The Cabin- Part 2

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Davina sees Elena getting bullied and decides to invite her to the cabin.

Davina's POV

Class just ended. It was as usual, long, and boring in the beginning, until Kol came in, and started being stupid. I love him. The bell soon rings in the middle of the teacher still talking, and all the students start to leave. "Ah, the bell does not dismiss you! I do!" He shouts, and Kol raises his hand. "Yes, Mr. Mikaelson." The teacher says, and everyone stops walking. "If your the one who dismisses us, then what are the bells for?" He asks, "Well, uh-" He starts, "Exactly. Bye William." Kol says, he always calls the teacher by his first name. But only, the math teacher. I go over to him, "Do you ever quit?" I ask, playfully. "What, and let the teachers win? I think not." He says, slinging an arm around my shoulder, and I lean into him. We start to walk out, of the class, and we separate, as he has an whole other class then me.

I walk down the hall, until I'm walking by the girls bathroom. "Stop it, leave me alone!" A girl shouts, and i stop in my tracks. "You dirty whore!" Another shouts, "So, stupid! He'll never love you!" Another shouts again, and I go into the bathroom to see Sybil, and Aurora beating up Elena, while Geniveve records it. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I shout, "Oh, uh. Hey Davina, come to help us?" Sybil asks, "Davina, check this out." Aurora says, and I frown. "What?" I ask her, "Well, pour, sweet, Elena here. Was writing a little love letter, to are friendly English teacher, Mr. Salvatore." Geniveve says, and Aurora hands me the note.

Dear D,

I know I am nothing to you, but I do see the glances that we give one another, I also see how you look at me, and it brings love into my heart. I smile everyday, because of you. Please take this as a token of my love-

I stop reading. "I-i wasn't going to give it to him." Elena says in a quiet voice. "Shut up whore!" Aurora kicks her, "See Davina, it's fun." Sybil says. And I put on a smirk, going towards Elena, "Maybe." I say, standing over Elena, as she has fear in her eyes. "Nope, it's just petty!" I say, turning around and slapping Aurora. "What the hell?!" Aurora shouts, "I thought we were friends!" She says again. "I would never, ever! Be friends, with a fake bitch like you!" I shout, and Aurora, Sybil, and Geniveve stomp out of the bathroom. "Are you ok?" I ask her, helping her up, and she nods. "W-why did y-you help me?" She asks, "Because, I'm not like them. Yes, I'm popular, but, it wasn't a dead, cold heart that got me this way." I smile, "No, it's your looks." Elena mumbled, and then covered her mouth, "I-Im so, s-sorry-" She starts, but I giggle. "It's ok." I say, "Elena, it's not just my looks that has gotten me this far. It's my kind heart. Trust me, if it was looks, you'd be right on top with me." I smile at her, and she smiles back.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asks me again, "Because. You don't deserve to be treated how you are. You've done nothing wrong. So, you have a crush on Mr. Salvatore, big deal. A lot of the girls in this school do. Just, no one has the heart to say it." I tell her, and she looks down, a tear falling. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, "Y-your not going to give him the note, right?" She asks, "No, of course not. But, I won't rip it up either." I say, giving it back to her. "It's your choice on what you do with it, and it's not my business." I smile, "T-thank you." She says, and I smile again, pulling her in for a hug. "You very welcome." I reply. We pull away, and she wipes a tear. "Oh, my, I'm late for class!" She says, looking at the clock on the wall. "Me to. But, it's fine. One class skip will still get you into Harvard." I joke, and she giggles. "But, while I have you here. I want to ask, got any plans this weekend?" I ask her, "Um, not that I know of." She replies, "Good. Because me and some friends Are going to my friend's Cabin this weekend, and I would love it if you joined us." I smile.

"Oh, no. Thank you Davina, but that's to much-" She starts, "Nonsense. It's perfect. It will only be a few people. Like me, Kol, Josh, and a few freshmen college kids." I say, "I, don't know." She says, "Come on, it will be fun. Please?" I ask her again, "I mean.... I guess I could try it-" she says, and I squeal, "Perfect! Do you have a phone?" I ask her, "Um, yeah." She says, "Ok, can I see it?" I ask her, and she hands me her phone.

Elena's POV

I get my phone from my pocket, and hand it to her, as are hands brush, my cheeks turn pink. "Ok, I will text you when I'm on my way. You, just text me, what your address is, and we'll pick you up." She says, a beautiful, bright smile on her face, that could light up a dark sea, in a night sky. "O-ok." I respond. "Ok. Do you have a bathing suit?" I ask her, "Um, no." I respond, "Ok, you can borrow one of mine." She says, "Davina, that's not necessary." I say, "Yes, it is. Now, get to class, and dont forget to text me." She says, "But-" I start, "No but's. Go." She says, and I walk to 6th period. Still thinking about her beautiful, brunette locks. Her gorgeous, blue eyes. Her smile, everything. If you haven't already got the hint, that D, wasn't for Damon Salvatore. It was for Davina Claire. And I love her.

Part 3 coming soon. I really love the Cabin so far, it's fun. Also, can we just admire Kol for a minute? Davina is such a good person. Elena has a little thing for Davina.

Kolvina one-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon