Bonnie and Clyde- Part 3

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Last part! Comment what you would like to see next. Enjoy!

Davina's POV

I woke up in a cell. I was on a bed, and it was cold. I look around, and I can't find Kol! "Kol! Kol!" I shout, but nothing. I then go to the bars of the cell, trying to break them, but not only is there vervain, but also a boarder, making me fly back, hitting my head on the wall. I grown angry. I start pacing, feeling like I'm gonna tear my hair out! I hate being away from Kol! It's the worst kind of torture you could ever imagine. "What. No let me go, or what do you want? Not even a who are you people?" The guy with black hair, and blue eyes says. He's holding a stake in his hand, but I'm not to afraid. "Maybe she already knows the answers?" Another man, with light brown hair, and green eyes says. "Sometimes knowing the right questions is better then having all the right answers." I say, finally getting up to face them. "She speaks." The blue eyed one says. "I do. And I got a lot to say. But I think actions speak louder then words." I say, and use my magic, to make the stake he's holding, go into his stomach. "Ah!" He shouts in pain, "Damon!" The other one says, helping him. 

"What's going on?!" A girl with light brown skin, and dark brown hair says. "Stefan what did you do?!" She asks, making me laugh. "That wasn't Stefan it was me. Your barrier may be able to keep me in. But it won't keep my magic from getting out." I say, smiling. The girl looks shocked, "What kind of witch are you?" She asks, as the two vamp speed upstairs. "Haven't you heard? I'm special?" I say, and she gives me a glare. "Aren't we all?" She gives me a fake smile. I giggle, "Your funny. But not very smart. You know I can easily kill you right now. Yet you come so close?" I ask her, "Yeah well. I've been known to take risks." She says, and I see her start taking down the barrier. "You are one brave girl. But aren't all Bennett's?" I say, and her eyes widen, as she stands up, and look at me. "How do you know who I am?" She asks me, "I didn't. Bennett's are just known for risks. Are family used to get along you know?" I ask her, sitting on the bed. "Well now I know who you are." She says, "Your a Claire. Aren't you?" She asks me, and I smirk. 

"Born and raised. But the last of my family." I say, "And so you start dating an original? Why?" She asks, sitting down in a chair. Still beyond my cell. "No. I tried to kill him a while ago. I was still a witch. A witch who's entire town was slaughtered by Mikaelsons." I starts, "And so you fall in love with one. That makes since." She says, "I wanted them all dead. But it didn't work that way. I captured Kol, yes. But I also fell in love. I hated myself for it." I say, and she looks intrigued. "What changed?" She asks me, "Me. From the day I was born there was something wrong with me. It's one of the reasons I've survived all these years." I say, "What's your secret?" She asks me, and I laugh again. "I have a lot of those Bennett. But one big one, is threats. They scare people into the tiniest of corners, but me? Threats never work. Because threats only work on someone, that have something to loose. But me?" I chuckle, "I've already lost everything. Kol was the only thing I had left." I say, and I see sincere in her eyes, making me smirk on the inside. Everything is going according to plan.

Kol's POV

I can't get out of this bloody cell! I need to find her! They can't hurt her! I won't let them! No one will hurt her! I was sitting against the wall, when I hear someone come on. I stand up, "You don't look to great?" A boy with black, spikes hair, and brown eyes says. "Tyler. Stop." A girl with blonde hair, and blue eyes says. "Where is she?" I ask them, "She's alive. For now. Who knows what there doing to her." The boy says, making me grab the bars of the cell, even though it's burns the bloody hell out of my hands. I have gotten used to it. "Tyler! Stop!" The blonde says, and I back away from the bars. "What Caroline? He and his lunatic girlfriend tried to kill you!" The boy yells, "Do you have a death wish? Because if happily comply you mute!" I shout, and he smirks. "I may be the dog. But your the one in the cage!" He shouts, "Tyler enough! He's in enough pain as it is! Your just making it worse!" Caroline says. "Listen to your girlfriend." I say, and he backs off. 

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