The Cabin

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So this short story is more of a horror short.

Davina, Kol, Marcel, Cami, and Josh are considered more on the popular scale. They all decide to go away for the weekend, and they decide to invite the loner. The one who is invisible. Elena Gilbert. At this trip, an accident occurs, and everything goes down hill.

Davina's POV

Perfect. That's the word to describe my life. My name is Davina Claire, and I know that I shouldn't call my life perfect, but. It truly is. I'm not like a stuck up brat or anything, I like to think I have a good heart. But, I like being popular. Is that selfish? My parents work a lot, and I have an older brother. Sometimes we fight, but we get along other times. My father is a business man, and my mother is an artist. My brother is 3 years older then me, and he goes to Harvard. I go to Mystic highschool. It's an ok town, nothing interesting happens, and it's kinda boring. I guess that's why the world sent Kol Mikaelson my way. My boyfriend, the love of my life. He can make anything interesting, even math class! We saw each other in freshmen year, and we've been together ever since.

I also have my besties by my side, who have been there for me, even before I became popular. Cami and Josh. I love them like family. Cami is a freshmen in college, and when I graduate this year, I'm going to be going to Pen state just like her. I've been working for it my whole life. Even though my parents want me to go to Harvard, I say screw parents! Josh has been by friend since kindergarten. He's always been there for me, and I him. Even when he was in 8th grade, and came out to his parents. His dad didn't exactly approve of this, and not only beat him, but kicked him out. I couldn't allow him to live on the streets. So, he stayed with me for a while, until are junior year, when he got an apartment with Cami. There's also Kol's best friend, Marcel. He also attends Pen state, with Cami actually. Me and Marcel get along well, and he's like an older brother to me. Always looking out for my safety, but not in a lovely dovey way.

I was walking to class talking to Josh, listening to him ramble about a hot guy who stood him up. "Like, what the hell, such a clique move, I mean so 80's." He says, and I giggle. "Forget about him. He's nothing, compared to you, and if he's gonna stand you up, he's definitely not worth your time." I say, and he chuckles. "Yeah, I guess your right." He sighs, as I walk to my locker, "So what did you get on your bio test?" Josh asks me, "Uh-" I start, "Yeah what did you get darling?" Kol comes up behind me, rapping his arms around my waist, "Hey Josh." Kol greets, "Kol, what's up." Josh smiles. "Aw, cute. The school's Romeo and Juliet." Josh says, "Expect for the whole dying part?" Josh says, and one of the schools soccer players walks by, winking at Josh, and Josh smirks at him. "Well that's my cue." He says, walking away. "Don't you have class?" I ask my boyfriend, as we rock back and fourth in each other's arms, by my locker, as people walk by. "Don't you?" He asks back, his breath against my neck, and I hum. "Yes. Also, I got an A." I say, turning to face him. "I know." He says, leaning down, capturing my lips with his. I obviously kiss back, rapping my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, as his hands go to my hips.

We then hear someone clear there throat from behind us, causing us to pull away, and I look at the people. "Sorry, were we ruining something." Sybil asks. Sybil is someone who used to be on top. But now, ever since highschool, things changed. She also has a thing for MY boyfriend. Great right? "Actually, yes. You were." I respond. "Sorry, I was just wondering if you were going to Marcel's party this weekend?" She asks me eyeing Kol with her posse of minions behind her. "Yeah, he's my best friend, and she's my girlfriend. Of course she going. "Kol responded in a 'duh' ton. "Oh, right. Of course. Well, I'll leave you two love birds be." She says. Sybil desperately trys to be my friend. Now, anyone else, I would say yes. But Sybil is the mean type of popular. The kind that bullies people for small insecurities. And that's not right. I wouldn't be dating Kol if he was a stuck up prick. I have taste, along with common sense. Something Sybil doesn't have. "Right, we should be getting to class anyway." I say, "Right, let me walk you." Sybil says, "Uh, no I'm ok. I'm gonna go with Kol." I say, "Oh, ok then. Another time?" She asks, biting her lip and eyeing Kol, which he rolls his eyes at. "Sure." I say, and me and Kol are quickly off.

After school

I quickly start to walk out of the school, excited to see Cami as she has a surprise for us. She asked for me, Kol, Marcel, and Josh to meet her at the tap. The tap, is are secret hang out. It's basically an abandoned tunnel, that we found and we named it the tap because it has this fountain in the back that's always dripping water, even though it doesn't work. "D! Over here!" Marcel shouts, and I see him and Kol by Kol's car. I smile, and wave Josh over, and we all get into Kol's car. Me and him in the front, while Marcel and Josh sit in the back. "Cami said come right after school, so hurry up." I say, and we're soon on are way to the tap. "Why is Cami calling a super squad meeting?" Josh asks. "I don't know, but she said it is a surprise that we will all enjoy." I respond. "So she got me that soccer players number?" Josh asks, "Get your head out of the clouds Josh." Marcel chuckles, "Oh, of course, I forgot the surprise is that she's gonna spread her legs for you-" Josh chuckles playfully, as Marcel smacks his arm, and I giggle. "No real surprise there though is there mate?" Kol asks, and I hit him playfully.

We soon arrive at the tap, and we all see Cami already there on her phone. "Finally, god took you all 60 years." She says, and I smile, "Well, that's because Kol can't drive." Marcel says, "Got that right." Cami responds, as we all sit down, and get comfy. I sit on Kol's lap, and Josh sits on the bean bag chair, while Marcel sits next to cami on the longer couch. "Ok, so. What's the big surprise?" I ask her, as she hands all of us a beer from the mini fridge. "Well, as you all know, the O'Connell family as, many, many secrets." She starts, taking a swig of her beer. "And, because of these secrets, we have a ton, of land. Anyway, my great grandfather, had this cabin, up in the hills, a couple miles away from here. I was thinking, we could all. You know, get away for the weekend." She says.

"Oh, I'm so in." Josh answers, "Wait, how old is it?" I ask her, "Probably older then my grandfather, but it's fine. Nothing bad is gonna happen. It will just be us there, this weekend, no interruptions." She says, "I don't know." I say, "Oh come on love. It will be fun." Kol smiles, "Yeah, but. Exams are coming up and-" I start, "Only more reason for us to go. We need a vacation D, you need a vacation." Marcel says, and I bite my lip. "Come on Dede. One weekend?" Cami says, and I sigh. "Fine, I'll go, but if I fail, it's on you." I say, and Cami giggles, "And besides. It's one place you and Kol haven't done it." Josh jokes, and I throw a pillow at him, and he chuckles. We all are having fun, joking around. Until the night starts to show, and we all head home. Little did any of us know, that this weekend was the biggest mistake of are lives....

Part 1. Done. So, I've ALWAYS wanted to do a horror short, and my friend Kai_isDaddy helped me come up with this idea. I'm so excited, yet scared for this part. Also, there are 3, maybe 4 parts to this.

Also, go check out Kai_isDaddy story, "Switched at birth." It's not done yet, but so far it's really great. Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to vote and comment.

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