternoon and arriving tomorrow night. 

"Hey Anne-Marie" I said as I walked into the room. 

"Omg thank god Bella! So glad your back!" She came over and hugged me, she was a sweet girl. Fair skin, she had  long black hair with half her head shaved like rhianna. she has bright red lips. She was slightly shorter than me and a average weight. She had big hazel eyes. And she was stunning in a unusual ways. Her eyes were lined in thick black eye liner and long dark eyelashes. She was about 23-24 years old. From what I understand she's related to one of the bosses at Syco. They are very particular with who they hire, they only hire people they know, they are very cautious in their selections. 

"So show me what we've got for the boys so far" I had picked out a few things before the MSG concert, so Anne- Marie was forced to do the rest on her own. 

She had the boys outfits laid out bet to each other with each if their names on it. 

"Hmm.."  I analyzed the items!

"I need to see these on them, I might have to make a few changes, call Burberry, Prada, Calvin Klein and Calibre and tell them I'm going to need them to send me some more stock." 

Anne Marie nodded and quickly, hurrying out of the room. 

I pull out my new iphone 5 from my pocket.

I typed in a messaged and attached all 5 of the boys plus the two girls:

"Hey everyone, emergency dress fitting for the awards. I need everyone up here in the styling room pronto. You have 5 minutes and counting. Go - B" 

I got 6 "Okays" in response. Apart from Niall. It was to fresh for me to personally call him. So I decided to text Liam to make sure Niall was coming. 

"Hey Li, do you know if Niall is coming to the fitting? He never replied"

Almost instantly he responded. 

"He'll be there- L"

5 minutes had past and everyone started coming in one by one. Harry was the first, standing front and center. He let himself in, giving me a little hug upon entry.

"okay I guess while we are waiting for the other two we should get started! Boys please go and put on the clothes that are laid out and have your names on it! So harry for harry.......Louis is for Louis and........ Zayn is for Zayn." I said articulately with a full blown smirk on my face.

"We aren’t 3, thanks for that" Harry rolled his eyes at me, mimicking my smirk.

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