Abusive Boyfriend- Part 1

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Damon Salvatore is Davina's boyfriend of 2 years. Ever since Elena went with Stefan. At first, there relationship was fine, but now, not so much. Damon is very abusive towards Davina, and when her child hood best friend comes back, what will happen?

Davina's POV

I was walking back from college, going back to my apartment that wasn't to far from school. I live there with my boyfriend, Damon. I walk through the door, and see him at the table drinking bourbon, working on his laptop on something. "Hey babe." I say, stepping through the door. "Hey, how was school?" He asks, as he does online school. "It was fine." I say, "I'm gonna take a shower, and then a nap, k?" I ask him, and he smiles. "Want me to join?" He smirks, and I through my jacket at him, making him chuckle, "No you perve, stay here." I say, pecking his lips, and going towards the shower.

That's how life was 2 years ago. When everything was, happy. Not so much anymore...

I got off the school, having to be held back from class because of an assignment I couldn't do, because of Damon. He had beaten me so hard last week, it was hard for my hand to move. But I can't tell my professor that. I slowly walk into the apartment door, closing it behind me. I sit my bag and shoes down, going into my room, "And why are you home late?" Damon asks, "T-the teacher held me back, I swear." I say, quickly. "Again? You are so pathetic. Can't even get an assignment done." He says, stepping forward, and I can smell the alcohol. "P-please, I'm sorry." I say, "Sorry?! Your always sorry! You cry, and you whine, and you are always, SORRY! Are you anything else, ever!?" He asked, now raged.

"Damon, please-" I start, but he throws the empty bottle down on the ground, breaking it, making me flinch. "Shut up whore!" He yells, "Now. Pick up the glass." He says, "Wha-what?" I ask him, "PICK UP THE DAMN GLASS DAVINA!" He yells, and again, I flinch. Tears about to spring. I start to pick up the glass beside him, when he grabs my hair, forcing me to look at him. "And don't ever talk back, again, got it?" He asks, and I nod. He throws me back down, making some glass pieces enter my skin, causing me to help. He scoffs, and goes into are room, slamming the door.

Now, I know what your thinking. I know I should pack my stuff and go. But that's just it, I have no where to go. My friends all have roommates, and Damon would literally kill me if I told anyone. I can't go home to my parents for reasons I do not wish to speak of... I'm stuck with this monster... He wasn't always like this. Only for a year now. After he was fired, and after he failed online school, he began to drink. I had to get a job to work off the rent. He started with calling me names, then slapping me, then punching, kicking, pushing, and sometimes he would force me to sleep with him. I hated him for it. I hate him. All I wanna do is die. I've thought about it, trust me, I have. But what good would that do? That's probably all Damon wants, and the last thing I wanna give him, is what he wants.

I finally finish picking up the glass. I go to the bathroom, getting the glass from my skin. I winch at the pain. I hop in the shower, quickly get dressed, and go into my room, seeing Damon left when I was in the shower. I lock the door, and lay down. Falling fast asleep. Not wanting anymore torture for the night.

2 hours later

I here my phone ring, and I don't bother looking at the caller ID. I pick it up, "Hello?" I ask, "Hello darling." A voice says, "Who is this?" I ask, "Oh, don't tell me you've forgotten me? Has it been that long since my wench of a mother dragged me away from that swing set when we were 12?" He asks, and a smile goes to my face. My eyes widen, my heart beats fast, "Kol!" I squeal through the phone. "There she is." He says chuckling with his British accent. "Oh, god it's been to long!" I say, sitting up. "Your telling me. How's life been?" He asks, oh great! My boyfriend hits on me everyday, cheats on me every week, and sometimes I just wanna die. Yeah, it's great. "Fine it's fine." I lie, "Davina, are you alright?" He asks, and I nod over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm ok. How about you? Got anyone special?" I ask him, "Actually, I just got out of a relationship. It ended on good terms though, nothing to bad." He says, wish I could say the same. "That's good." I say, "How about you? What man swept you off your feet?" He asks, "Oh, um.. well, there is one guy." I say, "I would hope it's only one." He jokes, and we laugh. "His name is Damon Salvatore." I say, "Oh? Salvatore. Italian, fancy. Does he have a goatee and a mustang to?" Kol asks, and I giggle. "No, he doesn't." I respond, "So, where do you live now?" I ask, hoping to change the subject off Damon. "Well, I live in New Orleans now. But I have a little surprise." He says, and  I here a knock on the door, and my nerves rack up. "Um, Kol I have to go." I say, hanging up immediately. I go to the door, expecting Damon, but instead I see, "Kol!" I squeal, noticing that smirk anywhere. But also, his appearance. He's gotten really hot, and I probably shouldn't say that since I have a boyfriend but Jesus!

"Darling." He says, and I know that's his nickname for me. I rap my arms around his shoulders, and he holds me in his arms, swinging me around in a friendly way. "God, I've missed you so much Davina Claire." He says, putting me down, "Me to. It's been so long!" I say, "So, are you gonna invite me in, or are you gonna let me freeze to death our here?" He asks, and again, my nerves hit the roof. I clear my throat. "Um, how about another time. It's getting kinda late, and you probably wanna rest." I say, and he frowns, "It's only 7 o'clock. I'm fine." He says, "What, hiding Damon in your bedroom?" He asks, with a hint of something in his eyes, "No it's not that it's just... How about we go out, mm? A bar, or cafe?" I ask him, "Fine. Where should we go?" He asks, I look at the time, I have an hour. "Mystic grill. Where we used to hang out on your sisters birthday? How is Rebekah anyway?" I ask him, "Annoying." He sighs, "Shut up." I laugh, and he laughs. I bite my lip as we stare into one another's eyes.

"Ok, how about you sit on the couch, while I get ready?" I ask him, "Sounds good to me." He says, and I let him in. The house looks pretty normal, seeing as Damon makes me clean it everyday. I go into my room, and start to change.

Kol's POV

I've missed her so much. Being back feels like, a weight lifting. But I would have came sooner if I knew she looked like that. Her gorgeous curls, her pink lips, her short figure, her everything is perfect. I sit on the couch, sniffing the air, and frowning as it smells like someone has been drinking. I then look, standing up, going towards the kitchen, when I here a crack. I look down at my shoe and see broken glass, along with a bit of blood. What the hell? I frown again, going towards the kitchen. I see a broken picture of Davina, standing next to a man with dark, black hair, blue eyes, and tall. Damon. I think to myself. I then wonder why it's broken, and why it hasn't been replaced? If there living together, they must be in love? You'd think they'd fix something like this.

I've always had a thing for Davina. Since we were in kindergarten. Are mom's were best friends, but I moved away when we were in 7th grade, and I haven't seen her since. "So, how'd you get my number anyways?" I here Davina shout from her room. "Well, my mom talked to your mom, and your mom gave my mom your number, and my mom gave me your number." I explain, "Cause that made since." Davina says, stepping out of the room in dark blue skinny jeans with ripped holes, and a black tank shirt, with combat boots. My jaw drops, "Hey Mikaelson, eyes up here." She says, and I quickly look back at her. "You've grown so much." I say, "Wow, thanks dad." She smiles, and I grab my jacket, before we're off.

So this was part one. I needed! To do this. See, I've been reading a story, and it's making me so mad at the abusive guy. So, I made this to help my anger out. Also, sorry for you Damon Salvatore lovers, I had to make him the bad guy. Don't know why, just had to.

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