The Cabin- Part 6

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It's been a long time since I've updated this part. This is the last part to the series so I hope you enjoy it!

Warning! Contains blood, angst, and murder.

Davina's POV

I wake up. Cami is still next to me, sleeping. I slowly get up, but quickly stand up, going out of the room. I run downstairs, it's still dark. When I get downstairs, I see Kol is sleeping on the couch, and I know Marcel is upstairs. Josh must be in his room. I go towards where Elena was supposed to stay, and walk into her room. When I get there, I see, it wasn't just a nightmare. She's really dead. I go to her stuff, seeing her bag isn't unpacked. But, there's one picture of me on her bed. It looks like a year book photo. I sit on her bed, taking the picture in my hands. I'm sorry Elena. Tears slip down my eyes, as I take the picture and start to cry a bit. When I get back, there's no one on the couch. "Kol?" I say, and no one speaks. I then run upstairs, and see Cami still there. I run to her, "Cami, have you seen Kol?" I ask her, waking her up.

"Uh, i-i don't know." She says, and I frown. I then run into Marcel's room, and there not there either. "Kol!" I shout. I go towards the bed, and Marcel isn't there. I frown again. I then slowly walk to Josh's room, I can feel footsteps behind me. I look behind me, and jump back a little when I see, "Cami." I breath out. "Hey, you ok?" She asks, "Yes, I mean, no. Kol is missing, and so is Marcel. I checked the bathrooms, and there not outside." I say, and she puts a hand in my shoulder. "Maybe there in Josh's room, chill out." She says, and we make are way to Josh's room. When we open the door, there is blood all over the bed. "Oh my-" I start, and we go towards the bed. No one's there, it's just blood. "Cami-" I start, then we hear a scream. "Kol!" I yell, moving her out of the way, and running to the scream. "Davina, wait!" I hear cami say, running towards me.

I run all the way to the kitchen, and see blood on the counter, and table. "Kol!" I yell again. Tears filling my eyes. I go to the back, and Cami comes up to me. "Did you find them?" She asks, and I shake my head. But then, we hear laughing. We follow the sound, until we're by the shed. We go in, and I'm shook with what I see. "Hey Davina." She says, "Omg." Cami says, "E-elena." I stutter, and she giggles. But not an evil giggle, a funny giggle. Like I said the funniest thing ever. "Guess again." She says, and I'm extremely confused. "Hello darling." Kol says, coming up behind me. "Kol? What the-" "Hey Cami." Marcel says, "Hello people." Josh says, all the boys coming in the shed. Blood all over there hands. "What-what is this?" Cami asks, "A prank." The girl says. "I'm sorry. It was Josh's idea, I swear!" Kol says, "He made us!" Marcel says. Josh and the girl we're cracking up. "Elena, what is this?" I ask her, "Well first, I am not my Christan of a sister. My name's Katherine. I moved out a while ago, living with my dad. I'm Elena's twin." She explains.

What?! Elena has a twin!? "So, where's the real Elena?" Cami asks. "She's fine. She's just in the car. We locked her in there-" Katherine starts, "You locked her in the car!?" I almost yell. "Yeah, but, Katherine rolled the windows down." Josh says, "No. You were supposed to." Katherine says. "You guys said she knew about the prank!" Kol almost screams, "You said she was hiding in her room!" Marcel shouts. Me and Cami look at each other, before we all start running to the the car. When we get there, all the windows are rolled up. We look in the windows to see a passed out Elena. "Omg! How long as she been in there?!" I scream, "I don't know, we went hiking at 5, and it's 2 in the morning now so-" Josh starts, "Cami go get the keys!" Marcel screams, and Cami ran in the house, rushing to get the keys.

Cami soon comes back, and we run to open the car. We get it unlocked, and get in the back. Kol climbs in the car, and carries her out. "Elena!" I yell, seeing her pale skin. She was sweating, her skin and lips chapped, and she wasn't breathing. "Shit! Elena, wake up!" Katherine says, getting on her knees, and doing CPR. "Come on Elena. Breath!" I said, over and over. Josh was pacing, Kol was beside me, Marcel was supporting Cami, while me and Cami cried. Katherine was trying to bring back her sister. "Elena please, I'm sorry, please." "I-it was an accident, i-it wasn't on purpose." "It was a joke. A prank, it wasn't real." "We're gonna be ok. She's gonna make it through this." "Yeah. But what if she doesn't..." We all panicked. Katherine pumped her chest, but Elena wasn't breathing. It was pointless.

"Katherine..." I start, crouching down to my knees, "Breath Elena." She repeated, "Katherine, stop." I say, "No!" She keeps pumping her hands on her sisters chest. "Wake up!" Katherine says, "Katherine, stop! Your making it worse! Please, just stop!" I say, pulling her off. I pull her into me, hugging her, pulling her to my chest. "Why... Why... This is all my fault..." She cries. "W-we have to go get help." Cami says, "Wait, what? Police?" Josh asks, "Yes! She's dead-" Cami starts, "Cami, we can't get the cops. They won't understand, we could get expelled, we could go to jail!" Marcel says, "Marcel! She's dead!" Kol shouts, "Kol you know I never doubt your jock brain, but I can't go to jail." Josh says, "How are you joking right now?!" I scream at Josh. "I'm sorry, humor helps me cope." He says.

"We need to get help, we can say it was an accident-" I start, "Because it was an accident. That's all it was." Katherine says, sitting up out of my arms. "That's what it was, an accident." She says again. "Katherine she was your sister? You can't actually be considering not telling someone?" Cami says, "And I loved my sister. But she would not want me-you-all of us! She wouldn't want us going down for what was just, an accident." Katherine says. "Your serious?" Kol asks, "No. I'm not doing this! Cami, we're getting help." I say, but she doesn't budge. "Cami?" I ask, "Davina... I-I need to get into this school. It's my career.", She says, and my jaw drops. "What?! Come on-shes dead?!" I yell, "Kol?" I ask him, "I'm going." Kol says, and we start. We go to the house, trying to get are phones. We go into the living room, grabbing Kol's phone. We dial 911, but, there's no service. "Shit." I mutter. Me and Kol share the same look, but soon go back outside. "We can't get a signal." Kol says, and there all standing in a line by Elena's body.

"Don't worry Davina, we'll protect you." Katherine says, and I frown. "What?" I ask, "It was an accident, we understand. We'll get you out of this mess, we'll defend you." Josh says, "I won't let you do down D." Marcel says, "Are you insane?!" Kol shouts, "You can't be serious?!" I yell, "Your my best friend. Kol will help protect you." Cami says, tears in her eyes. "This is crazy!" Davina says, "It's that easy Davina. We can make everyone think you killed my sister." Katherine says. "You psycho bitch." Kol says. "I thought you guys were my friends." I say, "We are. But we can't go down for something that wasn't are fault. They won't understand, please Davina." Josh says. "I-" I start, looking at Kol. "Davina, don't." Kol says, "..." "What happened here today Davina?" Katherine asks again.



I finally updated! There will be another part, and it will be the last part. Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to comment and vote.

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