The Cabin- Part 9

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I- 5k? I cannot believe this has 5k!!! I get that it's just a on shot book, but a lot of my stories have gotten so much further then I thought. Thank you all, so much! Anyway, enjoy the story. This one is pretty long, since, well, you know why. Don't hate me after this....

Warning: Blood, gore, death

Before Katherine's death

Kol's POV

Me, Marcel, and Cami were walking through the woods. Trying to find the car, and Josh. "Josh! Josh!" We all scream, but nothing. As we clear, we see tire marks. "This is where I found Davina." I say, pointing over to the woods, as we're on the road, "Over there." I say, "Maybe he's over there?" Marcel says, "Guys! Look!" Cami yells, a little further ahead from me and Marcel. We run over to her, seeing the car in a tree. "You don't think he's-" Marcel starts, and we all share a look, before sprinting over there, "Josh!" I say, as I get to the drivers side, seeing him in the window. He's bloody, and bruised. "Shit. Someone open the door!" Cami says, coming over to where I was. Me and Marcel try and get the door opened, and soon, we do, "Josh!" Cami says, as Marcel pulls him out of the car. "His he breathing?" I ask them, as Cami checks a pulse. She tears up, as does Marcel and I, as she looks up at us. "There's no pulse.." She says, and I drop to my knees. How did this happen?

We decided to bury him. There was no saving him now. He was dead, and from what Cami said, he has been for a couple hours now. "I still think we should get the police involved." I say, "Then what? Elena's dead, Davina is sick, and now Josh is dead! Who's still alive, us! Who's finger prints are everywhere, us! Who's to blame! Us!" Marcel shouts, tears streaming down his face, as he just buried his friend. "Marcel-" Cami starts, "Let's just go." He says, stomping away, back to the cabin. Next is Cami, and then me. 

When we get back, it's silent. "I'll go check on Davina." Cami says, going upstairs. Marcel gets a beer from the fridge, and starts jugging it. "Did you know his dad, was just learning to except him and Aidan? That he was just, getting used to the idea of his son being gay?" Marcel says, and I shake my head. "I didn't." I say, and he nods. "We came here for a fun trip and, all that has happened is death and tears. All because of that witch bitch Elena." Marcel says, throwing the bow, empty beer away. "It's like ever since she died, she's still, making are life hell." He says, leaving. "Yeah I guess-" "AHHHHHH!" We hear a scream, making me and Marcel jet upstairs. Cami is shaking, as there's a dead, bloody Katherine in the bed. "I'm gonna be sick." Marcel says, and I see the writing on the wall. Can't get rid of me that easily bitches. "Where's Davina?" I ask Cami, "I-I don't know, s-she wasn't in her r-room." She stutters, and I run towards the room. "Davina!" I say, but she isn't there. Where is she?

"I can't find her." I say, as Cami is crying in Marcels arms downstairs. Soon, the lights are flickering, and the door locks. "What the hell?" Marcel mutters, and soon, the lights turn off, and turn back on, and soon, Davina is there. Her hands are bloody, and there's a hammer in her hand, like the one that must have gashed Katherine's head in. "K-kol." She stutters, "D-Davina. W-what did you do?" I ask her, slowly approaching her, as Marcel and Cami stand up. "I-i don't know." She stutters again, dropping the hammer. Tears in her eyes, "Come here." I say, and she hugs me. "Who did this?" I ask her, as I run a and  through her hair. "Kol." She says.

No one's POV

Cami and Marcel watch as the two hug, and soon, Davina looks up at them, her eyes are normal, but then, they turn completely black. "Kol! Watch out!" Cami yells, and Kol stumbles back, as he disconnects himself from Davina. "Aw. No more hugs?" She says, smiling, her eyes completely black. "Davina, what's wrong with you?" Marcel asks, and the girl lets out a laugh. "Don't you get it. Davina's gone." She says, and Cami's eyes widen. "Elena." She says, and Davina smiles. "Smart girl." She says, and grabs the hammer again. "Soon to be, dead girl." She says, but before she can do anything, someone hits Davina in her head. "Damon Salvatore?" Kol asks, "What the hell is going on with your girlfriend." He says, "What are you doing here." Cami asks, "Well Katherine invited me. I got in today, and was gonna hide, but then I got stuck, and now we're here." He says, "Now someone better explain."

