Meeting the family- Part 3

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I'll be honest with you, I kinda forgot about this. I was so caught up with other things, and my other stories. I also didn't know how to right the dinner, but now I kinda got my life under control. Hope you all enjoy, and you might need to go back and refresh your memory.

Davina's POV

Me and Kol are in his room, currently getting dressed for the dinner with his family. "How do I look?" I ask, wearing a short black dress, that isn't to showy, and it's short sleeves.

"Absolutely wonderful love

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"Absolutely wonderful love." He says, walking over to me, and kissing my forehead. "It's not to bad? Not to slutty, or-" I start, but he kisses me. "Trust me. If it was anything less then it is, I would say something." He says, breaking the kiss. I smile, kissing him again, but then, there's a knock on the door. "Hurry up, before Nik burns the bloody food!" Rebekah shouts, wearing a beautiful red short dress. Kol is about to speak, but I inturrupte him, "We'll be down in a second." I say, and and smiles before stomping away. "Well, that's are cue." I say, and he sighs, "You know, we can ditch dinner, sneak out the window and get a hotel room." He says, and I giggle. "Sorry Romero. But we have a dinner to get to." I say, and he sighs, "Fine."

We are all now seated. Klaus at the bed of the table, me and Kol next to each other. Rebekah is across, Elijah's beside her. "So, Davina. How did you meet my brother?" Rebekah asks, with a warm smile. "Well, he was supposed to be heading towards Denver. Spying on some kid named Jeremy Gilbert." I start, "You told her about them?!" Klaus asks, raged, standing up and slamming his fists on the table. "Niklaus. Sit down, and eat. Let the lady speak, please." He says, and Davina smiles at Elijah. "Thank you." She says, and Elijah nods, with a genuine smile. "Well, I stopped by for a drink, and met her in a church. I was walking back from the bar, and there she was. Right outside the church, fighting with Marcellous for some reason." Kol says, and I smile at him.

"What about your likes, Davina? Or maybe dislikes?" Elijah asks, "Well, I like magic. Actually, I love my magic. It makes me feel, alive. No offense. I also love painting. My real dad and me used to paint on these, styrofoam, and wooden pieces, whenever my mom wasn't around." I say, thinking of my real father. "Niklaus is also a painter. Maybe he could show you some of his art." Elijah says, earning a quite glare from Kol. "Yes, but what do you mean by real?" Klaus asks, brushing off Elijah. "Oh, well my father died when I was young. And my step dad was an ass. He would beat on my mom, and my mom took it out on me."  I say, surprisingly comfortable with talking about my past. "And how did she take it out on you?" Klaus asks again, curious.

No one's POV

Klaus wasn't trying to come off rude, or snarky for once. He generally wanted to know? He was curious, as to who this girl was. "Nik." Kol says, in a warning tone. Davina squeezes his hand under the table. "It's ok Kol. I'm ok." She says, and he tenses down a bit. "Well, at first it was verbal. She would tell me that I was a disappointment, a pathetic little girl and a lot more. And then, when I was 11, and I spoke back, well she hit me. And it wasn't the first time. My step dad, he was mean to me, but not like my mother. I knew he was having an affair, and I tried to tell her, but she accused me of trying to spilt the family apart. And when he left, it was all my fault according to her." She says, and Klaus, even though he'd never admit it, felt bad for the girl. He was quick to judge her, but she was like him in a way.

"Happy brother?" Kol asks, sarcastically. "Just curious, Kol. Nothing more, nothing less." Klaus says. "So, about Marcel... How do you know him, Davina?" Rebekah asks, "He saved me. Telling the truth, he's the closest thing I know of a father. I barley remember my real one, and my step father was there, just wasn't. I was nearly slaughtered, and he was there. I owe him my life, truly." She says, smiling. She could feel a knot in her throat, but she tried to push it back. "That's nice. Did he mention us? You know, I'm the one who raised him? I saved him, quite like he saved you." Klaus says, sipping some of his wine. "He mentioned something about the Mikaelsons being traitors, and mortars. People who I couldn't trust. But, that's not what Kol seemed like to me. And when Marcel found out about me and him-" She starts, "Let's just say, he wasn't exactly, supportive." Kol says, and Davina nods.

"Ok, enough about me. Let's talk about something else. Like, your guy's adventures. When your not at each other's throats I mean." She says, and they all chuckle, and laugh. "Well, we could tell her about the time...." And they did. They all talked, and laughed about past memories. And it was fun, truly. Time passed, and 6 months later, Kol and Davina moved in with the rest of the family. Rebekah and Davina got along great, and Klaus and Davina, as they weren't besties, they weren't fighting all the time either. Elijah and Davina would discuss books at times, and Kol and Davina loved playing pranks on the rest of them.

Kol's POV

"Darling I'm bored." I say, leaning on the couch. Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus are all out, and I'm stuck in the house. I didn't want to leave, cause, I like being here with Davina. And she's definitely not leaving. "Read a book." She says, as she's indulged in her book. "Did that." I say, standing up, and coming next to her. She looks at me. "Read another one." She says, "Did that to." I say, and she sighs. "Ok, what do you wanna do?" She asks, sitting the book down. "Well, I have a few great ideas." I say, putting a hand on her thigh, "Ideas that don't involove me taking my clothes off." She says, and I shrug. "Then I got nothing." I say, and she rolls her eyes. But then, her eyes light up, "I have an amazing idea!" She says, and I smirk. "No. It isn't that." She says, and I frown. "What could be more amazing then making the love of my life scream my name?" He asks, and she smirks. "Dying Elijah's suits pink." She says, and my smirk grows evil.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." He says, "You get the suits. I'll get the dye." I say, and she runs up stairs, and I go to the store to get a lot of dye.

20 minutes later

Davina's POV

I have the suits, all ready. I have rubber band them, and got them wet. Kol's siblings won't be home for another 3 days, and I plan on doing a lot in those three days. Besides sleeping with Kol. Kol finally comes back with the dye. "Ok, so how does this work?" Kol asks, "It's called, tie-dye. We put on these gloves, and we take his suits, and put the dye all of it. I've already rubber band everything, so that parts done. Just put the dye all over the clothing." I say, and he nods, putting on his clothes. We start to tie-dye the clothes, and by clothes, I mean all of them. It took us half the day, with Kol's vamp speed and my magic.

"And, done." I say, as we finish the last of it. "Ok, now go run the bath." I tell Kol, "Ooh, are we taking a nice shower break?" He asks, taking off the gloves. "Nope. We have to get any access dye off the clothes." I say, leaning up and pecking his lips.

1-5 hours later

It's now 1 am, and we're just now getting the clothes out of the dryer. "Does this mean there done?" Kol asks, "Yep. And for all your hard work, I'll give you a little surprise." I say, kissing him, passionately, which he gladly returns. He picks me up, and puts me on the dryer. "Kol, the clothes." I say/moan. He groans. "Fine!" He says, and quickly, and when I say quickly, I mean QUICKLY puts all the clothes on there proper hangers, and vamp speeds them upstairs. About 10 minutes later, he came back. "Now we can continue." He says, and I rap my arms around his neck.

Let's just say, me and Kol had a lot of fun in those 3 days. And when they got back, Elijah was beyond furious about what we did. He gave us a lecture, and he even threaten to dagger Kol, which was new for him. It was a very eventful week when they got back...

Ok, it's finally here! There will be no more parts to this story. But, it was definitely something. Hope you all enjoyed, and don't forget to comment and vote.

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