The Cabin- Part 5

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There might be a sixth part, but I don't know yet. Also, this chapter is a bit gory. Just a warning.

No one's POV

After the swim, everyone went inside, and got some hiking gear on. Davina was helping Elena put on her jacket, since there going hiking in the woods. But, it's kinda strange. Ever since they got back from the swim, Elena's been acting, different?

Davina's POV

"Thanks." She says, looking down. "Of course." I respond. She wouldn't agree to wearing any hiking outfits, or anything like that. So we let her go with a pair of leggings, and her shirt she was wearing, along with the jacket she was wearing. She doesn't like showing skin I guess? Me and Cami on the other hand, are wearing Nike grey shirts, while her pants are Marron leggings, and mine are black. I have a black bra underneath as well, and a black water bottle, while Cami has a white one, and Elena has a clear one.

(Cami's outfit)

(Davina's outfit)

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(Davina's outfit)

"Ok, y'all ready?" Marcel asks, knocking on the door

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"Ok, y'all ready?" Marcel asks, knocking on the door. "Yep, we're coming out now!" Cami shouts back, and we walk out of the door.

10 minutes later

We just got on the main trail, Marcel and Kol leading the way, Josh is sweating flies, while he's on his phone, and me and the girls are in the back. "Do y'all even know where your going?" Cami yells, "Of course! It's up-well actually, you make a right-" Kol starts, "No, left." Marcel says, and they go back and fourth. "Are we lost?" Elena asks me, "Well, yes and no." I giggle, and Cami walks up to them, taking the map. "Your both idiots! We go straight, and then we have to get off the main trail, going to the back trails!" She says, and they both look very embarrassed. Me and Elena just giggle. "Guys! We have a problem!" Josh says, and I run up to him, Elena not far behind. "What's up?" I ask him, "There no service!" He says, and I roll my eyes.

"Dude, you'll love without checking Instagram every 5 minutes." Kol says, and he shakes his head, "Ok look Kol! Everytime in a horror movie when the funny hot one, i.e. me, complains, usually, something bad happens. And there's no fricking reception, meaning we might all die!" He says, and we all roll are eyes, even Elena. "Just come on." Marcel says, and we all start walking again.

20 more minutes later

We get to a pond looking place. And it looks really step down. "Hey Elena. I dare you to climb up that tree, and jump into the pond." Josh says, and she backs away, "Uh, no thanks." She says, "Oh come on, it won't be that bad? Davina back me up." Josh says again, "Josh, if she doesn't wanna do it, don't force her." I say, "Ok, maybe she should. It's not even that high up, plus we'll help her?" Marcel says, smiling, "It can be payback for not swimming with us." Cami says. "I really don't want to." She says again, "Ok, how about you just climb the tree then?" Kol suggests, coming over to me. "Right darling?" He asks, and I sigh. "Climbing the tree won't be that bad. Besides, remember in elementary school, when you dominated that rock wall?" I ask her, and she looks down, "Actually, that was my hotter cousin, Katherine-and that looks to high." She says again, looking up at the tree,and Kol and Marcel let out a chuckle, but I take no notice.

"Please? It would make Davina, really happy." Josh says, and I frown. "I don't know." She says again, "Come on. Just once? Have some fun." Cami encourages. "I-i guess." She says, and we all clap. "Alright." I say helping her get her bag off her back.

Elena's POV

This is gonna be so much fun. I step up on the lowest tree branch, and start to make my way up. I'm about 5 feet up the tree. I look down to see Josh recording me, I get nervous. "Don't worry, he's not gonna post it anywhere!" Davina yells, and I sigh to myself in relief. I start to make my way, up the tree again, grabbing another branch, after another. I'm about 20 feet up now. "Your doing great Elena!" Cami shouts, "Woo! Get it!" Davina shouts. I climb up more, and I start to see some red liquid, covering the tree. I frown, "T-theres something up here." I yell, going more up, trying not to laugh.

Kol's POV

"This is the best part." Josh says as Elena is about 40 feet up and Davina frowns next to me. "What do you mean?" She asks Josh. "Only some harmless, Instagram fun." He says, and me and Marcel chuckle, along with Josh. "What the hell did you guys do?" Cami asks, "It was joshes idea." I defend, "What was Josh's idea?" Davina asks, "Guy! T-theres, b-blood, up-AHHHHH!" We here Elena scream, and we laugh for a bit, but then, she slips, and she falls down the tree, and we here a snapping noise. "Oh my god, Elena!" Cami screams, and Josh stops recording, and me, Marcel, and him all stand still. "Elena, Elena wake up!" Davina trys shaking her awake.

Cami's POV

"Jesus, Christ she's bleeding." I say, "Get some water!" Davina shouts, and Kol brings over his water bottle. We try to stop the bleeding, but we don't know what we're doing. "She doesn't have a heartbeat." Davina says, leaning on her chest. "I-it was an accident, i-i swear!" Josh says, pacing and starting to cry, "Josh, calm down!" Marcel says, "Help me god damnit!" I scream, and Kol comes over, trying to help her breath. "Come on Elena, come on." Davina says, giving her mouth to mouth, but nothing. "Omg, she's dead, she's fucking dead!" Josh says, "Calm down!" Marcel screams again. "Davina, stop. Davina, she's dead, stop it!" I scream, and Kol stops the compressions, and everyone is crying. "No, no! Elena, wake up, come on!" She trys again, but nothing.

"Davina, let go. Please love, it's killing me to see this." Kol says, tears staining his face. "Killing you! You and Josh, and Marcel-all of you! You killed her!" Davina says, pushing against Kol's chest, "You killed her!" She cries, but Kol pulls her into his arms, and hugs her, as she cries in his chest. "What are we gonna do...?" I ask, as tears come down my face, unwanted tears I should say. "We-we need to bury her. Or do something so no one can see her..." Marcel says, "Are you crazy?!" Josh yells, "Josh, shut up! He's right ok... We should bury her." Cami says. I here a giggle, and I look around, "Who the hell just laughed?!" Davina asks, still hugging Kol, but she's mad as hell, as am I. "It wasn't us." Marcel says, "Maybe your hearing things love." Kol says, and she cries some more.

"How about you girls go back to the house. Kol, me and Josh will stay and take care of this. Marcel says, and I go over to Davina, "Come on, let's get some sleep." I say, taking her from Kol, and she goes into my arms. We go back to the house, and Davina falls asleep, while I lay next to her, just up. Not being able to sleep. What just happened?

Ok so. There will be one more part, and it will be the longest part. What's up with Elena? And why is she acting so weird? Don't forget to comment, and vote.

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