"Jesus." He says, as Damon tales in the information. "There all dead. Josh, Elena, and now Katherine. Well, Elena not so much anymore." Kol says. They had locked Davina in the basement, keeping her away from the others. "Now what?" Cami asks, "Now-" "SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME! KOL! CAMI, SOMEONE!" Davina yells, and Kol runs to the basement door, that is on the ground. "Davina?!" He yells, "Kol!" She yells back, "We're gonna get you help ok!" He yells, tears beginning to arise. "What's wrong with me?! Why am I down here! Please let me go, it's dark!" She yells, "I know darling! We're gonna get help, I promise." He says, "I don't need help! Just please! Please, let me go!" She says, and Cami is breaking down in tears at her friends cry for help. "Please." She cries, and starts banging on the door. "You stupid fucking fools! Let me go!" She screams from the top of her lungs, startling everyone. Kol and Cami are sobbing, while Marcel is crying, and Damon is scared and confused. "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" She screams, and Kol backs away from the door. 

Damon's POV

This is some freaky shit right now. I came here for a good time and now I'm dealing with satans daughter in a basement of a lodge. Everyone is sweating, holding weapons. Davina was sobbing in the basement, and soon, Marcel stands up. "I can't do this." He says, walking away, out onto the deck. "Marcel-" "Let him go. He needs some time." Kol says, and she sighs, sitting down again. 

It's been an hour. The screaming stopped, and now, Cami is pacing. "You know, Elena. She had this, paper in her hand, before we buried her. I thought nothing of it before, but maybe it's linked to how she got into Davina?" She says, "What like, witchcraft?" I ask her, in disbelief. "I don't know yet. But there's only one way to find out." She says, and Kol nods. "We gotta dig up her grave." He says, "I'll stand watch." I say, "Come on." Cami says, and her and Kol leave. 

I was drinking a beer sitting on the couch. I heard the basement door creak, making me look behind me, but I see it's closed, making me look back at the magazine. I heard it again, looking back, and nothing. I stand up, going towards the door. "Ms. Davina/Elena. Are you still in the basement?" I ask, and nothing. I slowly walk towards the door again, but then, the TV turns up, making me flinch as I turn back. "Shit!" I say, and slowly go towards it,. I grab the remote and turn the TV down. I sit back down. 

Marcel's POV

I was sitting by the pool. I can't believe what's happening... First Elena dies, Josh is dead, Katherine is dead, and now Davina is in a basement, screaming her head off... What the hell has the world come to? I look over at the empty pool. There was no water in it when we got here, and there's no water in it now. It's just a ditch. I throw f he now empty beer bottle in the ditch, and stand up, only to hear a sound. 

"Hello? Cami? Kol? Damon?" I say, but nothing. I ignore the sound, and stand up again. I go towards the door, but here something fall, making me look over. "Hello?" I ask again, and walk towards the sound. I pick up the knife I had, and go towards the sound. "D-Davina?" I say, and see her crying in the corner. "M-Marcel..." She said, and I drop the knife, hugging her. "Your ok. Your gonna be alright." I say, and she shakes her head. "She has a hold of me Marcel... If she knew I was out right now, she-No...." She says, and I frown, "Davina?" I ask her, "She-she found me. Marcel, you have to run! Run!" She says, and I shake my head, "I'm not leaving you! We're gonna hell you ok, everything's gonna be ok, alright-" "My words aren't interrupted by a sharp pain in my stomach. 

"Now don't lie to her." A voice says, and I turn around to see Elena. Her hair is straight. Her eyes are black, and blood is coming out of her eyes. She twists the knife in my stomach, making me fall, as she pulls the knife out. "Marcel!" Davina yells, and I watch as Elena touches Davina, and the two girls, become one. "P-please. D-Davina had nothing to d-do with your d-d-death." I say, holding my stomach. She crouches down beside me, "I know. But it's not about my death. It's about love, Marcellus. I really am sorry." She says, as I cough up blood. She walks away, leaving me to die...

You guys are probably tired of me saying, 'This is the last part' but this was really supposed to be the last part, but there will be a part 10. I was going to finish it all in this chapter, but I know a lot of people have been waiting for this. So, as always, I hope you enjoyed! And don't forgot to vote and comment!

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