The Cabin- Part 10

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Cami's POV

"Anything?" I ask, as Kol finishes looking throw Elena's buried corpse. "No, nothing-wait." He says, and picks up a piece of paper. I walk next to him. "I think it's Latin?" I say, and he frowns. "Why would Elena have a Latin piece of paper?" He asks, and I shrug, "I'm not sure. But whatever the reason, she used Davina for it." I say, "We should head back." I say again, and he nods. We make are way back to the house, but halfway, I stop him. "Why do you think she's doing this?" I ask him, ye at a in my eyes as realization hits me. I will never see Josh, or Katherine for that matter, ever again. And Davina, god knows what happened to her... "I'm not sure. But we're gonna stop her, before she hurts anyone, else." He says, and I nod, wiping the single year that escaped. "Come on." I say, and start walking, Kol right behind me.

When we get to the house, it's silent. To silent. "Damon! Marcel! Where are you!" I yell, and Damon comes out of the bathroom, "I'm right here." Damon says, "Where's Marcel?" I ask, and soon, the basement door flies open, making everyone flinch, and my eyes widen. "Get ready!" Kol says, and we all put up are makeshift weapons, waiting for impact. But nothing. I slowly go towards the door, "Cami! Be careful!" Kol says, and I keep going. I get to the door, of the black room. There are stairs, and that's about all I can see. "Davina!" I shout down, but nothing. I go a little further, seeing a hand. "Cami! Help me..." She whispers, and I look at Kol, "Cami watch out!" Damon shouts, and before I know it, the same hand grabs my ankle and drags me down to the basement. My head hits the hard ground, knowing I'm bleeding. I scream, "HELP!" Kol grabs my arm, and Damon grabs my other. "Come here Cami! I'm starting to get lonely down here." She says, and I look back to see a very horrific Davina. I scream. She then bites my ankle, causing me to scream more. "CAMI!" I hear Damon say, and soon, they pull me up. They quickly shut the basement door, and I grab my ankle in pain.

Kol's POV

I was pacing. Cami was on the couch, putting pressure on her ankle. Damon was sitting on the couch, all of us scared. "Dude, maybe we should go to the police?" Damon says, and I scoff, "And tell them what, exactly? My girlfriend is being possessed by the girl who WE killed, and she murdered my friend, and her sister, and where the bloody hell is Marcel?!" I shout, looking at Damon. "I don't know, last I saw him he went outside!" Damon says, "Alone?!" I ask, furious. I run outside, seeing the empty pull, and a bit of blood. I follow the blood, and when I get over, I don't see anything. "MARCEL!" I shout, not seeing him anywhere. I go back inside, "Did you find him?" Cami asks, and I grab a flashlight. "Not yet. You to stay here, I'm gonna check out back." I say, "Alone? No, we'll come with." Cami starts, but I shake my head. "No. I'll be right back." I say, and making my way outside.

I make my way outside, seeing the pull again, and the blood. "MARCEL!" I shout, using the flashlight to see. I start to follow the blood, but it soon stops once we get to the grass. I frown. I look around. "Marcel!" I shout, a little quieter. I slowly make my way towards the shed, until I hear a scream. "Damon." I say, running back to the cabin.

No one's POV

Damon looked down, feeling regret, and ashamed. Kol came running in, sweat and blood on his hands. He quickly walked in. "What happened-CAMI!" He drops everything in his hand, going over to the beaten, and bloody girl. There was part of a baseball bat in her stomach, as she coughed up blood. Her eyes were crying black, as her blood was black as well. "Shit, Cami! Go get the first aid!" Kol yells at Damon. The blue eyed boy stands frozen in shock. "NOW!" Kol yells, and this time, Damon scrambles to the bathroom. Cami struggles for life, coughing up more of the black blood. Kol holds her head up. "It's gonna be ok. Hey, you can't die! Ok, you can't!" I say. Looking down at one of my best friends. "K-Kol." She stutters. "I can't find one!" Damon comes back, "No! There's has to be, be something!" The boy was trying. He had lost Josh, Davina wasn't herself, even Katherine. Now Marcel and Cami. He can't loose anyone else. "H-hey. L-look a-at me." She says, and Kol looks down at the broken blond.

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