You're Girlfriend

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This was a request-and a beautiful one so I had to write this.

Kol is kind of a dick in this. Scratch that he is a dick in this.
And if you don't ship Rebekah and Davina that's ok. You can skip this. But please no homophobic comments. So far I haven't gotten any and I really wanna keep it that way so if you have any negative opinions keep them to yourself because I promise you no one cares :)

Also a little bit of context-Davina lives in her own apartment, and then of course the Mikaelson mansion. No one is super natural.
Enjoy ;)
Prompt- Kol and Davina have been dating for a couple months, but Rebekah has always had her eye on Davina and vice versa.

No one's POV

Davina was laying on her bed, crying once again after a sleepless night. Once again, her and Kol had gotten into a pretty nasty fight. She didn't know how it got so bad. It all started out fine. They were eating dinner at her place, watching a movie. Everything even seem normal. Until Kol brought up Kai, and how he's been eyeing her-which isn't true. All because he asked her a question during lunch?

And of course it ended with him getting aggressive. He grabbed her upper arms and shook her, yelling at her.

"Davina how bloody idiotic do you have to be to realize he wants you!"

"Kol your hurting me-"

She saw the moment of realization where he looked as if he felt sorry. And he probably did. Maybe even still does, but in that moment he simply released her from his grip and shook his head.

"For all I care he can have you."

And with that he left. And she cried. But not over him, or the pain in her upper arms, or the whole in her heart. She cried because she knew she no longer loved him, but she was stuck. She had to love him.
She heard her phone go off, and once again, Kol was calling. After a moment, she finally picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice was quiet and raspy. But she tried to sound ok.

"Hey. I know we said some stuff yesterday, and I know your sorry darling." He starts, speaking as if she was to blame, "And my family is gone for the day. Well except my sister but she won't be a bother. Come over?" She knew he meant it has a statement more then a question. Which is why she wiped her tears, and smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah that's fine."

"Great. I'll pick you up in 10?" She nods, though he can't see her.


"Davina." He says, and her brain was going wild with mixed signals. "I love you." Her heart felt numb at those words, even if he did mean it.

"I love you to Kol." And with that, he hung up. She dropped her phone, and felt the tears fall from her blue eyes. She couldn't stop them. It hurt so much. Sometimes, she honestly wished he was worse. More abusive, more controlling. Because then she could have a reason to actually leave him. Then she wouldn't feel so guilty for who she was. For who she wanted.

Davina wipes her tears and began to get ready. She put on some jeans and a tank top with a sweater to cover the forming bruises on her arms. . She kept her hair down and put on some mascara. Kol wasn't the type to judge her for not wearing make up. He didn't force her into sex-sure some PDA, but he was mostly angry. Angry, and controlling and to Davina that wasn't a good enough reason to leave him. But if she told him the truth, he would never forgive her.

She grabbed her phone and bag and sat on the couch. She had a cat, who laid beside her on the couch. Kol hated that cat. But Davina wouldn't get rid of her for the world.

I heard the beep of the horn, and so I made my way out of my apartment complex and into his car. He smiled when he saw me, and kissed me on my cheek. He smiles, and I frown. Might as well pretend while I'm this far.

I smile, "What?" He shakes his head.

"I like your hair down. It's nice. You should wear it down more often." He starts to drive, and I nod.

"Yeah. Maybe I will."

At the Mikaelson's

When they got inside, Rebekah was at the door. "Oh? I didn't know we were having company." She smiles, looking me up and down. "Don't you like stunning." She smiled, and Kol nods. I try to hide the fluster in my cheeks. I wasn't a shy person, but around Rebekah-it was just, always different.

"Yep. We'll be upstairs." He takes my hand and we walk upstairs.

Rebekah's POV

She really did look stunning. She always does. But expressing that would mean trying to steal my brothers girl-and got forbid that happen.

I sat on the couch, and not 20 minutes later Kol came downstairs. "And where are you going?" I ask him, and he looks at me.

"To pick up some pizza. I'll be back in half an hour." I frown,

"Half an hour?" He nods,

"Yeah. Don't bother Davina?" And with that he leaves.

But I've never been one to listen.

No one's POV

Davina was sitting on Kol's bed, scrolling through her phone. She usually did this. They would get together, sometimes sleep together, but then pretty much just ignore one another. That or watch a movie.

She felt the heat of his room with the hot sweater on her arms. So she stood up, taking the sweater off, and that's when Rebekah walked in. "Hello love." She smiled, scanning Davina, but her eyes stopped when she saw the notable bruises on her arms. Davina put the sweater back on and smiled.

"Hey Rebekah." But Rebekah walked towards her, frowning, as she gently slipped the shoulder part is the sweater off of Davina to closely look at the bruise. "Oh, uh that. Yeah that was an accident-"

"Who did this to you?" Her voice was stern and full of concern. Davina looked away, but back at Rebekah, still smiling.

"Who? No, Rebekah no one did it-this was just-"

"Davina." She locked eyes with the brunette girl. "Who did this?" Davina didn't want to cave, but she couldn't help give into the blonde goddess.

"Me and Kol, we got into a fight the other night..." She didn't interrupt her, or get angry. She didn't blame her. She listened, and let her speak. "He just... Bex I don't know how long I can do this. I wanna tell him the truth but I'm-I'm just scared." Rebekah nods,

"Does he hurt you often?" She shakes her head,

"Barley." Rebekah puts a hand in Davina's cheek, and Davina smiles, as she places a gently kiss on her nose. "When can we be happy?" She hugs the girl, and Rebekah sighs.

"I promise you I'm going to find a safe place for us. Away from my family." They don't let go of one another. "I promise."

"Rebekah..." Davina starts, feeling her heart race,

"I think I love you."

How we like so far? I really like writing about Rebekah and Davina. Revina? Debekah? What would be there ship name?

Also sorry for the cliffhanger. There will be a part two soon IF you guys like it. So lmk!

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