The Cabin- Part 8

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Ok, so this was meant to be the final part, but if it was, it would have been at least 8,000 words or more! And I don't think you all wanna read a chapter that long? So there is gonna be one more part. God, this is a log series. It was extremely hard to write this chapter and you will see why after you read. Also, this is a long chapter, hopefully its worth it. Enjoy!

Warning: Gore, blood, loss, and fluff.

Kol's POV

I was walking around the cabin, looking for Davina. "Have any of you seen Davina?" I ask them, and they all shake there head. "It's been 2 hours and none of you are concerned? Bloody hell, you are all out of your bloody minds!" I shout, slamming the door. "Kol! Kol get back here!" Katherine yells. "Kol!" Is the last thing I hear her say. I start walking, seeing as it's a bit chilly, I start rubbing my hands together. "Davina!" I scream, but no response. "Davina!?" I keep screaming. I walk for what feels like a mile, before I finally find her, "Davina!" I yell, going over to her limp body, laying on the ground. I grab her body, touching her skin, just to retreat my hand. She's ice cold. Has she been out like this all this time? What happened to her? There's a bit of blood, coming from her eyes, ears, and mouth. She also as a gash in her arm. I pick her up bridal style after I cover her up with my jacket. "Your gonna be ok." I whisper, as I feel her cold breath on my neck.

I slam the door open with my foot. I was walking for awhile, but I didn't stop. I had to get her home. Cami and Marcel were there, and they immediately stood up. "Omg, what happened?!"  Cami says, "Help her." I say, before nearly passing out, just as Marcel grabs Davina, and I fall to the ground. "Kol! Kol!" I here them scream, and soon I'm out. 

No one's POV

"Take her to my bedroom, now! Josh, get in here!" Cami yells, and bends down to Kol's level. Soon, Josh and Katherine run in here, "What's going on?!" Josh yells, "Kol carried a passed out Davina in here-Josh get some water!" Cami yells again, "I-is she ok?" Katherine asks, "Oh, don't pretend like you care now! Just help me out!" Cami yells again, making Katherine frown, and bend down, trying to help Cami as much as she can. Back with Marcel, he put Davina onto her bed, covering her up with everything blanket in the house. "Is she ok?" Cami comes into the room, "I don't know. But I do know she is ice cold." Marcel says, and Cami goes over to her body. Run the shower." Cami says, "What?" Marcel asks, "The shower. Run it, now!" She yells again, and he runs to the bathroom. Soon, Marcel carries Davina into the bathroom, putting her in the bathtub. "Go help Kol, and let me know when he wakes up. And get Katherine." Cami says again, and Marcel nods, running downstairs. 

"Marcel said you needed help?" Katherine says, coming in. "Yeah, I need help getting her clothes off." Cami says, taking off Davina's jacket. "Uh, ok." She says, and they start taking off her clothes until she's in her undergarments. "Is she warm enough?" Katherine asks Cami, "I'm not-" And soon a gasp is heard. "No! Leave me alone! Stop it!" Davina starts screaming. "Davina, calm down!" Cami says, "NO! STOP IT, STOP!" She shouts, and soon and starts screaming bloody murder! Soon Josh and Marcel run into the bathroom. "Omg is she ok?!" Josh asks, "D! D what's wrong!" Marcel says, but she doesn't stop screaming. "Davina!" Katherine yells, and soon her eyes flick black, before they go normal, and she stops screaming. "What the hell was that?!" Cami asks them, "What, what happened?" Katherine asks, "Her eyes, they, they-" "They what Cami?" Davina asks me, and before I can respond, Marcel is by her side. "Are you alright D?" He asks her. "I'm fine. I just wanna lay down." She says, standing up, and starting to walk out. "Hey, wait! What happened to you in the woods?" I ask her. "She turns around, as Josh hands her a towel. "Does it matter? I'm awake. And I'm fine." She says, and leaves us all confused.

Kol's POV 

I gasp awake, Marcel at my side. "Where is she?" I ask him, "She's sleeping." He says, and I try to get up, but he pushes me down. "Kol, she woke up." He says, "So let me go!" I say, but he doesn't. "She, she was acting, strange Kol. We're all trying to give her some room right now." He says, "She doesn't need room Marcel! She needs me!" I yell, pulling his hand off of me, and standing up. "You didn't see her in those woods. She was cold, bleeding, and scared. I need to see her." I say, and he looks down. "Fine." He says, and I make my way to her room. I see her sleeping, wearing a white night gown. "I got her." I tell Cami, as she was sitting in a chair on the bed. She nods, and leaves. I sit beside her, gently shaking her awake. "Davina. Hey, it's me." I say, and she rubs her eyes, looking my way. "Kol?" She asks, and I nod. Smiling. She sits up, and hugs me. "Are you alright love?" I ask her, "Yes. I'm fine." She says, and pulls away. Kissing me. I pull away. "Love, can you tell me what happened in those woods?" I ask her, and she frowns. 

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