Just Friends- Part 2

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You guys wanted a part 2, so here you go!

Kol's POV

"But, I thought you said that it was just hook ups?" Kai says, and I nod. "That's what it was in the beginning. And then-" "Oh Kol, seriously? You caught feelings? God, how, I mean, yeah she's hot but how great could she be?" He says, and I glare daggers at him. "Amazing. She's smart, caring, laid back-" "I'm sure she's laid back when you on top of her. Kol, oh! Don't stop!" He has a death wish, obviously. I throw a pillow at him, making him laugh. "Maybe I should have called Marcel." I say, rolling my eyes, but Kai clears his throat, straightening up. "No, I'm sorry. Go on." He says, and I nod. 

"And she just, left? Like, in the middle of your I love you speech? Well that's bitchy." He says, and I shake my head. "No, she kept saying stop. Like she was, scared or something? Oh god! What if she's scared of me? What did I do, think Kol!" I say, and Kai frowns, "Kol, stop! That's not why, just shut up. Your scaring me." He says, and I glare at him for the 12th time today. "Look, from what you told me, I think you should go see her. Go to her Romeo." He says, and I stand up. "Bloody hell, your right! I'm an idiot." I say, and he nods, standing up. "I know. Now go. I'll house sit." He says, and I'm about to protest, when Rebekah comes down the steps. "Kai. Can you come help me with something?" She asks, and he smirks, "Sure Bex." He says, following her upstairs, winking at me on the way. I roll my eyes in disgust, and go out the door. 

Davina's POV

"He told you he loved you, and you didn't say it back?!" Bonnie says, a little pissed at me. "I, I was scared, I just-" "Why were you scared?" She asks me, and I look down, "Because I... The last person who said they loved me, everyone who says they love me, they die, or leave, or hurt me..."

"My mother, dead.."

"Love you mommy!" "I love you too baby." 

"My father, left.." 

"Where are you going daddy?" "I'll be back baby, don't worry. I love you." 

"Hell, even the last guy I dated..."

"You said you loved me! And then, you do this?!" "You think I could love you? It was just to get in your pants. Now hurry up, and get your shit. I'm meeting Monique an in hour." 

A tear escapes my eye, which Bonnie quickly removes. "Davina, I know what's happened in the past sucks. Trust me, it does but, that doesn't mean you should never love again." She says, and soon, the door bell rings. "Who is it?" I whisper at her, and she goes to the blinds. "Shit, it's Kol." She says, and my eyes widen. "Uhm, ok, just, out the back!" I say, and Bonnie nods. "Bye, see ya tomorrow." Bonnie says, and my eyes widen. "No! I'll get rid of him, and you come back." I say, and she shakes her head. The knocking gets louder, and the doorbell rings again. "Davina, tell him the truth." She says, opening the door, and leaving. I breath, going towards the door, and slowly opening it. 

"Hey." I say, quite but enough for him to here me. He gives a weak smile, "Hey." "Uh, I saw Bonnie's car. Was I interrupting something?" He asks, and I look back to see Bonnie's car gone. "Well, there was a-never mind." He says, and I giggle. "Ok, this was stupid." He mumbles, turning around. Davina, don't let him leave! "Kol, wait!" He turns to face me, "You uh, do you um. Wanna come in for tea?" I ask him, and he smiles. 

He's sat on the couch. His elbows on his thighs, as he sits up. I bring in the cups of tea, sitting beside him. "Davina, I.. About earlier-" "Stop. Kol, before you say anything else, you need to know something." I sit my tea cup down. I take a deep breath, scooting closer to the tall brunette. "Look I. In the past, I haven't had great experiences with love. Everyone I love, they either leave, or die." I start, my eyes starting to water. I look into his chocolate brown eyes. "Kol, I don't know if I could live with my self if I lost someone like you. If you left, or, or if something happened to you-" "Davina, hey." A silent sob escapes my mouth, as tear flood down my eyes. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. Nothing bad is gonna happen to me, I swear it." He says, wiping my faint tears. I smile, leaning into his hand. We glance at each other's lips, soon brushing against one another's. 

We pulls apart, "Kol.. I love you to." I whisper, and his eyes widen, as he smiles. Kissing me again. I smile into the kiss, as he pulls me onto his lap. "Hey Davina I forgot my-oh god!" Me and Kol quickly pull apart, and I jump off his lap. "B-Bonnie. Uh, what did you uh, forget?" I ask her, running a hand through my hair. "Well, my purse. But I can come back for it if your busy-" "No, here." I say, grabbing her purse from the night stand. "Here!" I say, smiling, and she smiles. "You got him girl." She says, and I smile. "Bye Kol." She says, and Kol smiles, "Bye Bonnie." He says, and she leave. Kol stands up, coming towards me, as we laugh. "I love you." He says, and I smile. "I love you more." I say, and he scoffs, "Impossible!" 

1 year later

I was walking down the street, when I saw him. He approached me, making me look anywhere but him. "Davina. Can we talk?" He asks, and I look at him with a fake smile. "Go away Kol." I say, and he frowns, "Why?" He asks, and I look up at him, "Because Kol. You broke your promise." I grab my things, and walk out. Forgetting all about Kol Mikaelson. 

Not edited. 

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