Meeting the family-Part 2

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Part 2.

Davina's POV

Me and Kol are packing, getting ready to go to Mystic falls! I'm so excited to meet Kol's family. But then, I have my doubts. Like, maybe they won't like me? Or, they'll think I'm weak? Or-Oh shut it Davina! "Got everything love?" Kol asks, "Yep." I say, "And your sure, you want to do this? We can in pack right now, and go back to bed?" Kol asks, "Tempting, but I'm sure." I giggled, and he sighed, "Fine. Let's go then." He says, and I practically skip down to his car. We put are bags in the back, and I get into the front, him in the driver's seat. "Ready?" He asks, "Yes!" I say, buckling, and he does as well. He rolls his eyes, and I hit him on the back of his head. We soon start driving. On are way to Mystic falls, and only the ancestors know what's in store of us.

With the Mikaelsons.

Klaus' POV

"I didn't take your damn dress Rebekah!" I scream, "Then who the bloody hell did?! You probably have it to that whore, Caroline!" Rebekah shouted, "Watch it! Or I will dagger you myself!" I scream. "Ugh! Enough with the dagger threats Nik!" Rebekah screams, "Niklaus! Sister! If you please!" Elijah inturrupts, "What now Elijah?" I ask, frustrated, "Kol is on his way back home." He says, and Rebekah groans, "Another boy in this house? I need my own place." Rebekah says, "Or some friends?" I say, and she scoffs, "Like you have any!" She spits back, "Sister I will-" "Niklaus! Control yourself!" Elijah shouts, and Rebekah smirks before leaving. I take a breath. "She is so aggravating sometimes." I say, grabbing my bourbon, and Elijah rolls his eyes, "So. When will are dear brother be here?" I ask, "Soon. He is on is way now I assume." Elijah says.

"Good. Did he say anything else?" I ask him, "Just that he has news." He says, and I smirk, "Great. Can't wait to hear it." I smile.

Kol's POV

We just passed the Mystic falls welcome sign, and Davina is on her phone texting Marcellous. "So, what's the first thing we're gonna do when we get to Virginia?" I ask her, "See your family." She replies, putting her phone down, "Or, we could eat?" I ask, and she rolls her eyes, "Kol. You promised." She says, "I know, but, there, them." I say and she scoffs, "And your. You." She says, and I glare at her. "How longer do we have?" She asks, "A couple more minutes." I say, and she smiles, "Ok. Tell me something about them." She says, and I sigh, "Well, my brother Finn is the oldest, but fortunately, he passed." I say, "Fortunately?" She asks, "He was a bloke." I say, and she nods, "Elijah is the noble brother, or as people call him. He also, in a weird way, keeps are family together." I say, and she nods, "And?" She asks, "Well, there's Niklaus, or Klaus. He is the worst. He kept me and my siblings daggered for centuries, and he hates being wrong. But, also, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have met you." I say, putting my hand on her thigh, making her smile. "Any others? Sisters?" She asks, and I chuckle, "Rebekah. She's the youngest. Also, the most annoying." I say, and she smacks my arm, "Be nice." She says, and I roll my eyes. We then pull up to the mansion. "Wow." She mumbles, and I chuckle, "You should see are place in New Orleans." I say, getting out of the car. "I forgot. Your rich." She says, getting out as well.

"Ready?" I ask her, "Yep." She says. And we walk towards the door. I walk into the house, Davina right behind me. "I'm home!" I yell, and soon, Klaus is in front of me. "Kol!" He says, pulling me into a hug, "Hello Nik." I say, and he smirks, pulling away. "Who's your friend?" He asks, going towards Davina. "Did you bring food, oh you shouldn't have brother." Nik says, and my jaw drops at what he said to Davina, knowing what's coming next. "Excuse you?" She asks, "Well my brother loves showing off his snacks. Come here love." Klaus says, and I'm about to step in, but then Davina interferes. "I am not food!" She says, dropping her bags, and pushing Klaus back with her magic. "And I'm guessing your Klaus?" She asks, and Klaus gets up, raged.

No one's POV

"Brother, who the bloody hell is she?!" Klaus shouts, "Niklaus! What is going on!" Elijah asks coming down stairs, "What's with all the noise?" Rebekah asks, and both come into view. "Brothers, sister. This is Davina, my girlfriend." Kol says, rapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek for blasting his elder brother. "Girlfriend? Oh you pour thing. Kol!" Rebekah screams, "You can't just use her!" She says, and Davina steps in "Rebekah right? He's not using me." She says, and Rebekah looks confused.

"Kol, who is she. Really." Elijah asks, "I know it's hard to believe Lijah, but it's the real thing." Kol says, "Your a witch?" Klaus asks, "State the obvious will ya." Davina says sarcastically, making Davina giggle, "I like her." Rebekah says, "Well this is the last thing I was expecting" Elijah says, "Your telling me." Klaus says back, "I think she's quite amazing. So how'd you end up with my brother?" Rebekah asks, making Davina giggle, and Kol glare at Rebekah. "Well actually, it was Klaus." Davina says, and Klaus scoffs, "My very first regret." Klaus smirks, and Davina smirks back. "You sent me to Denver, and I made a detour, to New Orleans. And there, not only did I meet the love of my life, but an old friend." Kol says, "Love of your life?!" Klaus shouts, "Old friend?" Elijah asks, "Marcellous." Kol states, "Marcel? H-he's alive?" Rebekah stutters, and Davina and Kol stand proud. "Yep. Alive and well. And he rules the city." Kol says, and Davina smacks him in the back of the head, "Shut up." She says, and he smirks. "Well Davina. Would you like to stay for dinner?" Elijah asks, "No. She wouldn't. Right love?" Klaus asks, "Actually Elijah. I would love to stay for dinner." Davina answers, "Ooh! Finally, another girl in the house!" Rebekah squeals, and the girls giggle as they enter the living room.

Part 3 will be up soon. Sorry for the lack of updates, I've just been a bit busy. Hope you enjoyed!

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