Requested- Stydia

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You don't need to watch Teen Wolf to read this. But if you have, cool. Me too.

No one's POV

Screams, and shouts were being thrown at one another. Pacing, standing, throwing things that wouldn't break. The strawberry blonde got home, taking the heat of her best friend for minutes, until she opened her mouth. Having enough.

"I told you to stay home! You were, you were careless! And look what happened-you got hurt!" The boy yells, as Lydia sits on the couch, taking the pain. She knows what she did was careless. She knows it was stupid, and she knew everything Stiles was shouting was true. "I mean, you were the main target?! What, you thought he wasn't gonna try and kill you because you can scream death now?! Mm?!" "Stiles-" The strawberry blonde tried to speak, but the pale boy wouldn't hear it. He was pacing back and fourth, running hands through his jet black hair. "Don't 'stiles' me! Not when you almost risked your life and for what?! Please, tell me Lydia! What caused you to move right smack dab in the middle of the war?!" At this point, Lydia wanted to cry. Knowing she messed up. Knowing what she did was wrong, but she expected nothing less from him.

"I-I don't know-I-it was a feeling-" She wasn't stuttering out of fear of Stiles. She just wanted him to calm down, so she could explain. "A feeling?! You got kidnapped for 24 hours, out of a feeling?!" At this point, she's had enough. "Yes Stiles! A feeling! Someone was gonna die, and if I hadn't got there, Issac would be dead!" She shouts, "I don't care about Issac! I care about you!" He didn't mean it. He cared for Issac, but he cared for the emerald eyed girl more. "You may not care but I do! I care about all of my friends! He was gonna die, Stiles! I did what I had to do-" "And what if you died? Hm?" She was silent, as the taller boy approached her. She didn't step back, staying confident. "What if Deucalion had killed you? Lydia, you may not care, what happens to you. But what about your mom? Allison? What about me?" He pauses, tears in his eyes, but he didn't care. She had tears in her eyes as well, but they were threatening to spill much faster then Stiles' were.

"I would go insane, if you were gone. Don't you understand that? I wouldn't be able to eat, sleep-function! Without you." He places a hand on her cheek. Feeling warmth in his jeans, she leans into him, instead of pulling back. "Stiles I-I'm sorry..." Immediately, Stiles was guilty. Regret filled him at yelling at her. But he knew it was the only way to get his point across. "Lydia, I need you. Here, by me. Where I can see you. I need you safe." Stiles wipe the tears escaping Lydia's eye, as one falls down his cheek as well. Soon, Lydia quickly rapped her hands around his waist, pulling her head into his chest, crying. Stiles rapped his arms around the small, petite girl, making her feel safe, and secure. No words were exchanged. Just silent sobs. The pair pulled back for a moment, there eyes connecting. Lydia put a hand on the boys cold cheek, and the both start leaning in, until there completely connected, and the gap is closed.

After a short while, they pull away. "You know I love you, right?" Stiles asks the girl in his arms. The tears taking a stop for the both of them. Lydia nods, smiling. "I love you to." She says, and Stiles smile, but then looks down. His hands still on her hips, and her hands resting on his chest. "I-I... I'm sorry..." He says, and I frown. I shake my head, resting my forehead on his. "No... You-I.. You didn't do anything wrong I just-I should have said something-or called Scott or-" "Lydia. You didn't do anything wrong. If it weren't for you, Isaac would be dead. I just, I'm sorry for overreacting..." He says again, and silence fills the room. "How about, we get some warmer clothes on, and bench watch Star Wars? We can make popcorn, and smoothies?" Lydia smiles, and Stiles smiles to, "Oh my go-god yes! But, how about we watch The Notebook tonight. I feel like we're always watching Star Wars, you know?" He says, and I wipe a fake tear, "Truer words have never been spoken." I say, and he chuckles, throwing me over his shoulder an in instant. "Stilinski! Put me down now!" I yell, as he walks to his room. "Yeah no. I'm good." He says, and shuts the bedroom door as we walk in.

This was my first non Kolvina one shots thing. I really like doing thee, you know? There different. Hope you enjoyed! If you read.

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