It's Ok

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WARNING! This is the saddest one shot I have ever made-so prepare yourself people.

The music makes it better, I promise.

.................It wasn't supposed to happen like this... None of this was supposed to happen. I had been through hell, and back, over and over again, to meet her. To meet the one person I could live for. And now...

"Marcel! Stop!"

"Kol, please don't do this to yourself!"

I could here Marcellus pumping her heart, trying to give her what little time she had left. I know I should be down there with her, but I couldn't watch her die. It wasn't supposed to end like this. She wasn't supposed to get hurt. We were free, just to be trapped again.

"Marcellus you can't save her!"


Everyone was down stairs, expect for me, and a pleading Rebekah. Tears streamed down her face, as I held the white oak stake in my hand, to my chest. The only thing I was listening to was her faint heart beat, and as soon as it went away, so would I. "Kol, please... Put it down, we can fix this-" I turned to my sister, finally stopping myself from listening to the girl I love dying down stairs. "YOU CAN'T FIX THIS REBEKAH! A WORLD WITHOUT HER IS A WORLD NOT WORTH LIVING!" Tears we're already streaming down my face, and I tightened my grip on the stake.

Down stairs

"M-Marcel p-please-" Davina stuttered, feeling the death rule over her small bloody body. "Just hold on D, please!" "M-Marcel-" He wouldn't listen. That is, until she put in the weak strength she had left, and grabbed his hand, making his hands stop from keeping her heart beating longer. "Davina, let go of me." He said, his voice soft, yet stern. She put on a sick smile, "You know I can't do that." Marcel shook his head, "Davina no! You are not dying, not now!" He tried to pump her heart once again, but she wouldn't let him. "Davina, please stop, let me save you, please!" He pleaded, wanting nothing more then for her to live. Everyone in the room, being Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, and Cami were all silent. Tears streaming down there eyes, feeling sorry for the little witch.

"Marcel. I-it's o-ok..." She protested, tears streaming down her eyes. "I'm not scared.... Not anymore." Marcel let's out a sob, as his hands shake in her small, bloody ones. Marcel sighs, "I-I want you to live..." He starts, "I want that more then anything in this world... I want you to fight like hell, for your life.." He sighs, a new wave of tears approaching his eyes. "But... with everyone who you've lost... And everything you've been through... I know you don't wanna keep fighting... I know it's hard, to keep fighting." Davina pits another sad smile on, as does Marcel. "S-so, as much as I hate it... I-I want you to know.. I-it's ok... I-y-you can go D." Coming with terms of the facts, he realized what was at stake. But he wanted her to be ok. And he knew, she was. She smiled, soon, Kol touches Marcel's shoulder, indicating he wants to have some time with his dying wife. Marcel stands up, kissing Davina's forehead before he goes. Everyone leaves the room, giving the couple some time.

"K-Kol-" He shushes her, "Save your energy darling." He says, more tears flowing through both of there eyes. She nods, and he sighs. "I don't want you to leave me Davina. More then anything I want you to stay... So much so, I was upstairs, about to make a decision I knew you would hate me for..." Davina sniffles, sobbing a bit. "Bloody hell Davina. There were so many things I still wanted to do... We were supposed to travel the world. Find a way to have kids even. Watch them grow up..." Her small hand, grabs his shaky larger ones, "I wanted those things to Kol." She says, weakly, starting to feel her life slip away. "Then why won't you fight?" She again, gives a delicate smile, and says, "Because Kol. As much as I want those things, and trust me I do... It's my time. And that's ok. It's gonna hurt for a long time... But, it'll get better baby... I promise." Kol brings her hand to his lips, giving it a fragile kiss. They sit in silence for a while, before Davina takes her last breath. Just to make sure, Kol listens for a heartbeat, but can't find hers, making more tears stream down his already tear stained face. "I love you my love..." He places a kiss on her forehead, closing her dead eyes, for what will be, forever.

But even after she's gone, he knows that there love will live, always, and forever...

I don't know what made me wanna make this, but I was tearing all through it. Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to comment and vote!

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