Bonnie and Clyde- Part 2

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This might have a lot of spelling errors. I didn't read over it, so yeah. But I will edit it later.

Kol's POV

Me and Davina were on are way to Mystic falls. Well, actually, were already here. "Where should we go first?" I ask her, "How about we get something to eat?" She asks, with a smirk. I am truly in love with this women. She so crazy, and wild, and out of her mind. Like me. "Ok, where should we go to get a snack?" I ask her, "How about, the Mystic grill." She says, reading off the sign. "Perfect." I say, and pull into the drive way. We get out of the car, and I rap an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. We walk in, "Ok, you find are snack, while I get us some drinks." I say, and she nods, about to go away, but I pull her back, and are lips lock. We break apart, and I let her go this time.

Davina's POV

I smirk, going over to the pull table. "Hi! You girls got room for another game?" I ask, a blonde, and a boy, who has spiky black hair. "Sure! Are you new in town?" The blonde asks, "Yes actually. I'm Davina." I say, and she smiles. "Caroline." She says, "Tyler." The boy says, shaking my hand. "Over there is my boyfriend Kol." I say, pointing to Kol as he gets drinks. "So, what brings you to Mystic falls?" The blonde asks. "Well, family. We're visiting my boyfriend's family here." I say, and she nods. I then spot a boy from the corner of my eye walk in. He's a brunette. "Jeremy! Over here man!" Tyler yells, Jeremy. I think to myself. "Hey, who's the new girl?" He asks, biting his lip. I smirk at this, "I'm Davina." I say, just then, Kol comes to the table. "Jeremy Gilbert." He says.

"Hello darling." He says, kissing my cheek. "Who are our new friends?" He asks, "Well this is Caroline, that's Tyler and this is Jeremy." I say, and he nods. "Great to meet you all." He says, downing his shot. "You guys should come to are place after this. We are new in town, and having some friends might help." Kol suggests, "Oh? I'm down." Jeremy says, eyeing me, and I can feel Kol's hand tighten on my waist. "Will there be beer?" Tyler asks, "Sure mate." Kol says, "Why not." Caroline says, taking her shot.

3 hours later

It's now 8 o'clock, and me and Kol got to are house. Caroline and her friends said they'd meet us here. We compelled a house long before we got here. "So, what game shall we play with are new friends?" I ask him, as we rock back and fourth with my arms around his neck, and his hands on my hips. "How about kill a gilbert." He says, and I giggle. "Jealous are we?" I ask him, and he pecks my lips. "Not jealous love. Territorial." He responds, just then. There a knock at the door. "Are guests are here." I say, and he vamp speeds to the door. "Welcome." Kol says, and they come in, only there one more of them. "I hope you don't mind. I brought my sister." Jeremy says, and I come to the door. "No. The more, the merrier." I say, and a brunette comes in.

Everyone is sat in the living room. Everything is going just as planned, and we're currently laughing, and talking. "So, how did you two meet?" Elena asks me as she eyes Kol. I smile, "Common interests." I say, and Kol smirks. "And, how long?" Tyler asks, "Oh, it feels like 300 hundred years." I say, "That's because it has been." Kol says, and I smirk at him, while the others look confused. "What did you say?" Caroline asks. "Don't act like you don't know. I can smell the dog on your boyfriend." I say, and there eyes widen. "Y-you two are vampires?" Jeremy asks, and I giggle, "Technically I'm also a witch." I say, and they all have slight dear in there eyes. I then stand up, "Phasmotos baqud!" I say, and I know they can't move. "Now, what game shall we play? Mm. How about, hide and seek? Or maybe, tag?" Kol starts, standing up as well.

"W-what are you gonna do to us?" Elena asks. And we laugh. I get down to her level, and put a finger on her chin, making her look at me. "Isn't it obvious? We're going to kill you." I say, and the fear grows in her eyes. "No, you won't!" A voice says, and me and Kol look behind us, before everything goes black.

Damon's POV

Elena texted saying to meet her at this weird address. So me and Stefan came. She said that she got a bad vibe from it, so we came, and saw these two people trying to kill blonde, Lockwood, Gilbert, and Elena. So, we made the girl pass out. "Davina?!" He yells, before attacking me to the ground. He holds me to the ground, and I shoot him with a vervain shot, but he doesn't go down. Who is he?! "You will pay for that!" He yells, before snapping my neck.

Stefan's POV

"Damon!" Elena shouts, and I go over to the guy, attacking him to the ground, and shooting him with a other arrow. But, he doesn't go out. He can see the fear in my eyes, as I back up. "You bastard!" He yells, vamp speeding towards me. He takes a wooden piece of a chair, and presses it to my chest, "Oh. Looks like I missed your heart. I'm sure I'll get it this time." He says, pulling it out, making me groan. "Kol!" Caroline shouts. We look over, and see Caroline holding the unconscious girl in her arms, with a stake to her heart. "No!" Kol yells, "Let him go!" She shouts, and Kol immediately let's me go. Without a second later, Tyler stakes him in the heart, turning him grey, making him pass out.

Is Kol dead? What's gonna happen to Davina? The Mystic gang got them! What will happen next? Don't forget to comment and vote.

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