Bar fight

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Kol rages at a douche who hits on Davina when they are out at a bar. A fight breaks out between the douche and his friends against Davina and Kol.

Kol's POV

Me and my adoring Davina, were in a bar in Seattle, I presume. Ever sense the hollow brought her back, and we left, we've been exploring all kinds of places. We walk into the bar, hand in hand, a smile on her face. "Out of all the places for are date we come here?" I ask her, "Yep. Because the only bar I've been to is Cami's, and besides. This place has decent music." She says, and I smirk, "And pool table." I say, as we get closer to a table, "Oh no. I cannot, play pool to save my life!" She says, and I chuckle. "Oh come on love. It won't be that bad?" I say, as we take a seat. "No. I'm not playing pool. But, we can go dancing?" She says, and I smirk, "Food. Then dancing. Then pool." I say, and she groans, "Fine! One game of pool, and that's it!" She says, and I smile. Knowing I won this battle.

Davina's POV

Me and Kol are currently dancing, as we have been for about 10 minutes now. I'm so in love with him, and I can't explain it to him more. He's so, wild, and carefree. It's nice to have a change. He twirls me around, and I giggle, and he bows me as the song ends. "I love you." I say, and he kisses me, pulling me up as well. "I love you more." He says, and I bit my lip, smiling. "Now, we drink-" I start, "No. Now, we play pool." He says, and I groan thinking he forgot. "Can't we wait till after drinks?" I ask him, "How about this. You, make one shot. And then I'll go order for us." He says, and I smile, "I'm up for that bet." I say, and we go over to the pool table.

"Ok, so the point of the game is-" He starts, and I scoff, "Kol. I know how to play pool, I just suck at it." I say, and he chuckles, "Let's fix that." He says, and I pick up a cue. "Ladies first." He says, "Or cocky, childish, sarcastic hotties first?" I ask, and he smirks, "Cocky, childish, sarcastic, and hot. You have me down to the bone Darling." He says, and I roll my eyes. I lean down, going for a shot, and shooting. Surprising me and him, I hit the white ball, which hits a solid. Getting a stripe in one of the wholes. "I'm sorry, didn't you say and I quote. 'I just suck at the game?' Cause that didn't look like you sucked?" He says, getting ready for his shot. "Maybe I just really need one of those drinks you promised me?" I say, and he gets up, putting his cue down. "I did promise. Alright, stay here. Don't move." He says, and I nod. I start planning my next shot, just in case.

Kol's POV

I quickly get 2 shots, and head back to the table. As I'm walking back, I see 2 guys, hovering over Davina, as she's against the wall. My blood boils, and I drop the drinks, vamp speeding to both of them, and literally throughing one of them across the bar. Getting some attention of others, but not a lot, as the music in this bar is extremely loud. "What the hell?!" Yhe guy asks, angry. "Get away from her." I growl, and he smirks, "Dude. If you want her that bad, were happy to share?" He says, and I chuckle, but not playfully. "See, that's the thing about me. I don't particularly like to share." I say, punching the guy in the face, sending him out like a light.

No one's POV

"Are you alright love?" Kol asks Davina. "I'm fine. Thank you." She says, and then pulls me in for a kiss. "Your very welcome." Kol says, but then, a girl comes up. "Did you just punch my boyfriend?" The girl asks, "He did. Got a problem with it?" Davina asks. The girls eyes flash yellow showing that she's a wolf. "Big mistake princess." The girl says, and she expected Davina to tremble, but Davina just smirked. "Let's see what you got!" Davina firs back, but Kol gets in front of her, "Ladies. How about we have a civil-" He starts, but the girl kicks him, and fury reins in Davina. "Don't touch him!" Davina says, before using her magic to snap the girls neck. Sara!" The guy Kol punched yells. "You bitch!" The guy yells, looking at Davina, "What did you just call her?!" Kol asks, standing up, "A bitch!" He spits, and Davina becomes angry, but Kol. He becomes raged. Kol shows his fangs, biting into the douches neck, causing him to scream, "John!" Amber yells, jumping on Kol's back, "I just said get off him!" Davina yells, ripping the girl off.

"Leave my friend alone!" Another girl yells, ripping Davina's jacket, making her gasp, "Bitch!" Davina yells, kicking the girl back. Kol gets off of John, as a bunch of guys circle Kol. "You killed my brother, and now. We will kill you!" One says, "Or, I could give the same death as your bloke of a brother?" Kol teases, "I will kill you!" Another says, and Kol chuckles. "Don't test me." He says, before they all jump at Kol, and Kol fights them off.

"You will pay for that." Amber's friend says, getting up. "Will I?" Davina asks, and another girl holds Davina back, taking her by surprise. "Let me go!" Davina yells, "Sorry, can't do that!" The girl says, banging a beer bottle on Davina head. "Davina!" Kol yells, but I guy hits him, "Now you've done it!" Davina yells, "Motus!" She yells, and all the girls blast back. Davina starts to bleed a little on her head, and she takes off her jacket , her shirt slightly ripped. "You stupid little girl." Amber says, as she gets up, along with Amber's other friends. "Little girl? That's all you got?" Davina asks, "Were gonna tear you apart!" Another one says, "Yeah, good luck." Davina says, before blasting one of them back, and the other to charge her. Davina rips them off, blasting them back again. "Give up yet?" She asks, "Were just getting started." They say

3 of the guys Kol's was fighting are dead. The first ones neck is snapped, the other ones heart is filled out, and the third one died of blood lose. "Still fighting? I'm impressed." Kol says, and one of them growl, "Ooh. I've hit a nerve. Relax, Darling. Your death will be most enjoyable." Kol says, as the guys stare him down. "Maybe. But if we go down, were taking your girl with us!" He threatens, and Kol glances at Davina, as she snaps a girls neck, and starts fighting with the other girl. "She is quite the beauty. Maybe I'll take her, before I break her after we kill you!" The guy says, about to jump Kol, but Kol moves, "Don't touch her!" Kol says, pushing the guy on the wall, biting into his neck, causing the guy to scream.

"John!" The guy screams. And Kol pulls away, his shirt a bit ripped from the guys beating ok him, and blood all over him, but it's mostly not his. "Your turn mate." Kol says, showing his vampire face, and attacking the guy, ripping his head off. Kol then looks at Davina, and sees she's standing over the girls body, as the girl as a beer bottle in her head. Everyone who wasn't in the fight, left the bar. So now, it's just Kol and Davina standing. Kol smirks at his lovely girlfriend. Her shirt his ripped down in the middle, and she has a couple cuts, but nothing to serious.

"I don't think you realize how sexy you look right now." Kol says, vamp speeding to his girlfriend. "Your telling me." Davina says, looking Kol up and down. They smile, and lean in for a passionate kiss.

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