Don' Tell Dad

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This one is cute, and funny.

Davina and Kol's daughter looses her virginity, and goes to talk to her mother about it.

Allison's POV

I could feel my heartbeat beat quickly in my chest. My palms were sweating like crazy, and I was panicking. I open the door to my home, seeing as it was 11:00 pm. Tears were in my eyes, and I feel horrible. I was still wearing my red prom dress, holding my black heels in my hand. My hair was in a cute bun, but now it was down, and a bit messy. My mascara ran a bit, not in a messy way, but it looked more like a messy smokey eye. I'm quiet to get up stairs, not knowing if my parents are home, or sleep. Either way, I was quiet. I get to my room, seeing my parents light on from under the door. I tip toe to my room, not wanting to talk about tonight at all. When I get to my room, I quickly throw my shoes somewhere in my save space, and I'm about to unzip my dress, but I fall to my knees. I get to my bed, my long dress still rapped around my body, as I bring my knees to my chest, crying. How could I be so stupid?!

Davina's POV

I here the front door open, as Kol was sleeping. We had just finished watching a movie, but we couldn't sit through the whole thing because we got...carried away with something..else. I turn on my light, starting to get dressed. Knowing my daughter is back from her prom. I open my door, after getting on a tank top and some sweatpants. As I approach her room, I hear faint tears. I frown, and knock. "Allison, baby. You ok?" I ask, and she holds back her silent sob. "Y-yeah mom. I-I'm fine." She says, and I frown again. I slowly open the door, "Wait don't!-come in..." Her voice cracks. Her shoes are on her clean floor, and her body is against her bed, as she sits in her red prom dress. I bite my lip, closing her door, and walking over to her. "What happened Ally?" I ask her, and she looks up at me, tears running down her face, and I wipe some away.

"M-mama I-I think I really messed up." I frown, knowing this is serious, as she hasn't called me mama since she was 9. Always mom, or mommy. "What did you do?" I ask her, trying to keep my voice calm, and soft. She was frightened, scared, and confused. I didn't wanna make it worse. "I-" Another wave of tears hit her, and I grab her, pulling her to me. I rap my arms around her, as she lays her head on my shoulder. There's silence for awhile, until she breaks the ice. "I-I slept with Isaac..." She stutters, and my eyes widen. I take a minute to let it sink in. "After the prom.. There was this after party thing, and when I went I-I just, he was there and I-and now-" I shush her, patting her hair, to make sure she knows everything will be ok. "Did he uh, did he force you or-" "No! No, it wasn't like that I just-I wanted my first time.. I wanted it to be special, you know like, like candles and music, and roses..." She gets off my shoulder. "But this was rushed. Cheap beer, and party music." She says, and I grab her cheek.

"Well, did you enjoy it?" I say, and she glares at me, "Mom!" She says, and I giggle. "Honey, your first time doesn't have to be special. Your 16. Things happen, mistakes are made. It doesn't mean the end of the world." I say, and she whips her face. "So, your not-your not mad?" She asks me and I scoff. "Oh no, I'm furious. I told you to be home at 10, and it's 11:30. But I'll let your dad handle it." I say, and fear is placed in her eyes. "Wh-what do you mean let dad handle it? Mom, dad can't know! Like, ever!" I say, and the door bursts open. "Well it's to late for that darling." I look at my daughters flushed face, and I giggle, standing up. I go over to Kol and rap an arm around his waist. "Go easy on her Kol. She's in distress." I say, "Distress or not she knows what she did." He says, and I shake my head. "I'm going to go kill something." He says, a mad smirk on his face. I giggle again, while, again, Allison has fear in her eyes. "Wait-not Isaac!" She says, and he slowly turns around. "So that's his name? Ok, that's all I needed." He says, and walks away. Allison stands up, and groans. "I'm grounded aren't I?" She asks, "Oh bloody hell yes!" Kol shouts, and I roll my eyes. "But, did you enjoy it?" I whisper to her, and she giggles, rolling her eyes. She looks down. "Y-yeah. I-I kinda did." I smile. Knowing my baby girl, is growing up. Kol may not like it. But she is...

This was sweet, and cute. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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