Roomates- Part 4

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This one is one of my favorite parts.

Kol decides to invite some friends over, along with Davina, having there own, separate, girls and boys sleepover. But will it stay separate?

Kol's POV

"It's been another couple weeks, and life with Davina is more exciting then I thought. I stopped inviting so many people over, and I stopped living like a pig. I also start to knock, when I feel like it. Davina comes in and watches TV, still, and I'm actually starting to just watch it with her. I got her into my show, pretty little liars, and now we watch it a lot. We've become rather close, and I'm finding it harder to just want her for my own needs now. We still walk to class together, and occasionally we go out for lunch, as friends of course. But, I don't know how much longer I want it to stay that way." I say, "Dude, first of all, pretty little lairs if LIFE! And second. From what you just explained, we think your in love." Kai says, "I mean, you two have been living together for 2 months now." Jeremy says, "And you said you want her has more then a friend, and not just for your horny needs." Damon adds. "Ok, love is a little much, don't you think?" I ask them-Ok, wait. This is to far ahead. Let's start from how it came to all my friends over.

3 hours ago

Kol's POV

"No." She says, "Why, it will be fun!" I say, "No." She says again. "You, are such a buzz kill, you know what. I don't need your permission. I'll invite them anyways!" I say, picking up my phone. "Kol, I swear to the lordy and savior Elijah Mikaelson that if you-" She starts, "Wait, what did you just say?" I ask her. "What?" She asks me, "Lordy, and savior, Elijah Mikaelson?" I ask her again. Why the hell is she calling my brother a savior! "Oh. Because my friend, takes medical classes, and one of the surgeons in her department, is your brother. And might I say, he looks fine, in a doctor suit." She says, and I feel a rage of jealously coming on. But why? "Ew, ew ew! You know what, for that. I'm inviting, as many of my friends as I want!" I say, "Fine! By me, I'll invite mine over to!" She says, "Fine!" I say, "Fine!" She says back, and we stomp into are rooms.

Davina's POV

I go to my phone, going to the group chat of all my close friends.

Davina added Caroline Forbes to this chat
Davina added Bonnie Bennett to this chat
Davina added Rebekah Mikaelson to this chat
Davina added Katherine Pierce to this chat

Caroline- Heyyy

Rebekah- Hi!

Bonnie- I'm here

Katherine- Hey

Davina- I have a very important question.

Rebekah- Ask away love

Katherine- Yeah, what's up?

Davina- Kol is being, per usual, childish. And now he's inviting his messy, disgusting, smelly friends over. Do you all wanna come and suffer with me?

Caroline- Like a sleepover?

Bonnie- I'm down. I have nothing better to do

Rebekah- I would never leave you alone with my annoying older brother

Katherine- I mean, why not

Davina- Caroline? You in?

Caroline- I wish I could say yes, because obviously a night with my favorite people sounds amazing. But, my mom just got out of the hospital.

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